But in law, morals only go so far. Looking to find a little tegg, a little gallant. But there is no way to know. You boys need to get a system going to help people find the lawyers they need
Genuine, though. When people need a lawyer, they probably have no idea other than closing their eyes and throwing a dart.
The best way to find a lawyer is to ask a lawyer, but a lot of people don’t know lawyers. As a profession, we do a pretty poor job of providing access to quality representation.
In County Court today. Simple motion to withdraw and the now pro-se plaintiff has been rambling for 30+ minutes about how she appreciates the judicial system and the judge is just letting her go. County Court is fun...
Part of the issue is that, as wes tegg mentioned, we don't have a good Yelp-like system. The best you can do is firm by firm using Google, the issue there is you have unreasonable clients who will blow up Google reviews if they didn't get $1 million from a simple fender bender. For some other systems, there are listservs but, as someone mentioned, a lot of them will give you good reviews if you pay for it. The best advice is to do ask around to friends, based on what type of lawyer you would be looking for, and then do some online research on the attorney.
And, the general public really isn't great at evaluating lawyers. With the right facts, you can get a great result with a terrible lawyer. With the wrong facts, it won't matter how good the lawyer is.
If you go to their office and the walls aren't covered in Super Lawyers plaques , do not proceed further. The more plaques from random and seemingly made up organizations, the better.
NBTA-I'm not sure anyone gives a shit-referring attorneys or PCs ABOTA-probably the most respected as far as I can tell. You have to have real trial experience to get into it. Not per se certification just an organization. There is no state certification in MS. Question: can anyone give some insight into what advantages board certification actually affords?
I was going to sit in Florida for board cert once I had enough years in practice. I had enough trials in less than 4 years. Then I moved and I have no reason to.
I have enough trials for the criminal certification but i havent had a single civil trial in almost 4 years of practice. Though i guess 1 of those years was peak covid. Really kinda bummed because trials are like the only exciting part of the job
I’m not board certified but I am in ABOTA. I didn’t get board certified because when I was a defense lawyer it was irrelevant. Now I’ve been in practice long enough that it doesn’t matter.
have a defense chiro expert depo in an hour that i'm very much looking forward to def lawyer has 224 cases on file in harris county. he's hired chiropractor experts 62 times. 21 - the chiro today 36 - different chiro but who works at same office as today's chiro 5 - other the reports of the chiro today and the dude who works at his office are copy and paste jobs - same report for both docs and here is the kicker the citations remind me of something i would do in college if i had like 2 hours to write a paper hungover on 2 hours of sleep. cites studies from greece, lithuania, roller derby injuries and all of the other ones are 20-40 years old. some from before i was born.
A lot of medical literature cites studies from foreign nations. If something was cited from 2002 it wouldn't be some huge red flag either. Or something cited from the 90s.
i think you forget how often you read medical records/reports and how the dude who owns a pest petrol company does not
my tactic with def docs is to just make them look like money hungry defense whores. haven't tried a ton of cases but it was very effective in the one i had in febraury this year
This is the best tactic. From observing verdict reports , war stories, and listening to better lawyers than me: Don't try to beat them on the medicine , they are the expert there and you aren't and you will lose. Make them look like money grubbing whores who will slit their own kids throat for a big retainer .
going to play a little game with him printing 5 pages of his colleagues records that are copy pasted and the same as his and going to ask him to tell me if he wrote them or someone else
The problem you run into going too far on that, is that your own expert is also very likely a money grubbing whore as well. From my experience, the best way to challenge an expert is on their data. Garbage in, garbage out. Like you said, you'll never know their expertise better than them. But, you should always know your case better than they do.
going to have to use the doctor can you tell the jury what your nickname is in the legal community? doctor: ???? me: it's ok you can tell them doctor: ???? ok i will, it's doctor jukebox. if you give him some money you can pick the tune you want him to play
this guy is boring as fuck. how is he hired by every defense firm in town. i'm asleep and i actually care about this
speaking of depositions, I am defending an admitted liability case with sketchy meds. Plaintiff's counsel requested our client's depo before we admitted liability. After admitting, I asked if he still wanted to take the depo. I assumed he would not. But he did. It lasted 35 minutes. fun times
I see it from time to time. If they see your client is a complete dirtbag then it could potentially increase the value of the case. But most of my admitted liability cases I barely even get discovery requests. My kind of PI lawyers.
ya, I think he was angling to see if you client (a college student) was being especially reckless at the time of the accident. But it was a pretty straight forward thing. Oh well, I got to bill for the prep and the short depo, so who cares! problem with Plaintiff's counsel not issuing WD is they tend to not do anything on the case. No initiative to resolve it until experts roll around. Which is fine, but not always necessary.
are you proud of your wok product? yes blah blah reasons why ok i have a couple of pages from reports can you please confirm whether or not this is your work product goes through 6 pages and says they're all his ok doctor would you be surprised that none of those are your work product? they're another docots blah blah that's not what i said why should the jury trust your report and opinion in this case when you can't even recognize your own work that was entertaining
Lawyers if you were in talks with legal counsel about possibly suing someone regarding a uhh real estate transaction would you advise posting about it on the internet y/n just wondering EMAW FC
By the way Gallant Knight , I've never heard of a chiro expert hired by the defense in a MS trial. Sounds super busch league. Do they just do that because it is cheaper than hiring an ortho?
All (or almost all?) states have a character and fitness component to the exam, which may include a fingerprint-based criminal history check. But it seems insane that they wouldn’t let him sit for the exam and then sort out the C&F issues later.