CU Buffs: Postive JuJu

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by SP Buff, Jul 23, 2010.

  1. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    Some casual mid week visitors :feedme:
    Cornfed Buffalo likes this.
  2. Bay Bandit

    Bay Bandit Cabral Univirsity
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    Minor Basketball item: Signing day notes on each prospect, from Coach Rohn.

    Basic Summary (it is paywalled):
    • They did not think they had a shot at Tacho, but his other options fell through (Nova and others) and the timing worked out.
    • Ian Inman is viewed as the best shooter they have recruited in a long time. "Special" in that department.
    • Isaiah Johnson will need some time in the weight room, but they really like his PG abilities.
    • Josiah Sanders turned down better money from some schools to stay at home with CU. I would assume Tennessee was one of the schools dropping some cash, but that would just be a guess.
  3. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  4. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    I like the black/gray/black look
  5. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
    Donor TMB OG
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    It’s very very very very very very very weird to not feel despondent about CU football (for now). While I’m not saying I’m confident, it’s nice to have some belief in a good result.
    Bay Bandit and Cornfed Buffalo like this.
  6. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    1 more for our Queen today. I swear the onions get cut every time I see here.
  7. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Been waiting on Wester to do that all season

    CUgator likes this.
  8. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Travis needs a pick 6 today
    CUgator likes this.
  9. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
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    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    DL is starting to eat every game. This is fun.
  10. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Grotesque offense
  11. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    I didn’t expect it to be pretty with their D, but yeah, pretty gross.
    Cornfed Buffalo likes this.
  12. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Thankfully Wilson is terrible
    CUgator likes this.
  13. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    This Hunter guy is pretty good
    Cornfed Buffalo likes this.
  14. Yung/Embree

    Yung/Embree Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesBoston Red SoxGolden State WarriorsChelsea

    What a patient run for Augustave. His speed is really underrated.
  15. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    Not the 2nd half D we’re accustomed to seeing
  16. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    We can’t ever do anything the easy way.
    Cornfed Buffalo and scissors like this.
  17. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  18. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    USC, who I’ve hated since I was a kid growing up 30 miles away vs Nebraska

  19. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
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    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    Another great college football day, boys. Check you haters next week.
    Thrillhouse, PJP3, Bay Bandit and 3 others like this.
  20. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    CUgator and Bay Bandit like this.
  21. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    Hunter -330 for the Heisman. I look forward to today’s Heisman poll where Jeanty gets 75% of the votes.
    Lester Geekma likes this.
  22. beerleagueman

    beerleagueman Well-Known Member

    I went from somewhat disliking you guys to jumping on the bandwagon and hoping you guys rep the League in the Playoff. nobody wants to see the slow whites of BYU losing a first round game
  23. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Sapp gets the attention but D Lew needs to kept at all costs

    I wonder why our DL is so nasty

    *watches clip*

    Oh. Ok.

    Lester Geekma likes this.
  24. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Let us bow our heads and cry a bit

    PJP3 and Bay Bandit like this.
  25. zachary

    zachary 32/m/colorado

    anyone have tickets or going to the game vs okie state? looking at possibly going.
  26. PJP3

    PJP3 Well-Known Member
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    They should really put a statue of the twins somewhere on campus.
    Bay Bandit and Lester Geekma like this.
  27. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    There already is one. You just haven't been back recently enough to see it ;)

    edit: Nevermind. Just a plaque.
    #13177 CUgator, Nov 19, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2024
  28. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    Sold mine last week, but I saw they are doing an early black friday sale on tickets so you should be able to pick some up on the cheap or at least cheaper than normal.

    edit: it's not really a sale like they claim it is.
    zachary and Cornfed Buffalo like this.
  29. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Have to imagine Okie State fans are selling off what they have in droves
    zachary likes this.
  30. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  31. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

  32. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    Is this good? I can’t tell if this is good.
  33. zachary

    zachary 32/m/colorado

  34. Andy Reocho

    Andy Reocho Please don't get lost in the sauce
    Staff Donor TMB OG
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    Big 8 is back!

    Cornfed Buffalo and Bay Bandit like this.
  35. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    Extra drippy today

    That helmet is Chev Fire 500

  36. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  37. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

  38. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
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    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    Unis are fire

    That gold
  39. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    Tackling looks strong
  40. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

  41. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    This game is over. Defense is just nonexistent. Team should be embarrassed.
  42. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  43. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    I’d like more of that and some tackling, please.
  44. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

    How was that not roughing the passer?
  45. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    Make a stop, get the ball, eat my words
  46. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    Got absolutely dominated and down 9. I’ll take it. Rob needs to do his thing at the half
    Lester Geekma likes this.
  47. CUgator

    CUgator Well-Known Member
    Colorado BuffaloesFlorida GatorsTampa Bay Lightning

    This baby is over
  48. scissors

    scissors Very Sharp Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Colorado BuffaloesAtlanta Falcons

    I got greedy and wanted the run to continue. While I should be happy with 8 wins, it just seems a little disappointing given what was on the line.