Dogs of TMB

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Jalen Rose, Jan 26, 2010.


    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    Your brother in law used to work for Barstool? Nice.
  2. fattmante

    fattmante Well-Known Member

    Yessir. Mostly as a side hustle. They didn’t want to pay him anymore, so he’s on Bronx Pinstripes now. Actually heard PFT and Big Cat name dropper him on today’s PMT. It’s kinda crazy.
    Tobias and THEBLUERAIDER like this.

    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    That’s awesome.
  4. Tiffin

    Tiffin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Alabama Crimson TideLos Angeles LakersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadToolAEW

    So my mom has worked for a vet for close to the past 12 years or so. She has ended up with a bunch of rescues over that time, dogs and cats. This has become annoying at times because she basically hoards animals, but they're well taken care of and she's not a total crazy cat lady or anything.

    So my dad retired in Feb and he and my mom are slowly moving back out to the 40 acres they bought before I was a kid. Me and my dad put up a nice chain link fence for the dogs they already had, and have built a shed specifically to be a kennel for her cats and dogs. A month or so back, my mom was out of town and saw that the local shelter near their 40 acres had 2 Great Pyrenees females that needed fostering. I was up helping my dad and she requested we go pick them up. Now, I rolled my eyes hard at this. My mom and dad both got young heelers over the summer, so the dogs are stacking up again. And I knew every foster becomes her dogs, so there were now going to be like 8 dogs around. But whatever we went and got them. They were ok, didn't mix well with the boy dogs, the other girls (heelers and a could small dogs my mom has) they didn't seem to mind. They obviously weren't big on heading into kennels at night, but they eventually got into the routine. Anyway, I'm back in Alabama for about a month and get a text message on the 1st of December...

    SURPRISE PUPPIES! Oh lawd help us. Came back up a few days after they were born for my grandma's funeral and have gotten to watch them over the past 10 days or so. We had them outside in a separate pen but have to move them into the shop when it's too cold. They're 15 days old and have now started opening their eyes as of yesterday and are an absolute mess. Squirming and squealing all over the place. Momma (we've taken to calling her Scarlett and her sister Melanie) has them well taken care of and Mel is the only one allowed nearby aside from people. They've jumped my dog a couple times, and because Mel was jumping all the dogs when Scar was giving birth is how they found out she was even having puppies. She was a thin pregnant.

    4 boys, 2 girls. 2 all white (one boy, one girl) and 4 with random spots. Could be purebred if the spots fade over time, but we don't know for sure. My dad has been pestering me that I need to get a new dog because Ody is getting old (11.75 years :) ) and I had more or less told him to drop it because I don't want to even think about losing Ody because I will be a disaster when it happens. Hell even typing that made me sad as fuck. But since these fell in our lap, I feel like I have to take one.

    Anyway, here's what you really want:
    2019-12-16 17.10.19.jpg 2019-12-16 17.11.15.jpg 2019-12-16 17.14.08.jpg 2019-12-16 17.14.45.jpg
    DetroitIrish3, jkun, NYGator and 12 others like this.
  5. colonel_forbin

    colonel_forbin Well-Known Member

    I'll be picking up a 10-week old golden retreiver puppy on February 6 and I am very impatient about it.
  6. TheMattador

    TheMattador Well-Known Member
    Nebraska CornhuskersChicago CubsMiami Dolphins

    Had one growing up. Norm. He was awesome. They get big so need lots of room but awesome.
    Why?Pokes and Tiffin like this.
  7. Why?Pokes

    Why?Pokes Take me back to the kine
    Wake Forest Demon DeaconsDenver NuggetsWyoming Cowboys

    Really? All the ones I’ve met have been p lazy. Our neighbor had one when we had our St Bernard and they were like mirror images of each other: would lay down 10 feet apart and just stare-off rather than get up to play.

    Not all large dogs need a ton of space. St. Bernards, Mastiffs, Newfies, Great Danes, etc... do surprisingly well in smaller setups. At a certain point it becomes impractical—like you probably wouldn’t want to live with a 150-200lb dog in a studio apartment—but you don’t need a 100 acre farm to care for those breeds. You don’t even need a big yard (or a yard at all if you’re good about daily exercise).

    They’re bred to sit and watch over the flock at night and wreck any intruder that tries to fuck with it. It’s not a husky.
  8. Tiffin

    Tiffin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Alabama Crimson TideLos Angeles LakersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadToolAEW

    I think Pyrnees are generally more active nocturnally. At least the 2 females we got seem to be. Lay around all day but at night they raise hell. Sheep dogs, ya know. We've tried them in the fence and outside, and they won't go far, but they'll roam a good 15 or so acres at night howling and barking and raising all sorts of hell. Probably didn't help my early morning deer hunting attempts. But they are generally pretty lazy when we keep them inside too. They are super playful though, with people.
    Why?Pokes likes this.
  9. Why?Pokes

    Why?Pokes Take me back to the kine
    Wake Forest Demon DeaconsDenver NuggetsWyoming Cowboys

    Yeah, I’m probably talking out my ass here but I think on average the sheep guarders need a lot less exercise than the herders.
    Tiffin likes this.
  10. TheMattador

    TheMattador Well-Known Member
    Nebraska CornhuskersChicago CubsMiami Dolphins

    Yeah ours would lay around all day and then spend all night patrolling and barking at anything that moved. Ours didn't really enjoy being inside much at all.
    Why?Pokes likes this.
  11. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    DetroitIrish3 and colonel_forbin like this.
  12. burnttatertot

    burnttatertot No Whammies!
    Washington State CougarsSeattle MarinersNew York MetsSeattle SupersonicsMetal

    My girl gets an extra treat today. While I was gone two NoleNBlue showed up to my property looking for a suspect on the run. One had its German Shepherd and the other cop had his "assault rifle". They open the gate to my backyard and enter, both notice my doggie door and security cameras (I hear them talking about the two on the footage). The cops don't waste any time in leaving, only issue is they left my fucking gate open! Shortly after they leave my dog goes outside and can smell the shepherd and starts following the tracks. She stops at the open gate and gazes at all the unroamed property. With all the temptation in the world she turns around and walks back into the house.

  13. ned's head

    ned's head Well-Known Member

  14. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

  15. NC Wolfpack

    NC Wolfpack Go Pack Go
    North Carolina State WolfpackGreen Bay Packers

    Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people in this world. Dogs have so much to offer that go beyond just being a pet and people go and do shit to hurt them and then just kick them to the curb.
    IHHH likes this.
  16. Emma

    Emma Cancel my subscription to the Resurrection
    Wisconsin BadgersMilwaukee Brewers altMilwaukee BucksGreen Bay Packers

  17. southlick

    southlick "Better Than You"
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesNew Orleans PelicansDallas CowboysBirmingham Legion

    I would like to report that Denny, my Boxer, is now 10.4 years old.

    He has to take arthritis meds and his thyroid is out of whack, he lost 10lbs after taking the meds btw :golfclap:.

    Not sure how long I have left but he's the best!
  18. NYGator

    NYGator Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsNew York YankeesNew York KnicksNew York GiantsNew York IslandersNew York City Football ClubTottenham HotspurUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    Bribes worked for me temporarily, but to your point, Redford (the red merle) soon thereafter lifted his leg and peed on the rug. He hasn't done that in years. I guess he was telling us to fuck ourselves for the embarrassment.

    red 1.jpg red 2.jpg

    sky 1.jpg

    red 3.jpg
  19. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    What I meant is that these things would not stay on him, no matter what

    And a quick update, it’s coming to an end. It’s his last Christmas. I just hope he feels good for another 2-3 months but the end is near. Can’t even complain, he is 15 years old and a great dog. I will miss him but I try to view these last few months as a celebration of his life.

    Had a few meltdowns here when he got sick and pulled through, thanks guys the support was appreciated.
  20. NYGator

    NYGator Well-Known Member
    Florida GatorsNew York YankeesNew York KnicksNew York GiantsNew York IslandersNew York City Football ClubTottenham HotspurUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    sorry to hear that but enjoy the moments.
    IHHH likes this.
  21. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    These pictures are incredibly good.

    My favorite is the tongue on the nose one. Lol
    NYGator likes this.
  22. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Put in an application to adopt this boi today: 7 year old heeler/lab mix.
  23. Imurhuckleberry

    Imurhuckleberry Avid spectator of windmill warriors
    Florida GatorsSan Francisco GiantsGolden State WarriorsSan Francisco 49'ers

    Introducing the latest member of the huckleberry brood Artemis, Artie for short. She came out of hoarding situation, heartworms, and 2 months in isolation. She's the sweetest thing ever and Darwin loves her. Like his tail hasn't stopped wagging since she got here. Already putting on weight and her coat is filling in. After the bff peaced I was a bit nervous about being a single dog dad of 2 but couldn't break them up so signed the adoption papers on Monday.


    IMG_20191224_205217_exported_1113_1577318002610-01.jpeg FB_IMG_1577321236820.jpg FB_IMG_1577322117382.jpg FB_IMG_1577322122121.jpg
    #15324 Imurhuckleberry, Dec 25, 2019
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2019
  24. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    My brother got my dog a cowbone and that old fucker is so spoiled that he refused to do the hard work of chewing it... just licked the blood as the bone slowly thawed.

    He did get pretty hype about it, though. Started bucking and rubbing his face all over it.. just wouldn't chew it
    bigred77 and Tiffin like this.
  25. Degausser

    Degausser #NewProfilePic
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta Braves

    Merry Christmas from this guy

  26. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
    Ohio State BuckeyesColumbus CrewUnited States Men's National Soccer TeamSneakers

    We got our dog some femurs from a meat market but he does not chew on it either. He goes from front yard to back yard to change burial sites. He also runs towards the hole first thing when he goes out to make sure it's there.
    spagett and bigred77 like this.
  27. Matt Foley

    Matt Foley Well-Known Member
    Georgia Tech Yellow JacketsAuburn TigersCarolina PanthersWofford Terriers

    Little late, but Merry Christmas from the Foley family.

  28. Walter Melon

    Walter Melon I watch you sleep.
    Chicago White SoxChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksKansas State WildcatsMontreal Impact

    Lots of happy doggos.
  29. Why?Pokes

    Why?Pokes Take me back to the kine
    Wake Forest Demon DeaconsDenver NuggetsWyoming Cowboys

    Opened presents yesterday morning and tied the bows to the dogs:


    Took them to the beach for 5 hrs and they are dead I repeat DEAD today:

    Tobias, Sub-Zero, ARCO and 8 others like this.
  30. Jorts

    Jorts "Ask about my Mortgage Services"
    ArsenalEnglandFormula 1

  31. cutig

    cutig My name is Rod, and I like to party
    Clemson TigersNebraska CornhuskersCarolina PanthersKansas City Chiefs

    If I don't get stuck in denver due to weather I get to pick my dogs up tomorrow after a week of boarding them. Cant wait
  32. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Eh It's barely snowing
  33. cutig

    cutig My name is Rod, and I like to party
    Clemson TigersNebraska CornhuskersCarolina PanthersKansas City Chiefs

    Stuck in denver. Flying to a blizzard in ND
    Imurhuckleberry likes this.
  34. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Ooooh I thought you were worried flights wouldn't leave Denver.
  35. Marbles

    Marbles Trudging the road to happy destiny
    Auburn TigersAtlanta Braves

    2295DBD4-D821-47A1-A3B3-08A6A3EBFDC1.jpeg Took my dog to the Occoee River today to play.

    don’t know why it’s sideways.
  36. Jax Teller

    Jax Teller Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsNashville SC

    Happy 1st birthday to this not so little guy. #derpyears4life #windtunnellifebrah

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  37. ohbluefan

    ohbluefan Well-Known Member
    Michigan WolverinesCincinnati RedsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksSan Diego Padres

    Here’s a picture of my sick doggo :( DA6F3021-BEA2-439F-B1E2-95240BC52973.jpeg Anyone had a problem with your dog getting the shits after taking NexGard flea and tick? Gave her her monthly dose yesterday and she’s been shitting like a goose ever since, probably 15-20 times over the last 24 hours. Going to give it til Monday and probably call the vet, she’s still eating and drinking good so maybe it’s just something she ate or a bug.
  38. Tiffin

    Tiffin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Alabama Crimson TideLos Angeles LakersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadToolAEW

    Shouldn't really be an issue but did you give it to her with food?
    Jimmy Mac likes this.
  39. cutig

    cutig My name is Rod, and I like to party
    Clemson TigersNebraska CornhuskersCarolina PanthersKansas City Chiefs

    I think you can feed them pumpkin to help with diarrhea
    Tiffin and Jimmy Mac like this.
  40. ohbluefan

    ohbluefan Well-Known Member
    Michigan WolverinesCincinnati RedsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksSan Diego Padres

    Maybe a hour after she ate, she’s never had a problem before taking it. Thinking it’s just a bug going around.
    Tiffin likes this.
  41. Jax Teller

    Jax Teller Well-Known Member
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsNashville SC

    Blue had the shits too for a couple days last week.
    Tiffin and Jimmy Mac like this.
  42. Imurhuckleberry

    Imurhuckleberry Avid spectator of windmill warriors
    Florida GatorsSan Francisco GiantsGolden State WarriorsSan Francisco 49'ers

    Darwin as well. Btw, something I've been noticing for a couple months. When Darwin yawns he trembles. When he was frightened he used do this but now it seems like almost always. Going to probably drop a few hundred at the vet next week on it but wondering if anyone had experience with something similar?
  43. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    My dad called me and told me he put my dog and my SIL’s dog down yesterday. They were both old and he just retired so he’s home now and said they had accidents in the house and he had to clean it up so it was time for them to go. He’s a horrible person who I hate with every ounce of my being. RIP in peace Maggie Mae.
    Willpépé, Jax Teller, Jorts and 7 others like this.
  44. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    So yes, my father killed 2 dogs because they annoyed him. Not because they were both so bad they needed to be put down but because he wanted to get rid of them so he just decided to get rid of them both at the same time to save him the trouble.
    Jax Teller and Tiffin like this.

    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

  46. Tiffin

    Tiffin ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Alabama Crimson TideLos Angeles LakersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadToolAEW

  47. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    Yeah he’s a shit person. I’ve posted on here about how we don’t have anything to do with my family. They took her in because I went out in the field for work and couldn’t take her with me. When I finally settled into a place I tried to bring her with us but my mother started crying and begged to keep her. That’s the only reason she was in their care and I tried multiple times to bring her with me. She wasn’t mistreated but I knew what would happen when she got to be old and how my dad is. He’s been retired for less than two weeks and put them both down because he didn’t like being home all the time and having to mess with them. He’s a shit person.
    Jax Teller and Tiffin like this.

    THEBLUERAIDER Well-Known Member
    St. Louis CardinalsTennessee TitansNashville PredatorsMiddle Tennessee State Blue Raiders

    Damn, man. I’m sorry. No offense but fuck that dude.
  49. Degausser

    Degausser #NewProfilePic
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta Braves

    With lots of offense intended, fuck that dude.