Day 5 and I am finally much improved though I can’t taste much. Sickest Ive been as an adult. In no small part to brain fog. Just took forever to do anything. Haven’t even had a cold since the first time I had Covid Oct 2022. My last booster was Oct 2023. Have a cycling event in three weeks and I’m worried about a fitness setback
Yeah fitness setbacks can be normal, but dont rush getting back on the horse. Over-exertion post covid can make shit like aches and brain fog linger a while
I went back to the 1st page of this thread and it brought up a bit of PTSD. Life changed a lot including the trip to Xian I referenced and will go down as one of the stupidest decisions I ever made and costly trying to get back into the EU from China. And I still don’t have an avatar!!!
I’m sure there aren’t a lot of nerds out there like me but interesting report dropped on Friday in JAMA, Journal of American Medical Association. Findings: *Stronger Covid restrictions saved lives, per study* "If every state in the U.S. had imposed Covid policies like those in the 10 most restrictive states, deaths from the virus would have been 10-21% lower between July 2020 and June 2022, according to a study published Friday in JAMA Health Forum. State policies were largely similar in the first few months of the pandemic, but began to diverge in the second half of 2020. Study analysis found that mask requirements (especially in schools) and vaccine mandates were associated with lower rates of excess deaths. On the flip side, a lack of mandates was associated with higher excess deaths. "The analysis can’t conclusively identify causation, only associations. Still, the results suggest that strong Covid restrictions saved lives, the authors wrote."
I wish that us aussies had of kept the mask mandates for busy places such as schools, shopping centres, etc. I also wished that my umpiring association would do all their coaching sessions via zoom. To stop the spread of covid. The reason why it is spreading is because nobody gives a flying fuck about covid.
I’m on the tail end of finishing my first infection I got from going to SDCC and being that squeezed in among thousands of unwashed nerds. I’d do it again, doing things is fun, tsk tsking people having fun is not fun.
Jail time and fines for thing that kind of annoys some people and protects people with fucked up conditions lmao
Would be a good opportunity for someone to wear one everywhere and then sue the absolute fuck out of that county and almost assuredly win
The actual reason is probably more that the gaza protesters wore medical masks largely and they want to be able to identify any and all protestors, since these laws started coming out mostly after oct 7
Neighbor has covid for the 4th time. As the dog and I are walking by and talking she said “Those vaccines really work” and rolled her eyes. I initially interpreted it as “I got it but it didn’t help” and then I realized it meant “Everyone getting vaxxed didn’t keep it away from me” and had to roll my own eyes.
The complaints about the vaccine are so baffling to me. They aren't even inconvenient to get. So what's the fucking issue here with getting them exactly at this point???? All the fake bullshit about fucking people up online has been proven to be false so what's the problem with getting a vaccine?
Anyone had a bounce back infection from this one? or whatever the clinical term is Got Covid 3 weeks ago. Whole gambit but not worse than the other 2 infections I’ve had. Went down for a nap after my workday and woke up feeling like I got hit by a truck; all the early symptoms. Suppose it could be strep or something
It’s everywhere. Coworker whose entire family had it was in the office on Friday with a raspy ass voice and I avoided him like the plague. He tested positive over the weekend (shocking). I’m not an expert but I did you take antivirals and possibly not finish the course of meds? I think I remember that being a cause of bounce back infections earlier.
Ripped through our offices a few weeks ago. I actually tested negative but I felt every bit the way I did when I had COVID. Still dealing with the fatigue.
No I did not. Just rode it out. Shitty part is I have one of the biggest weeks of my career and am presenting tmrw thru Thursday
I would test again. I’m in a similar boat. Started feeling like shit tonight and I have multiple meetings tomorrow with prospects.
Updated booster available next week through pharmacies, which would probably be good to get as the newer strain seems to be rougher, at least in Poland,masks-to-return-in-poland-due-to-covid19
I haven't bothered keeping up much with the variance in the past year, is this booster going to cover the main variant that was spreading like crazy a couple months ago or is there already a new one?
Also the hospital here said they were not going to give her an anti viral medication because it has too many side affects? What's that about?
I was curious about this. It does not but it’s one of the more recent strains I think
I think you have 5 days from the start of symptoms to start taking Paxlovid -- for it to be effective. She might check with her primary care dr to see if she should take it.
Hopefully it doesn't matter too much because it seems like everyone has gotten it again and the past couple months. Hopefully a booster that's been slightly related should help some.
it doesn't other than annoying ones. nothing medically concerning unless she takes a bunch of other meds.
At least anecdotally, shit seems to be spiking again. Almost half my office out with Covid, plus several family and clients. All mainly in Southeast, but in multiple states/cities.
Yeah when I got it at the end of July I was able to start it on day 5. Godawful metallic taste in my mouth from it was the worst side effect, which I was warned about.
have probably said this multiple times ITT but the most annoying thing about it isn’t fear of it but how there are always 2 waves. January and February is expected but then there is also July and August which creates an unwanted anxiety when you have upcoming travel
yeah I traveled the last week of July and got through the trip ok but that final week leading up to the flight there is a paranoia Here, we report on a 62-year-old male hypervaccinated individual from Magdeburg, Germany (HIM), who deliberately and for private reasons received 217 vaccinations against SARS-CoV-2 within a period of 29 months (figure A; appendix 1 tab 1). HIM's hypervaccination occurred outside of a clinical study context and against national vaccination recommendations. Evidence for 130 vaccinations in a 9 month period was collected by the public prosecutor of Magdeburg, Germany, who opened an investigation of this case with the allegation of fraud, but criminal charges were not filed. 108 vaccinations are individually recorded and partly overlap with the total of 130 prosecutor-confirmed vaccinations (appendix 2 p 12). To investigate the immunological consequences of hypervaccination in this unique situation, we submitted an analysis proposal to HIM via the public prosecutor. HIM then actively and voluntarily consented to provide medical information and donate blood and saliva. This procedure was approved by the local Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Erlangen, Germany. Throughout the entire hypervaccination schedule HIM did not report any vaccination-related side effects. From November 2019, to October 2023, 62 routine clinical chemistry parameters showed no abnormalities attributable to hypervaccination (appendix 1 tab 2). Furthermore, HIM had no signs of a past SARS-CoV-2 infection, as indicated by repeatedly negative SARS-CoV-2 antigen tests, PCRs and nucleocapsid serology (figure A; appendix 1 tab 1).