FIFA was always better than NCAA for this reason... People tried to cheese the fuck out of FIFA by playing with Bayern, Real Madrid, Barcelona and Manchester United (back in the day with Ronaldo)... But, you could always win by playing the game the way it's supposed to be played. There was no non-cheese fuck way of stopping the bull shit that neanderthals like TobiasFunke-Analrapist would do in NCAA.
We did the same thing with FIFA in college where we had multiple people on the same team. We set what star levels you could choose from to avoid somebody picking the 5 star teams. Plus it was a lot more fun playing with Roma, Dortmund, Valencia, etc. That version of NCAA with Vince Young was fucking ridiculous, all people would do is scramble with him and he was pretty tought to stop on 3 or 4 downs of doing this.
The O.G. I was at Rite Aid a couple months ago and they sold Sega Genesis pre loaded with like 100 games or so for $20-$30. I couldn't resist, drove to one of those record stores and picked this up for $7. I probably played 20 games that weekend.
Ohio State was so fucking good in that one. I can't imagine how much fun they'd be to play in '16 version :*(
EA thought quite highly of Gamble. Pretty much all run heavy teams would rise to the top in those dynasties. Could always expect TCU, Air Force, CSU, KSU, Navy and WVU to become dominant programs during sim dynasties
kinda related but it was bizarre who would turn into dynasties in the March madness series 20 years in one year and norfolk state and arkansas pine-bluff were blue bloods
Basically have to give up recruiting the state of California after year 4-5 because Fresno puts up the fence.
Randomly found my copy of NCAA 14 from my Xbox 360 days ... I have moved on to a PS4, but I am going to check on used Xbox 360 prices next time I am in GS. Need a CFB game in my life. My brother and I would invent games within the game, like no passing, must run 5-wides, insert your 3rd string QB, etc. I loved this game.
One of the most frustrating aspects of the game was not being able to have multiple players with the same number.
Good TE's were unstoppable in every version: just like they are in real life... If I were a college OC, I would attempt 10+ passes to tight ends ever game. Power run game with a little TE action. My god
Best TE in the franchise for me was Kellen Winslow Jr. in 2004. He was then even better in Madden 2004.
Sorry brah, I'm a PS3 hoe. You can find them though, just google it and you'll find a link to some message board that'll have the gamer tag or whatever the Xbox version of that is that you can download updated rosters from.
I find it absolutely hilarious that pearl made mix tapes from this game. Think I uploaded a few plays to Youtube, but I never went that far.
It's funnier that it was from like a year ago and he proudly posted them. He's a fruit loop but I have no problem with him. He's our fruit loop.
Repeatedly beat the shit out of one of my older brother's friend to the point where he got up accusing me of cheating and left without saying bye
We have stretches where we go quick. But Toasted Tiger and NoleNBlue slow us down but we're usually twice a week at worst
Just be advised, if it suits Jigga and his personal schedule, he will advance like 4 times in 24 hours despite you posting several times that you are out of town for the weekend.