Kendrick Lamar

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by dtx, Aug 30, 2021.

  1. Scblue

    Scblue I drop names
    Chicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BlackhawksTennis

    Taj, Demar, Russ. LMAO
  2. MtOread

    MtOread chopped and scrooged
    Kansas JayhawksKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsBig 8 Conference

    Westbrook is up there lmao
    beerleagueman and Daniel Ocean like this.
  3. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    These fools flamed up
  4. am16401

    am16401 Praise God

    so what award show is going to have the guts to bring him on to perform this?
    dblplay1212 likes this.
  5. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    Incredible, man.
    Shiggityshwo and Eamudo229 like this.
  6. ashy larry

    ashy larry the egg bar is coveted as fuck
    South Carolina GamecocksAtlanta BravesWu-tang

    nooooo hahahahaha
    Shiggityshwo and TrustyPatches like this.
  7. Fuck this

    Fuck this Oh Hey
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  8. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

  9. Scblue

    Scblue I drop names
    Chicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BlackhawksTennis

  10. nexus

    nexus TMB’s TSO
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    this is the closest thing we’ll ever see to a real life Player Haters Ball
  11. joey jo-jo jr shabadoo

    joey jo-jo jr shabadoo you know for me, the action is the juice

    the premier grave pissing of all time
    Scblue likes this.
  12. nexus

    nexus TMB’s TSO
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  13. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  14. IvanTheTerrible

    IvanTheTerrible Well-Known Member
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  15. Lyrtch

    Lyrtch My second favorite meat is hamburger
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    The world will be a better place when akademics is no longer in it
    PAHokie, ashy larry, Tug and 4 others like this.
  16. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  17. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  18. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  19. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  20. EMAW FC

    EMAW FC Proud Smucker
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    For my nba thread people

  21. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  22. Andy Reocho

    Andy Reocho Please don't get lost in the sauce
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    Twitter is on fire.
  23. joey jo-jo jr shabadoo

    joey jo-jo jr shabadoo you know for me, the action is the juice

    oh cousin javy

    very much not a surprise :laugh:
    EMAW FC likes this.
  24. ohhaithur

    ohhaithur e-Batman

    great camera/production work on that sequence
  25. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    Man was having the time of his life
  26. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    Kendrick could cure the ails of every city with that style of tour.
    PAHokie and Cornfed Buffalo like this.
  27. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

  28. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    Could Kendrick end the viability of the trump campaign?

    Illinihockey and Troy Barnes like this.
  29. spagett

    spagett Got ya, spooked ya

    Looked like he was doing a Mark Madsen impression dancing
  30. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  31. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  32. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  33. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  34. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    Had no idea this was happening. Opened thread to three new pages like did he drop another diss?
  35. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  36. NilesIrish

    NilesIrish Not a master fisher but I know bait when I see it
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    That entire show was incredible.
    PAHokie, Craig Pettis, Poetic and 6 others like this.
  37. GoodForAnother

    GoodForAnother there’s a starman waiting in the sky
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    PAHokie and dblplay1212 like this.
  38. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    I would prioritize Norman the gecko from the random thoughts thread
    letan, SugarShaun and ashy larry like this.
  39. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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  40. TC

    TC Peter, 53, from Toxteth
    South Carolina GamecocksCarolina PanthersCarolina Hurricanes

    Rock is my genre but I'm hip hop curious
  41. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    Gecko curious imo
    TC likes this.
  42. EMAW FC

    EMAW FC Proud Smucker
    Kansas State WildcatsKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsFulhamSporting Kansas CitySneakers

  43. Shiggityshwo

    Shiggityshwo Well-Known Member
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    outside of Kendrick and a few other albums here and there, I'd mostly been checked out of hip hop for a decade plus, this whole thing's completely rejuvenated my love for the art form

    my spotify algorithm's gotta be so confused right now
  44. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    who tf is that
    Fancy likes this.