La Harristocracia 2024: The Angrification of Puerto Rico

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by GoodForAnother, Nov 6, 2020.

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  1. Pile Driving Miss Daisy

    Pile Driving Miss Daisy It angries up the blood
    Texas LonghornsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern Eagles

    People forget how annoying USC's fight song was when they were good. It was played easily as often as fucking boomer sooner.
    tjsblue, Daniel Ocean, pearl and 2 others like this.
  2. Pile Driving Miss Daisy

    Pile Driving Miss Daisy It angries up the blood
    Texas LonghornsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern Eagles

    Also barking after a kickoff is brain-dead behavior.
  3. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
    Donor TMB OG
    Michigan WolverinesSwansea

    You get that that’s a Lou Costello reference, right?
    fetumpsh likes this.
  4. WC

    WC Bad Company, ‘til the day I die.
    Donor TMB OG
    North Carolina State WolfpackAtlanta BravesCarolina PanthersCarolina HurricanesUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    WaPo cancellations up to 250k

    The Walrus, Lip, Champ and 29 others like this.
  5. skiedfrillet

    skiedfrillet It's not a lie if you believe it.
    Clemson Tigers

    Now I do
    VaxRule likes this.
  6. ElectricDreamMachine

    ElectricDreamMachine he was on the colgate comedy hour
    Clemson TigersCharlotte HornetsCarolina Panthers

    wish i could easily find every time someone has posted a tweet from hillary dead-ender clymer lol
  7. AbeFroman

    AbeFroman You touch me, I yell RAT!

    Man, those rule. My bland ass state is too bland
  8. AbeFroman

    AbeFroman You touch me, I yell RAT!

    This for just Texas or national?
  9. joe-

    joe- yesterday is a hard word for me
    Donor TMB OG
    Kansas City RoyalsDSA

    these aren’t exit polls
  10. GoodForAnother

    GoodForAnother a cracked polystyrene man
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    Kansas State WildcatsKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsSporting Kansas CityTottenham HotspurBig 8 ConferenceBig 12 ConferenceCoors LightFormula 1

    Bo Pelinis likes this.
  11. Mr Mortisay

    Mr Mortisay Well-Known Member
    Arkansas Razorbacks

    Rocky Top is a million times more annoying than the hog call
  12. Illinihockey

    Illinihockey Well-Known Member
    Chicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksIllinois Fightin' IlliniLiverpool

    This campaign feels a lot like Trump in 2016 when the polls vastly underestimated enthusiasm for him. All of the soft data is pointing to a solid Harris win
  13. Pile Driving Miss Daisy

    Pile Driving Miss Daisy It angries up the blood
    Texas LonghornsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern Eagles

    Fuck attending anything at The Sphere with that many people if you're in the nosebleeds. I could not believe how steep the incline was between rows and how absolutely little space there was to walk in front of people seated. Some lady was grabbing on people trying to exit the row before the show I was at was over trying to not fall to her death.
  14. Bo Pelinis

    Donor TMB OG
    Nebraska CornhuskersKansas City RoyalsKansas City ChiefsBig 8 Conference

    Nobody said the hog call is annoying. We said it's dumb, which it is. The dumbest.
  15. Vito Corleone

    Vito Corleone Deluxe Member
    TMB OG
    Florida State SeminolesIowa HawkeyesMinnesota VikingsBig Ten Conference

    Own goaling an"October Surprise" is so symbolic of the MAGA movement
    The Walrus, Lip, yaywaffles and 28 others like this.
  16. steamengine

    steamengine I don’t want to press one for English!
    LiverpoolBig Ten Conference

    They’re Blexit polls
    Odin likes this.
  17. beeds7

    beeds7 Bitch, it's Saturday
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishSt. Louis CardinalsSt. Louis Blues

    I was gonna post the same thing.
  18. Tommy Jefferson

    Tommy Jefferson Well-Known Member
    Nebraska CornhuskersKansas JayhawksKansas City RoyalsKansas City Chiefs

    Are you confusing the sphere and the ellipse?
    Lip, Blu Tang Clan, Guns and 9 others like this.
  19. CMoney128

    CMoney128 Well-Known Member
    Atlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsSouthern California Trojans

    Dropped off my ballot this morning and gonna phone bank for Kamala tonight. I know we're all gonna be losing our shit over the next week, but if you can spare the time it'll be way more helpful to your sanity and her chances of winning to take that energy and volunteer for the campaign (in addition to engaging here, of course). Happy to help point anyone in the right direction as far as volunteer opps go, and/or you can even hop on the same phone bank as me if you want, just lemme know.

    America is gonna be whatever it's gonna be, as long as I can reasonably say to myself that I did everything I could to avert fascism I can live with the results one way or another. But let's just do the utmost to get the outcome we want
  20. Connor Norman

    Connor Norman Cool ass dog and 5 star recruit
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta United

  21. Mr Mortisay

    Mr Mortisay Well-Known Member
    Arkansas Razorbacks

    have you ever fucking heard the rocky top lyrics?
    Deep dirt likes this.
  22. Deep dirt

    Deep dirt Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksSan Francisco GiantsGolden State WarriorsGrateful Dead

    Maybe they just don’t understand. Our mascot is the Razorback (Hog) and we, as fans, are calling upon those hogs to come and perform athletic feats that we would enjoy seeing.

    Lip, Drown ‘Em, Prospector and 6 others like this.
  23. bwi2

    bwi2 Not affiliated with BWI
    Duke Blue DevilsWashington NationalsArsenalUSA Basketball

    yeah, they are actual, cognizable words
    pearl, Bo Pelinis, electronic and 6 others like this.
  24. bertwing

    bertwing check out the nametag grandma
    Staff Donor
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew Orleans SaintsTiger WoodsBarAndGrill

    Fuck you bitch
    pearl, Deep dirt and Mr Mortisay like this.
  25. Hoss Bonaventure

    Hoss Bonaventure I can’t pee with clothes touching my butt
    Arkansas RazorbacksSt. Louis CardinalsHouston RocketsDallas CowboysSneakers

    Do you know why OU’s fight song is only 2 words? It’s all their fans can remember.
    Lip, Prospector, pearl and 9 others like this.
  26. HuskerInMiami

    HuskerInMiami Well-Known Member
    Miami DolphinsNebraska Cornhuskers

    My wife and I are both registered as (I) because Republicans are psychopaths and review bombed my wifes business a few years ago. Some shitty patient was in the wrong and complained on FB. Their mob looked up our address and saw we both were registered (D) and decided that's why they were "treated poorly".

    I don't remember what it was about, but something really dumb. I think it was over failing them on their DMV driver form because they were blind.
    Lip, ashy larry, Jax Teller and 25 others like this.
  27. steamengine

    steamengine I don’t want to press one for English!
    LiverpoolBig Ten Conference

    Boomer sooner is easily the worst
  28. Pile Driving Miss Daisy

    Pile Driving Miss Daisy It angries up the blood
    Texas LonghornsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedGeorgia Southern Eagles

    Yep my bad, I saw the tweet and also another one that a picture of The Sphere with Kamala's face on it and immediately assumed it was there.
    Guns and Tommy Jefferson like this.
  29. Mr Mortisay

    Mr Mortisay Well-Known Member
    Arkansas Razorbacks

    A dumbest traditions discussion without bringing up the Aggies seems unresearched
    MJH, Lip, DistantFactor and 25 others like this.
  30. LuPoor

    LuPoor Heaven has forsaken the masturbator
    Tulsa Golden HurricaneGeorgia BulldogsOklahoma City ThunderTottenham Hotspur

    You're just jealous that you never got to kiss random people holding lighters in the Kyle Field stands at Midnight Yell
  31. CMoney128

    CMoney128 Well-Known Member
    Atlanta BravesAtlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsSouthern California Trojans

  32. Goose

    Goose Hi
    Ohio State BuckeyesCincinnati BearcatsCincinnati RedsCincinnati BengalsReal MadridXavier MusketeersDayton FlyersTiger WoodsFC CincinnatiPGA

    I hope this actually leads to something vs the good ole left version of:

    MJH, Lip, Jax Teller and 14 others like this.
  33. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG
    Atlanta HawksAtlanta FalconsAvengers

    Lmao I forgot when those freaks weee destroying their Keurig machines
  34. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    Just missing bud light. One that actually kinda worked(?)
    Prospector and BudKilmer like this.
  35. —

    Well-Known Member

    Short term annoyance yes
  36. Duck2013

    Duck2013 Hello
    Oregon DucksLos Angeles LakersLos Angeles ChargersTiger Woods

    I would order bud light every Saturday at the golf club after my round for like 3 months straight during that madness. Drove the chuds fucking insane
    Lip, Champ, Jax Teller and 16 others like this.
  37. Goose

    Goose Hi
    Ohio State BuckeyesCincinnati BearcatsCincinnati RedsCincinnati BengalsReal MadridXavier MusketeersDayton FlyersTiger WoodsFC CincinnatiPGA

    Budweiser is at the bottom right. Their market cap had already been falling.
    Sub-Zero likes this.
  38. citrodong

    citrodong We're a cold fucking bean team.
    UCF KnightsIndianapolis Colts

    Why don’t we hear about the stock market being at all time highs at all? In small town Indiana I hear about how bad the economy is basically every day and I just don’t understand. By what measurement? These aren’t poor people who don’t have retirement accounts they are just middle class right wing bubble people. They’re stuck on 2021 egg prices when we have sub 5% unemployment, real wage growth, record high stock market, inflation in the 2s. I never hear Harris try to take back the strong economy talking point but by all actual measures the economy is doing way better than most ever expected 1 or 2 years ago.
    MJH, Lip, HuskerInMiami and 17 others like this.
  39. npndne

    npndne Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishDenver BroncosMinnesota VikingsColorado Avalance

    TIL The trust fund baby who dropped out of Mumford and Sons to be a fascist was first in a band named Gobbler's Knob.
    ashy larry and Prospector like this.
  40. joe-

    joe- yesterday is a hard word for me
    Donor TMB OG
    Kansas City RoyalsDSA

    nespresso is better anyway
    pearl, Owsley, NYGator and 1 other person like this.
  41. Tobias

    Tobias we’re on to tcu
    North Carolina TarheelsAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsNew York GiantsManchester CityNational LeagueBarAndGrill

  42. 2

    2 GBR NFM
    Nebraska CornhuskersColorado RockiesDenver BroncosBig 8 ConferenceNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Kamala texted me again. Seems like she only texts when she needs money. :huh:
    The Walrus, MJH, Lip and 26 others like this.
  43. joe-

    joe- yesterday is a hard word for me
    Donor TMB OG
    Kansas City RoyalsDSA

    are you sure you’re not accidentally reading the text I sent to my mother
  44. cdaysker

    cdaysker Quarry
    Donor TMB OG
    Nebraska Cornhuskers alt

    It worked on my aunt and uncle. I was at a family function a few weeks ago and was drinking a Busch Light when my aunt, unprompted, walked up and said "Still drinking Anheuser products? We switched to Miller Lite after AB went woke"

    My aunt was laid off about 3 years ago and has become a 6a-10p consumer of Fox News and has a completely rotted brain. My uncle is set to retire in a month so they'll both be completely gone before too long.
    MJH, Lip, Jax Teller and 14 others like this.
  45. Dillingham

    Dillingham Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

  46. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
    Florida GatorsTampa Bay BuccaneersTampa Bay Lightning

    Being tied when every other D is up comfortably is breaking my brain
    Lip, CUAngler, Daniel Ocean and 5 others like this.
  47. London Humphreys

    London Humphreys The next Julian Edelman, obviously.
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsAtlanta UnitedLiverpoolFormula 1

    I feel like Dems always resist bragging about a good economy because they empathize that many arent sharing in it. Bottom line is somebody is getting fucked no matter what. I appreciate the empathy, but trump just lied about it and the dumb whites loved it for him. Bad politics not to at least state the positive facts of the economy.

    I'm still trying to understand how bidenomics was a "disaster" and the media never pushed back. Virtually every metric is currently good and our economy recovered quicker than the rest of the world post pandemic. Once again Dems clean up the mess, don't take victory laps, and the chuds cream them with he help of the centrist media. Maddening.
  48. 2

    2 GBR NFM
    Nebraska CornhuskersColorado RockiesDenver BroncosBig 8 ConferenceNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    I hope your mom votes for Kamala
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