American Primeval (Netflix)

Discussion in 'TV Board' started by southlick, Jan 3, 2025.

  1. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesNew Orleans PelicansDallas CowboysBirmingham Legion

    Drops Jan. 9th

    A mother and son fleeing from their past form a found family while confronting a harsh landscape of freedom and cruelty in the American West.

  2. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesNew Orleans PelicansDallas CowboysBirmingham Legion

  3. It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens

    It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens Well-Known Member

    Reviews are pretty bad. Disappointing.
  4. Kirk Fogg

    Kirk Fogg "Tell them what they've won Olmec!"
    Donor TMB OG

    I’m liking it. The action scenes are intense.
    TheFreak55, wes tegg, Tex and 4 others like this.
  5. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    On episode 3 and it’s pretty good
  6. Rock

    Rock Well-Known Member
    Big Ten Conference

    Watched the first three and it’s not the best, buts far from awful

    I really fucking hate Sara though
  7. Love Tractor

    Love Tractor Well-Known Member
    Florida State SeminolesTampa Bay RaysTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay LightningFulham

    I agree. Maybe shut the fuck up and do what the horribly scarred dude who's clearly survived a lot of terrible shit tells you to do.
  8. Biship

    Biship Well-Known Member
    Kansas State WildcatsKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsSporting Kansas City

    Comic book/graphic novel vibe.

    It’s like they spent all the money on casting and production and skimped on the writing.
    Idk what the source material is or if it’s original.
    #8 Biship, Jan 11, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2025
  9. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    2 episodes in so far and i like it
    Tex likes this.
  10. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    sara fucking sucks
  11. Jean-Ralphio

    Jean-Ralphio A real toe-tapper
    Michigan WolverinesUtah JazzGreen Bay PackersArsenal

    Tim Riggins did leave it all on the field.
    Tex, Sportfan, Kirk Fogg and 3 others like this.
  12. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace

    Four episodes in tonight before I needed to hit the hay.

    Excellent show so far.
    TheFreak55 and Tex like this.
  13. DDB

    DDB Putting a cat in an oven, don’t make it a biscuit
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    It was really good but the ending was kind of meh
  14. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace

    Ending spoilers

    i figured someone was going to die once they left the last bounty hunter alive, I thought it was going to be the mom though and the boy would end up staying with the main guy. Pretty good all in all, would have liked a little more closure on the Mormons though.
    TheFreak55, Tex and southlick like this.
  15. Rock

    Rock Well-Known Member
    Big Ten Conference

    the US bent over backwards more to the Mormons than the terrorists of 1/6

    none of the shit that happened in the show after the massacre was real, and even the massacre dabbled
  16. mal630

    mal630 Well-Known Member
    Ohio State BuckeyesTiger Woods

    Not even sure how many eps I have watched. One of the most violent shows I have ever seen (not a bad thing) and this woman may be the most angering character in television history. I'm sure it gets worse.
    Tex and Biship like this.
  17. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace

    I read what really happened it would have just been nice to see something wrapped up in the snow. Not a real complaint though, pretty good series.
  18. B-Boy $P1

    B-Boy $P1 Ball-knower, Poster, Trusted Agent
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    Loved it, even if Kitsch was just playing Old West Riggins
    TheFreak55, War Grundle, Tex and 2 others like this.
  19. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
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    He had some great form tackles in the series
  20. Fat Drunk & Stupid

    Fat Drunk & Stupid Barning Hard
    Auburn TigersSeattle MarinersHouston RocketsManchester City

    I did not care for Sarah, until she told the French what she thought about their cooking.
    Tex and southlick like this.
  21. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
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    She flipped the switch about halfway through

    Tex and B-Boy $P1 like this.
  22. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    I am watching
  23. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Sara went all John Wick.

    That old cackling French whore needed to die a slow death.
  24. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Damn they got Riggins
    TheFreak55 likes this.
  25. Sportfan

    Sportfan From Six to Dumptime
    San Antonio SpursHouston TexansNew Mexico State AggiesTexas AandM Aggies

    Really enjoyed everything until the finale then I just went wtf why for 50 minutes.
  26. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Bridger going back to get the shovel got me good :laugh:
  27. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    I didn’t realize Bridger was the same guy as the dude from The Revenant who gets tricked into leaving Leo behind after the bear attack
    Biship, War Grundle and Tex like this.
  28. Rock

    Rock Well-Known Member
    Big Ten Conference

    In the movie/show, yes

    Bridger was younger than glass. There’s no real evidence Bridger was the same person involved with leaving Hugh Glass for dead

    he was also one of the first European descent who saw Yellowstone

    he also lied to the donner party that it wasn’t mountains and cold lol
    #28 Rock, Jan 19, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2025
  29. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
    Texas LonghornsHouston AstrosHouston RocketsDallas CowboysChicago BlackhawksBonnaroo

    Shea Whigham is a good actor
  30. DrTomOsbourne

    DrTomOsbourne Fully Husked
    Nebraska CornhuskersTampa Bay LightningCrystal Palace

    The dinner party.

  31. hensleya

    hensleya I Pick Things Up and Put Them Down
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersPGAWu-tang

    Binged the whole thing last night. Liked it, didn’t love it. Would enjoy a longer “Oregon Trail” series with more development of the different groups at play.
    Truman, Sportfan and Tex like this.
  32. Biship

    Biship Well-Known Member
    Kansas State WildcatsKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsSporting Kansas City

    Listening to Jim Bridger’s biography and its crazy how few guys there really were out there trapping and exploring the Rockies.

    Jim Bridger, Jedediah Smith, kit Carson, Jim beckwourth all have pretty amazing stories
    Truman and Tex like this.
  33. Rabbit Angstrom

    Rabbit Angstrom set alarms to know to eat
    Donor TMB OG
    Buffalo Bills

    Love this landscape
    southlick and Tex like this.
  34. Rabbit Angstrom

    Rabbit Angstrom set alarms to know to eat
    Donor TMB OG
    Buffalo Bills

    Sara is an all-time idiot
    Tex likes this.
  35. Rabbit Angstrom

    Rabbit Angstrom set alarms to know to eat
    Donor TMB OG
    Buffalo Bills

    Whoa one of the trappers who is trying to collect the bounty with Virgil is Lil Kev from It's Always Sunny

    Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 6.06.13 PM.png Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 6.04.22 PM.png
    #35 Rabbit Angstrom, Jan 22, 2025
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2025
  36. Rabbit Angstrom

    Rabbit Angstrom set alarms to know to eat
    Donor TMB OG
    Buffalo Bills

    American Primeval
    Boardwalk Empire
    True Detective

    dude has been in some really good TV shows
    Tex likes this.
  37. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
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    I’ve really enjoyed this.
    TheFreak55 and Tex like this.
  38. TheFreak55

    TheFreak55 in this new lame America
    Auburn TigersDenver BroncosManchester UnitedGame of ThronesGrateful DeadCoors Light

    Started Monday and just finished, I really enjoyed. Seems like everything was well covered in the thread so I'll just leave and go to bed with
    Tex likes this.