Again I ask….WHY NOT MAKE A BATMAN SHOW?? There’s been like a million Gotham city shows…why not make a show with a fully grown actual normal Batman? Not Batman as a kid, not a fucking Alfred show, or whatever the fuck this is. BATMAN
They think the audience is too stupid. They don’t want different versions on tv and movies. Even though we’ve got 3 different Batman actors in separate movies going. Keaton and Batfleck in the Flash. Battinson in The Batman.
well yeah for the most part its a teenie bopper channel throughout its history Arrow and Flash are the rare exceptions and even then they got twisty and weird towards the latter half of their series
I watched Arrow for a while. Not gonna lie the season 5 finale Lian Yu was pretty legit. I think I stopped somewhere in season 6. Never got into Flash.
in talking about star wars, the watch podcast had a good conversation about characters that are made for tv versus made for movies. it was focused on star wars -- and how silly it is that vader and obi won have tv shows -- but works imo for batman, too. if you want to tell a batman story, make it a movie imo.
Yeah, cause there’s no established way to tell a quick, episodic Batman story. It’s not like there’s a bunch of tiny, 25 page scripts surrounding him.
Yeah I don't buy that either. Batman has been done well on TV in both live action and animation. When you have a rogues gallery is deep as his you can easily sustain multiple seasons worth of content, especially in the era of shorter seasons. TV special effects are almost film worthy these days. A live action Batman show on HBOMax, for example, might command like 20m an episode but it would do huge business for the network, assuming that writing was BTAS quality.
maybe adapting BTAS to a live action show on HBO would be the way to go. Maybe not 100% adaptation, but just base it off of BTAS. take the entire show and build it into a live action show for 3-5 seasons… or more.
I'm excited for it. Hopefully they incorporate him into the next Shazam (third one, I mean). He can be a Superman and/or JL villain too if they wanted.
I will, once again, point out how ridiculous it will be to try and suspend disbelief to get into Chuck being a rival power of this character. Levi's Shazam worked in the standalone film but there's going to have to be a serious makeover of the character for him to be taken seriously going forward.
The tone between the two movies seems very different. Also the world in Black Adam doesn’t look like todays Earth.
Between this and Amber Heard, just some A+ casting by Warner
One of the best artists ever. Batman, Superman, DareDevil, Spider-Man, Hulk. The man did it all. Loved his Joker, especially
Young Justice was really good this season. Really want to see Darkseid take a more hands on approach though
It was a couple episodes to long but if they go Barda, Kara, Mary Marvel as the Furies for next season bring it on. I would guess next year might be their last if they do it.
Greg Weisman said that he has plans for it to go on as long as HBO Max wants it. He basically wants it to be like comics where i keeps going and going.
You guys ever seen the theory that Seven is set in Gotham City. It's an interesting theory. At no point in the film do they ever say what city they are in. It rains all the time just like Gotham. And the way the characters speak about the city sounds a lot like Gotham. It could be a cool coincidence but and probably is but still fun to think about.