Man you love casting stones. Then you wonder why I don’t bother engaging. The hypocrisy of you telling me to grow up. I’m plenty grown. Trust me. It’s why I’m not expecting anyone to take care of me or my family.
That's been the implication in all of your posts since your suggestion that volunteering and/or financial classes should be a prerequisite for loan forgiveness. You're operating under the assumption that everyone with student debt made a mistake to have debt.
bidens plan does involve extending the moratorium understanding which of these require legislation and which can be done unilaterally is kind of key in understanding which ones will happen vs won't
i'm telling EVERYONE who has this belief system where the life they lived and the hurdles they faced, despite abilities to remedy them, should be carried out on future generations to grow up. it's a childish ideology. shared community is good, progressing towards a more equitable system is good, reactionary positioning around rugged individualism is bad
Oh how will these people learn how to be financially prudent? How will they learn to not be born into an economy that overinflated the value of a college degree to the point that everyone had to get one in order to be capable of getting out of the pseudo-caste system we created? How will they learn that Ivy League colleges and universities are less gateways to wealth but barriers created by the upper class to keep them in the same strata? People wisened up and realized it’s a fucking scam, and now you’re saying that well it’s not the scammer’s fault. Ridiculous
The tragic part of this is student loan debt racked on to the ballooning cost of health care. Prob why boomers are hanging onto their money instead of passing it down. Their going to have to pay for their long term care facilities. The entire economic system seems unsustainable.
You're talking about making smarter choices and being more financially savvy. It's a churched up personal responsibility argument except it's not even you personally. It was your parents.
They were fucking predators about university when I was still in HS long ago. One kid said he was going to trade school and he should have just said he was off to join the Taliban. Basically got called a fucking idiot.
Not everyone made a mistake, but a lot did and they’re compounding it by continuing to make bad financial decisions.
I don’t think anyone made a mistake pursuing an education. That messaging around what is a valued degree and what isn’t is why our country’s getting cucked by social media and shitposting
The financial education after the fact makes zero sense whatsoever. If you’re going to do that it needs to be before the loan not as some sort of punishment after.
Tying education opportunities to financial means is dumb. It’s also very funny to see people lament this board as being some leftist extremism echo chamber when you see a shitload of posters advocating nothing less than discrimination based on parental wealth in this thread.
Lost in this debt conversation is that not only is it financially smart to go to college but there are huge benefits as a nation to an educated populace. Yet we treat it like some sort of necessary evil that people have to slog through and then live with for a large portion of their working life.
Honestly, as a teacher with a heavy loan burden, I know that a lot of my colleagues and I have a lot of these conversations with students.
The personal responsibility thing is great and it's great that your wife made prudent financial decisions at a young age. Myself and most other kids I knew at 17-18 were royal dumbasses. Between not grasping the long term implications of debt, thinking a "better" school will make you more money, other unrealistic ideas about your future income, just being prone to worse decisions at that age, ect. it's super predatory as a ton of other people have pointed out. It absolutely should cost what it does and that needs to be fixed but that's a different conversation I guess. But trying to educate kids about this shit in HS and forgiving the outstanding loan debt is a start.
Gotta keep them alive as long as possible to suck their bank account dry no matter how many tens of drugs they have to take every day or complete lack of any quality life!!!!!
Less than 10% of student loan debtors are in default. The overwhelming majority of borrowers not only have a plan to pay it back, they're doing it every month.
A broad education, even for plumbers or garbage collectors or whatever blue collar job it is that “real Americans” do, is a wonderful thing. The very thing that makes it stupid is the wholly unnecessary cost.
Prospective college students don't have brains developed enough to even willfully sign up for a life of debt. And how else do people pay for college? Schrute Bucks?
Sadly my plan of laying the crippling IRS tax burden from my IBR plan lines up about the life expectancy of my parents and has played a part in my thought process. It makes me sad that I have to count on the death of my parents to pay the government.
I’ve met a lot of strippers who are paying their way through school. Perhaps Houndster should do that
I’m definitely for more education on the front end as well. That’s probably more important, but that’s not what we’re talking about. I’m also not sure how educating yourself is viewed as a punishment
18yo's are real sure that the college education they receive won't be adequate to pay off their loans, they do it anyways though because ????? when in reality they WILL be able to pay the loans back, they just won't be able to do all the other middle class signifiers of success we've socialized people into desiring because of it college education is still the best way for people to increase their lifetime earning potential despite the new rhetoric
They do, at least in concept. The thought is that degree will basically guarantee you a well paying job so those loans are no sweat at all! Man blaming the kids here sure is something.
I would have loved to have finished my degree but I just couldn't justify when I realized I no longer planned to use it in the near future.
What you are promoting is teaching fire prevention where houses have burned down. You want people to get educated on the loan debt that they took out like six years ago?
Financial literacy/responsibility to me does not equal “you can’t afford to go to college therefore you shouldn’t”. Literal entry level jobs require a degree so at that point it becomes a self-defeating issue where not trying to get a degree creates a job market that is glutted but in other fields Because saying that those who can’t afford college shouldn’t go supposes something about our education system and our economic system that the majority of our populace were willingly told the opposite And if we want to do that, by all means go on. But need to right the wrongs. And it shouldn’t fall on the consumer/student but the system/government
Now now no need to go full bad faith the costs of student loan debts have halted other key forms of middle class wealth such as home ownership. When mama houndster’s money well runs dry she might need to sell that house with a erotic replica of Tom Osborne in the basement. But it might be a lot more than people are willing to pay, creating a housing market problem. Which is far more harmful to the overall economic health of our nation than a few billion student loans
Its an albatross on the economy. A large swath of the population of your country can't do things like buy homes, start families and generally spend money on things at ages where that was normal a generation ago.
handcuffing entire generations with debt that prevents them from enjoying or achieving the markers of success that are the supposed upsides of capitalist systems is a stew that involves a country descending into chaos and bankers getting guillotined on the national mall