I think this is very, very true. For example, the difference between a Jeph Loeb's Batman, Alan Moore's Batman and Frank Miller's Batman are all different. The comics are also different, but they all have a grittiness and darkiness that has to be present with Batman. I've changed my views on this movie now, I want it to be different, it needs to be different and I think Snyder can do it. But like you, I am afraid he will do a lot right, but make 1-2 critical mistakes that will take a movie that could have been a B+ or an A and bring it down to a B- or C+. I will say this, the costume Batman wears and the 'looks' of the movie look great so far. This Batman will need to be less realistic than Nolan's, and that's ok.
Anyone else old enough or want to watch RDJ as Anthony Michael Hall's sidekick in Johnny Be Good? Oscar worthy stuff. The sad thing is I love RDJ. He's like Leo where he gets to play RDJ in every role and people eat it up. I just think Rubio is so far the other way, it makes me want to argue shit I agree with.
I understand the need for fanboys to try and make themselves believe it will turn out awesome even though MoS halfway sucked dick and Snyder brought in a tomato can to play the most pivotal role in this new universe....but the earlier posts in this thread comparing Affleck and lol Hemsworth to RDJ were just stupid. Some of you were apparently unaware that RDJ is considered one of the best actors of his generation by many people who go beyond comic book movies.
Dude. Put down the hyperbole. Someone without an Oscar isn't going to get very far in "greatest of his generation" discussion. And the earlier posts were comparing the career trajectory of RDJ and Affleck, which are similar. You somehow took that as an insult to your hero and have been on a white knight crusade ever since.
I agree that Affleck went through that time where he made some horrible decisions on roles Can't remember the name of the movie but he did that one Christmas movie with James Gandolfini and the airplane I was on was playing it...I felt like jumping out the emergency exit it was so painfully bad But ever since he took a year or 2 off and came back to directing/acting I thought he has been great in Then Town, Gone Girl, Argo etc Granted some of those he was also directing but he's earned my patience on seeing how it turns out before automatically hating the choice
Lol at the Ocsar remark. Fucking Forrest Gump beat out Pulp Fiction. Tells you all you need to know about the fucking Oscars. Please tell me Gary Oldman isn't one of the most talented actors of any generation, let alone his own, because he doesn't have an Oscar. Just remember that everyone affiliated with A Streetcar Named Desire won Oscars except Marlon Brando. I repeat... Everyone except Marlon Brando. Fuck the Oscars.
for your consideration... https://www.cultofwhatever.com/2015...rusting-superman-makes-perfect-sense-for-now/
Common in Suicide Squad. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/common-joins-suicide-squad-790824?facebook_20150422 Maybe John Stewart before he gets the ring?
Yeah this has gotten me a little worried. Hard to introduce this many characters in a single movie and keep it flowing well.
I really think he's going to be John Stewart in a small role while he was still a member of the military. After credits could easily be him getting tapped to wear the ring.
http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/24/dc-announces-the-dark-knight-returns-3-the-master-race Considering The Dark Knight Strikes Again and All Star Batman were both absolute pieces of shit, my first reaction was... But I might give it a shot since Azzarello is co-writing.
WTF is this? I guess he could be tatted up. I never see him outside his suits but that forehead tat needs to go.
It's real. Can't say I'm a fan. http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/04/25/jared-letos-joker-officially-revealed
It's real, David Ayer put it out there. I'm fine with the body tattoos, not a fan of the face tats and teeth.
I think we are getting a sinister fucked up murdering people Mr. J Isn't there a comic with him with tats? It seems familiar.
Joker is known for a big smile and his laugh. I think Leto can pull it off. It doesn't necessarily have to be scars or cuts.
wat even when he had "normal" sized lips, they were still enlarged a bit. His smile was always supernaturally large. Spoiler I mean his thing isn't that he's a clown that went bad. His thing is that he was damaged by chemicals that turned his face into a giant grin.
Short answer: It's a comic book movie, and therefore required. Hypothetical Guess: At 1:24 in the trailer what looks like a batplane definitely kills some people. It's a drone Lex is controlling to frame Batman for murder and get Superman to go after him. Something similar happens in TDKR, but Superman is a puppet of the government in that comic.
I don't know shit about comics but hard to imagine the Joker sitting still for that long to get all those tats...I'll reserve judgement on the Leto version but at first glance I agree with the "damaged tattoo goth kid comment." The whole picture is weird...he's looking into the camera, its a photo shoot. The joker doesn't/shouldn't do photo shoots. He looks like he just won publishers clearing house....also, I like this version of the Joker with the Mark Hamill voice
Zod left some Kryptonian armor behind in MOS; I wonder if Wayne doesn't get a hold of it and use it as the skeleton of his Superman-fighting armor.
I don't hate the new Joker look too much but the face tats and pinky ring are terrible. At least a different take. I'm more interested in what Margot Robbie looks like as Harley Quinn.