So all heel winners? JeriKO over Enzo and Cass Charlotte over Sasha Miz over Crews Styles over Cena Club technically got win over New Day (by DQ) Ambrose over Ziggler (Both faces, but Ziggler was underdog Face) Heel diva team over Face diva team
This show is going to end up going until 1130. I know that is pretty common these days but this shit has been on since 5. I don't need more bang for my buck.
I understand lesnar/orton being the main event. WWE "ridiculous name I refuse to call it" title going before rusev/reigns is interesting. Ready to see the WWE R.N.I.R.T.C.I. Title.
Rollins need to make his all whites something similar to Finn paint. Except used even less frequently
Laughing at the fans booing the name of Universal Championship and booing every time they show the awful looking title.
Announcers calling him Demon King instead of Finn Balor is really annoying the fuck out of me right now