No thanks. Bunch of prudes shut down their nude beach. What kind of vacation is it if I have to wear pants?
This would be like an American not knowing FDR. Even our dumbest people alive like Trump, the My Pillow guy, and Todd Hoffman from Gold Rush know him.
This board was founded around American college football. Who is your favorite team, or if you don't have one, will you adopt a team?
I don't have a college football team. But if it helps whoever has royal blue and white as i'm a north melbourne fan in aussie football.
Not sure if people know but sooz is a flag waver (umpire) and she got this write up in the newspaper a few years ago. Hope you don’t mind me sharing sooz. Ballarat Courier: A PROMISE made to her year 11 English teacher will see Suzanne ***** bring up 800 games of umpiring football. Sooz will officiate her 800th and 801st game this weekend in a journey where she has seen some of Ballarat's, and in fact some of Victoria's, greatest ever footballers grace the field in front of her. But it was a comment made from her teacher Graeme Young at Mount Clear Secondary College that she will always remember. "I was quite close to my year 11 English teacher and he was dying of a brain tumour and I asked him 'what would you like me to do?' and he said 'to keep on umpiring'," she said. And that's exactly what Sooz, now 43, has done. Starting her career as mostly a boundary umpire, and occasionally in the field, where she umpired 75 games, she has moved to the goals and has now officiated more than 700 in the middle of the big sticks, come sun, rain or the occasional hail. "People think there are two teams out there, but there are really three," she said. "Our umpiring panel all works together as a team and you've got to fit together as a team." Sooz was one of the very few female umpires when she started and she admits since the COVID outbreak, it has been difficult to maintain numbers, but not just because of the pandemic but also because of the words you hear over the boundary. "You don't want to see a girl getting abused by someone on the sidelines who thinks it's all right to give you grief," she said. "I remember one game where the girl was umpiring with her dad and sister, after that both she and her sister gave it away." Sooz said despite the occasional issue, she had loved her years as an umpire around Ballarat and the region. Seeing a 14-year-old Joel Selwood dominating an interleague match was a highlight, she recalls seeing Jordan Roughead kicking goals, twins Mitch and Nathan Brown and even recalls a match where Bachar Houli played in Ararat, saying he was the "nicest bloke ever". "It's been great, I've had a lot of fun," she said. "I've seen so many spectacular marks, seen today's AFL players kick lots of goals when they were playing in Ballarat. I've seen people go through the ranks, get recruited. "Callum Leonard (who goal umpired his first ever AFL game this season), his first game was alongside me, he was so nervous and to see him and others go through the ranks gives me so much joy." Sooz said there might be another 200 games in her as she chases 1000 games.
Favourite swimmer ever? Thorpe, Hackett, Dawn, or Kieren Perkins? The correct answer is Dawn Fraser. Answer this incorrectly, I will judge you. also why do you fuckers swim in the wrong circles in a pool? Explain larrikin to me? Every crazy Aussie I met like to say it
Kieren Perkins is also an acceptable answer. I do have the Google machine? Read it, what does larrakin actually mean? This is an honest question. Every bat shit mad guy I swam surfed with used that word like a badge of honor/honour. I don’t think I really got it.
A larrikin is another word for a smartarse person who is cheeky. My favourite swimmer is Kieren perkins. I agree with you on dawn fraser
Don't you put that evil on us, Rickie Bobby. Ohio State's Aussie punter is one inch taller than ours, so send her to them.
While I genuinely appreciate the first rate knowledge of the land down under that you are sharing in this thread, I think you are misinformed about this aspect of American life. We don't get the coverage of the triple soy double pump chinospresso ventigrand Karens who hold up the lines at our corner coffee shop for a 1/2 per order, but many of us are quite capable of making and enjoying a damned good cup of coffee at home for a reasonable price. I hope you appreciate this newfound knowledge of us yanks as much as we appreciate our lessons learned in this thread.
did you prefer taskmaster australia season 1 or 2 more? i personally liked the first season a lot more
Yeah, with the cost of a good coffee maker amortized over its useful life, and the cost of beans or grounds being relatively affordable, I’m probably making a cup of coffee at home for $0.20. Which is manageable when I’m drinking 4-5 cups a day.
Mate even here in Australia there is no way i'd pay anything more than $4.50 for a coffee. Some places charge like a wounded bull just for a coffee. Go to the footy and it's $10