I'm not above drunk posting. I just usually do Anelka highlight videos in the Chelsea thread, or talk about Nevermore in the Heavy Metal thread though.
lol, I’m sorry again all. Just was being silly, and not serious in my words a bottle. Love everyone, I hope that you guys have a nice new year.
Went birding this morning. Coyotes were out hunting gophers. Black Phoebe Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Probably my clearest photo of one. they move every 2 milliseconds. Red-tailed Hawk Ruby-crowned Kinglet was 3 feet from me. Slight glimpses of the crown. Coyotes eating gophers.
Great pics! Hey, sorry again. That was stupid, I was having a moment. Had a nice last day of the year birding. The light was pretty bad, and I’m a bad photographer. Doing a last day of the year/first day of the year trip. Yesterday went well -a horrible picture of a pretty badass bird. Eurasian Wigeon There was a snowy owl spotted by a friend yesterday, I”m going to try and find it today.
So for my east coast birders? There is definitely a major irruption for owls this year. With an I not an E. is always a tricky thing because- I love you photographers but don’t fucking harass owls? I’ll ask that kindly -because it happens a lot. An irruption means the food source got scarce up north. in the case of owls, it means lemmings and other rodents. But also applicable to some birds when the seed source goes scares for them. Three snowy owls have shown up here? Like a once in a decade irruptive thing? So cool, and if the rodent population really fails, terI might finally get my hawk owl here. There is a code, with this newfangled ebird and various GroupMe’s. “We” don’t share locations. I’ll try and get a bad pic. But it’s definitely a once in a decade snowy owl winter!!! Saw two on LBI, I haven’t seen one in years.
4-6” of snow here in Atlanta this morning. Just filled up the platform and mealworm feeders for the 3rd time today
Wish I had a camera. All the birds look awesome in the snow, but the pine warblers, eastern bluebirds, and eastern towhees take the cake for me.
2 things. 1) I have no idea wtf is going on but suggests it is a wild Rollercoaster ride. I don't get it but STOP W THE APOLOGIES. Thank you. 2. 5 to 8 inches of snow on ground. Have seen several Eastern bluebirds over the last several weeks. Today with snow I had 5 males all sharing and chilled out, at least to how they normally act in my backyard. Normally when I see them they never sit anywhere long and flit everywhere. Which is normal?
I’m definitely the most annoying person on this thread. I’m really sorry, Fuck you Prospector. I’ll apologize all I want? Sorry was that mean? I hope you got the joke. Kisses. I got a pink footed goose today. Nice year bird.
Let’s stick to bird business at hand. My Ohio State homerdom, is for other threads. That I view from afar. Do not participate in. Oh, it’s there. Panama trip, mind you- scheduled for after the natty game. Next Tuesday. Many horrible pics will, or will not be included. Maybe a few excessively verbose thread texts? Should be fun. love to all of you there is a male western tanager kicking around here, didn’t see it.