not to rehash yesterday but this is not remotely true. Many are doing their best to manufacture Biden’s mistakes.
Melania would already have her separate bedroom set up in the WH if Joe was still running, but could you imagine the shit he would have said on the campaign trail at 800 people rallies?
It’s not just California (another right wing talking point you’ve adopted) but sure a lot of people have moved to Texas
i've adopted a right wing talking point? you do realize im making fun of them for saying they are "california exiles", correct?
The guy who is going to put us on Mars is bankrolling antivax bullshit cause he is a man of science and vision
I know what point you think you’re making, yes. It is a right wing talking point, there are even bumper stickers.
I was meeting this guy who I thought was normal, when he lamented that the LDS was building a church on the land near us and he couldn’t bear the evil they would do there.
From the article .. “However, a growing number of LDS voters are feeling disillusioned about Trump, a shift initially evidenced by the 18% of Arizona’s LDS voters opting for Joe Biden in 2020, a New York Times exit poll showed. A national poll from the Survey Center of American Life also found that more than half of LDS voters surveyed expressed negative feelings toward Trump, while more than two-thirds of white evangelical Protestants viewed him positively. .. LDS support for Republican presidential tickets has also dropped significantly, from 80% in 2004 for George W. Bush to 61% for Trump in 2016, even as other religious groups moved to the right, according to Pew Research Center.“
To be fair, most Mormons I’ve met are smart enough in the ways of the world to figure which of the candidates have had the most abortions performed on his or her behalf.
Mormons are highly educated and travel a lot and believe in being polite, it’s not hard to understand why they don’t like Trump
I guess I stand corrected based on the article but you can imagine my skepticism regarding a religion that bases the levels of heaven on how many children you have
And I’m actually a fan of most LDS folks I’ve met, at least in a work setting. I just can’t shake the fact that they’re cult members
It might be sometimes. But they don’t like braggarts and liars, and in this big tent of ours, we welcome them on the Harris Train.
my neighbors are Mormon. Really nice people but keep to themselves. The strangest thing is all the random cars that come and go from their residence on the weekends.