tears his Achilles for a third time running down the hill with Dabo as an honorary guest is now a dream of mine
Fucking Dov whoever he is these days. Who still follows this dumbass account? And no I don’t have twitter, was linked from an article.
Deshaun's overall absolute piece-of-fucing-shittiness is beyond the point of even being a cautionary tale for younger players.
I get this line of thinking but I assure you we didn't get away with anything. Three lost first rounders and wasted primes of our best players which includes at least one Hall of Famer.
I want the Browns to suffer, but I also want this cunt to not get that money… I guess congratulations Browns fans
First off fuck that piece of dogshit forever and always but is this what’s considered dancing now a days?
"maybe I should change how I live after hitting rock bottom before I ruin my life.. no, I must go deeper and find new lows" -deshaun Watson, before further ruining his life
I am agnostic. Not out here to talk God. I am agnostic. Deshaun Watson is a rapey buffoon who deserves misfortune.
I am not a doctor and have never had any sort of Achilles or foot surgery so I don’t know what his doctor would say about wearing the boot. I would be very happy if they could rid the team of this menace
It will come down to whether he was following his recovery protocol. The video doesn’t prove anything conclusively, but it’s definitely bad for him. NFL contracts are still pretty team-favorable, so there’s at least some chance they pay him significantly less than what he’s owed.
Clemson fans comment on Browns fans burning Watson jerseys. https://www.tigernet.com/clemson-fo...sey-after-myles-garrett-news-2423044?tstart=0