We haven’t been able to stop Taysom Hill once in like 7 years or however long he’s been there. He looks like the best player in the league when he plays Atlanta
Why tf you forcing that kirk? Always my beef with him, he’ll give you 4-5 chances a game to take the ball away
Ray Ray has to have the most targets on the team, right? I don’t understand why we feed our 4th best option nonstop
For a sus as Fontenot's drafts have been, he's been pretty solid at bringing in playmakers as free agents and trades.
Well maybe we can get the offense going this half. And maybe we can stop getting fucked on BS penalties. Shoutout to Troy Andersen for playing the half of his life
It’s really not hard to line pitts up inline and let him be the matchup nightmare he is. We insist on playing him at X where he’s just an average player
We might as well get rid of him if we don’t wanna use him right. He’s not more athletic than NFL CBs, he’s not gonna win outside at X like that
0 touches for Pitts as per the usual. Seems like Bijan should be fresh, let's ram him down their throat