Hey everybody let's compare progressive politicians who want to help people with a billionaire who makes his employees piss in bottles wheeee
I think it’s cool she chooses to donate all her money, just like I think it’s cool that Bezos built a massive logistics retail company that continually reinvests in their tech and ops.
And I think it'd be cool if he stopped taking money at like $10b, more than he can spend in this lifetime, and instead gave it to his employees instead of working them to the point they have to piss in plastic bottles to hit an arbitrary number for production so they can feed their family. Now THAT would be cool. Our definitions of cool are different.
Union truck drivers have to pee in bottles too. Until we have driverless trucks, we will always have people doing this. Local and state governments also cause drivers to do this during the height of Covid by closing down rest areas. Keep thinking this is isolated to only Amazon.
He's learning how much he enjoys the dopamine hit of negative attention Only spirals downhill from here
None of them require me to pee in a bottle in the back of a truck. They are realistic. I work for an amazing company. Our comp plan is close to double any other company for a similar job. Our owner could make 2x the profits if he wanted to. He's an awesome dude and shares his wealth. Sure he has 2 jets and half a dozen homes but he could hoard so much more if he wanted to. Seriously, go fuck yourself. You're a fucking slave to capitalism. You'll excuse any action by any company to drain every fucking nickel out of their employees while the top of the food chain swims in gold. You're never going to be the one swimming in the gold. You're always going to be the little guy giving your life to make them rich and they don't give a single fuck about you. You're replaceable. You can fawn over them all you want but they'll never know you exist.
It’s funny to read posts on this board from last year that claim inflation is a nothing burger and if there is any it will be transitory. Also not sure how Biden connects corporate taxes to a “Putin price hike.” Why would we tax corporations if the current inflation was caused by Putin?
The vast majority of inflation is transitory. And food and gas price increases are tied to the war in Ukraine and historically high demand. You aren't too dumb to ignore that there's different factors for different aspects of inflation. I'm glad you dodged that Biden was just using the logic behind fiscal conservatives. Can't give up the game.
I didn’t know until this thread that he didn’t start Tesla. Which is extra funny now that I think about the “founder” back and forth I had with weird crypto guy 123456 I think in this thread. Anyway, it’s clear his self marketing has worked if he had me - a true genius - fooled
First of all, the Biden tweet wasn’t even false. Hiking corporate tax rates = lower wages, which is one way to combat inflation (although not my preferred one). It’d have been nice if Biden was more explicit about the downstream effect of a corporate tax hike in that scenario, though. So I’m not sure what your point is here? You can’t possibly believe that the things AOC, Warren, or Bernie tweet are even remotely comparable to the flat out lies that Republican politicians constantly tweet (things like claiming Nazi demonstators are democratic operatives, constantly calling people pedos when it’s the Republican politicians that are constantly getting arrested for pedophillia, Donald Trump spouting off just absolute crazy nonsensical shit, etc.). You can’t just “both-sides” something when they aren’t remotely comparable.
Government contracts? My parents worked at the space center under a “government handout” aka government contractor of NASA. It’s no different that Space X being awarded a contract.
Oh those republican politicians are dumb and the people who eat that shit up are equally as dumb. I’d equate the followers of MTG to those of Bernie, Warren and AOC. They both love to pander to their base with outlandish statements. I both sides it because both sides are dumb. I prefer the center left and center right politicians/people.
I think the people who believe Warren when she says that Uber/Lyft puts shareholder profits over workers(companies that have never been profitable, never paid dividends, and stocks have only declined) are the same idiots who believe MTG’s QANON shit. If Warren wanted to talk about how a gig worker isn’t protected like a normal worker without mentioning “share holder profits” then that is a more factual statement.
It’s hard to name 3 favorites because most are not true centrists. Almost everyone has more cons than pros. Ill name my 3 least favorite on either side… Bernie, Warren, and Ed Markey Blackburn, Cruz, and a tie between Cotton/Grassley I’d say my only favorite is Rand Paul and it’s probably because my 1st and only presidential donation went to Ron Paul. I loved watching Ron Paul speak and we share very similar ideals. I probably only like Rand because I hope that he will be more like Ron one day. I hate the tit for tat we have going on right now government. The whole delaying Supreme Court justices is dumb and we should have a rule that puts a time limit on how long you can delay, like 3-6 months. So it would be fair to both sides to either get lucky to nominate or potentially push a nomination to the next president.
At this pt I think this guy is a plant to farm likes for the lib cucks of TMB responding to this nonsense
i will help you emulate your political hero by nearly beating you to death like his hero neighbor did