I mean, we're not gonna do any better. I didn't think it was possible for Farts to be any more of a dead man walking than he was, but that's all this deal does. Top notch ACs, croots and transfers must be banging down our doors
#MoneyTeam is currently interim head coach at Southern Cal. May as well see if he wants to dive bag-first into this septic tank
I mean if he wins less than 9 games next year he better be fired. This is the biggest joke I’ve witnessed.
The only thing I know about Trev Alberts is that he’s an abject moron. How did he get hired as your AD?
Because everyone in this state is a moron and the greatest of all the morons run the state and its largest institutions
For real, unless Frost adds like 5-10 starting caliber players through the portal (without losing any of our own) they’re going to be even worse off next year.
This seems like a cost benefit move that was affected by the coaching cycle. Frost has a huge buyout and places like USC, LSU, and possibly Florida are looking. I was interested to see if Alberts went to FCS for a guy like ND State’s Entz who has roots in Nebraska/Iowa/Minnesota and is a winner at that level. Looks like a restructure to eliminate the buyout problem next year and hope for a less active cycle of candidates.
Memorial Stadium better be 50-75% full at all times next year. What a disgusting decision by the university.
idiot idiot IDIOT so STUPID GOD I knew Nebraska knew how to make stupid decisions and asshole decisions and stupid asshole decisions. Somehow I didn't think they could also make insane, suicidal ones. But we are trash and probably for the best we just self-terminate as a program. FE. TINH. GBR.
There is no way to predict who your HC hiring competition is going to be. Don't let that stop our incestuous, smooth-brained University from trying though
They better take that damn “winning tradition” patch off the jersey. Maybe they can replace it with a picture of TO and Frost hugging on senior day or something.
There are tons a great FCS coaches who would kill for the Nebraska job. We were a laughing stock in 2001 when we interviewed Oregon’s Belotti, Minnesota’s Mason, and even former player Chris Spielman who had no coaching experience. We hired Tressel from FCS and the program has never looked back. The guy could coach, but none of us expected or appreciated how well he could recruit after spending 15 years cultivating contacts with high school coaches at FCS where he had to work a lot harder.
sounds like assistants heads are going to roll today. Smart to fire all of them instead of the one responsible for hiring and keeping them.
Welp, I was wrong. My one worry was this dipshit fanbase’s incredibly support for a sorry-ass coach and here we are. Trev still could have made the tough decision, but it just seemed there was so god damn much backlash the last couple days for anybody who suggest he be let go. These losers enjoy being masochistic idiots (as long as it comes from their golden boy) sighhhhh. There is no hope, fuck everything, go big everything else but football red because it’s never going to change.
Boys in here getting preemptively mad about us winning enough games to keep Scott next year we will win 4 games AND STILL keep Frost. We may be the actual least talented team in the conference…. You guys have seen what happens when we are the most talented team in the division. Next year will be a blood bath. it’s what I said yesterday. It’s ideology over execution. Frost can spit out the buzzwords the idiots in charge want to hear… that’s all he needs to do to stay forever.
Honestly Chins and the D staff have earned my respect. I hope for their sake they parlay this into jumping off the sinking ship which would also be another hilarious result of this terrible decision of keeping Frost.
But what about the close losses? They should count as AT LEAST 1/2 a win a piece. Top ten close losses probably should just go into the win column. CFB team close losses are probably 1.5 wins if you really think about it.