Oh that’s just the callback to it. The original power bottom scene is from The Gang Sells Out when they’re in the strip club
Yeah but I was thinking about that one. The OG I think they just discuss the differences between bottom and power bottom.
I think we can all agree dump wouldn’t provide the power OR the speed. I’ll give him credit for that jumper, he’ll hit the hole, but the bottom has to take it from there. Hey! Dairin’s family members. What do you think would be the preferred method of utilizing dump in man on man intercourse? There’s no wrong answers in brainstorming!!!
I found her entire class list from first through sixth grade on classmates.com then I sent them all printouts of this thread, but to make it extra spooky I used magazine cutouts to address them like I’m the Riddler. I just want to protect her from this very weird and sick man
The board is overrun by seemingly bots lately I wouldn't take too much credit Was like 800 guests in the politics thread yesterday