Sounds good. I’ve got a hotel in Dallas for the night. Should be on the first flight in the morning. Told my Croo in Chattanooga to get everything ready to go so as soon as I land we can ride out.
Finally made it to Dallas. From Houston haha. At the airport hotel. Can’t wait to be back on the farm.
For the first time in 10 years Ive done this, the beer tent won't be on top of the VIP hill. Said they had to move it down for ADA reasons. No idea what my view of the stage will be now. That's one change I wasn't expecting. I bet my back is to the stage now. Will be closer though.
Curious about attendance numbers. I already went in to the back 60. Took a load of stuff to a site behind The Other. Walked through Centeroo and out the backdoor towards my car. Had to leave, but I'm coming back before the sun goes down. Stay hydrated. .New addition to What Spoiler Stands moved more to the middle. It looked worse as you are in coming in. Once you get around them, it still opens up.
That’s such a huge no no for me at festivals. Probably dumb but I’ve written off bands for being late at Roo. Especially if you’re one of the two stages, during the day when everyone is in the sun waiting.
Not coming up until first thing tomorrow and it feels so weird not being there already. Something has just felt off all day.
It was worth the wait. Other is going ham. Heavy Heavy was great. Time to wonder to another tent. Pretty Lights is bleeding over so bad.
I popped over to the Bonnaroo subreddit to see if there was anything cool going on and it's a giant bitchfest. Seems like they are all pretty pissed off with the direction the festival is going.
Lots of vandalism/theft posts and a lot of bitching about new people not understanding the culture. I guess they contracted out the tollbooth security this year and there were groups of the security stealing shit during car searches
Apparently King Gizz is doing a residency this year. Something like 3 different sets over the weekend. Interesting if true. They clearly have enough material haha.
Lineup leaked last night and it was floating around but I wasn't sure if it was real. Turns it was. Scroll over.