My YouTubeTV has worked pretty flawlessly since I signed up for it months ago. It seems like a pretty big over-reaction to one glitch. My cable used to go out all the time. It's technology.
Re YTTV If you're not looking at your CC bonus offers, you're not doing it right. I just claimed my 3rd or perhaps 4th statement credit of the last ~6 months. Been available on a mix of Chase, BoA and American Express cards I have. edit: this is what to look for.
Got my first one on chase last month. Keep looking bit that’s it so far. But yeah, they seem to be out there if you’re looking
Any predictions on what ESPN would charge? Can’t open the article. I rarely watch any live cable TV besides sports so I’ve always thought it’d be nice if I could pay like half price for YTTV and only get those channels. Or some kind of a la carte type setup.
I think it rolls everything into one: Linear TV Channels, ESPN+, and ESPN3 and similar brands/channels like "Big12 Now on ESPN", ACCX or w/e and all those. I would expect a it to be $30-$35/month, though I could see it intro'ed at a lower price to get people in then raising significantly within 2 years time. That has been the playbook for seemingly everyone in cable ever. edit: opened the link and it expects to be $30. edit2: and in 10 years it would be $50/mo.
Continuing on the time honored tradition of the MLB making it actually difficult for people to watch their sport
Got to watch Reds/Yankees on Peacock which is the first time I have legally watched the Reds outside of opening day games in my own home since Bally went off YTTV
So stupid. Looks like you have to dl a new app (though sign in is simple) for all ios/android devices.
Targeting that large audience of people that want cable but don't watch sports or mainline cable news. Smart!
I don’t know if any industry demonstrates how dumb people in charge actually are more than the streaming wars.
Anyone's yttv dvr messed up? Last 2 things I've tried to play have hung up when trying to load. Have to watch via vod instead
Watched a program from DVR about an hour ago and didn't have any issues. In the rare situation it hiccups like that I've found a fix in fully closing out the app the re-trying although you may have tried that.
Playstation Vue, which was probably the best streaming service when it was out, was probably the worst branding I have ever seen in my life by a major corporation I'd say 90+% of the people I talked to about it thought you had to have a Playstation to have it.
Shit I’m going to have to cancel some stuff and resubscribe to these merged channels. I do the thing where I have some through Prime, some through Apple and Max is through AT&T. It’s a mess.
25% off for life (for a limited time) makes it sound like paramount is going to go and kill a bunch of veterans on Memorial Day. “Sure you get it discounted for life, but we’re going to make sure it’s not a long life”
Some tidbits via yesterdays release that YTTV will allow unlimited in-home streams for Sunday Ticket.