Running the football too much is dumb especially when you have Patrick Mahomes. That said situationally we should be doing it more and running being the interior OL because they are good
They should run when the Defense is daring them to. They tend to either refuse to run at all (Bengals AFCCG loss) or try outside zone shit when it's just not going to work. On the rare occasion you will get a game like last night's.
that might not be the loudest i've seen/heard arrowhead, but it was certainly the angriest. I loved every minute of it. Let the refs have it for 3 damn quarters.
My seats today. Bills fans I ran into were dicks for the most part. Chiefs fans I ran into were dicks for the most part. We’ll get them in January.
Bills fans have been really cool for all the games I’ve been to (I think all of them the last few years)
It was a little tongue in cheek. Things got pretty chippy around me after the game and people were just being idiots on both sides. Before the end of the game everyone was pretty cool.
Went to the game last night. First game in the Mahomes era. It was awesome and I loved it even though we lost. Patrick is something else in person. But holy shit getting out of there is an absolute disaster. Nobody directing traffic, everybody just winging it and aggressively trying to merge 10+ "lanes" (aka the random paths people happened to take to leave) through an exit about two cars wide. Complete amateur hour shit that I did not expect. Memorial stadium is smack dab in the middle of downtown Lincoln and traffic out of there is 100x smoother.
Park at BP and you’re on the insterstate in 3 minutes. The walk is longer but way way faster than getting out of the lots. If you’re using your vehicle specifically to tailgate then this advice does not apply.
I would agree about RT and other places but there isn't an equally of talented player sitting on the sidelines as OBJ is as a WR. He was going to be the super bowl MVP before he got hurt. If there was a former all pro RT that was in the same situation that won't cost us draft picks or players, I'd say do it. But if we have ~$4m we can use to sign him with now that Kelce restructured, lets do it.
an actual #1 WR would help our currently shitty tackles. a tackle would be great but they’re not exactly growing on trees. don’t need to panic at CB with the young talent coming back from injury now.
My point was more based around the idea that we have larger needs on the roster than adding a WR coming off a major knee injury.
Srs question because I do not know the free agent and trade market - is there a player available at <$4m that would legitimately help us as a #1 at their position relative to the current roster?
I heard some stuff that we might be looking at bringing back Eric Fisher. Not a #1 but probably only enough $$ to sign him or OBJ.
Doubt it. Have heard from people that he's done with football. He would fix the lack of a #1 WR problem, but wouldn't do much to fix how much Wylie blows.