The updated COVID-19 vaccine is now available at your nearby CVS®. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends everyone 6 months and older receive an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine this season, even those previously vaccinated.
Was that German guy going to other people's vaccination appointments that didn't want them (anti-vax) and committing fraud, or was he some sick hypochondriac?
I think he was lying about his name/identity to keep getting them. Also interesting he showed no signed of ever having it, so now we know this is the threshold for the vaccine to be effective
I had Covid a couple weeks ago. Either I’ve never had Covid or it was mild, but this put me on my ass. I’m still suffering from fatigue and I’ve gotten every shot and booster.
Same... posting itt Monday was the jinx started to feel some symptoms late Monday night, last night was pretty rough with some Chills but feel fine during the day
My mom had covid a couple of weeks ago, and I told her today to get the new vaccine when she could. “I thought they recalled all those?” “Jesus, mom, please stay off Facebook.” “I didn’t see it on Facebook, thank you.” “Ok, please stop listening to your crazy friends then.” “You are so hateful.” Good times.
I just remember feeling like Superman for the few months after I had it bc the thought was your natural antibodies were good to go
I remember when there was some super immunity from having the shot and having recently gotten it. That was several stains ago and the calculus on this seems to change a lot
Yeah I meant when she was eligible based on her recent infection. And I know that was the guidance during the height of it, but not sure if that is still accurate. Very rad treatment target for long covid sufferers whose issues are clot-based
Checking in from the UK where you still cannot get a booster if you're not a senior citizen. Two flights, three days of public transportation, and a football game I'm fully expecting to be sick this week.
Interesting interpretation. Had some injection site soreness and a little head swimmy feeling in the past but nothing today. Just thought I'd share.
my kid finally tested positive, she had felt bad all weekend. Several classmates in her cohort have it or have had it since classes began
Day four here. Been short winded for about a week and half though. Slightly better today than yesterday.
Got the d*ng jab Sunday. Arm was very sore but now all I do is go around inhaling the breath of others and licking things because I’m protected.
sorry for my ignorance, but how recent is the update to the jab? I last had a booster around Christmas, got covid in February, and might have had a very mild case in July (never tested positive but symptoms and shit and my wife had it). Bunch of people I know have it right now. Anyway, given all that, if it's a recent update, I'll probably get boosted, but if it hasn't been updated lately, I'll probably wait a couple of months.