Lawyer thread

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Jax Teller, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    Wonder what happens when you have a verdict, signed judgment, and aren’t paid and an insurance company goes under. It doesn’t sound like Fred loya has any plans on paying us. I guess I have to file some turnover motion to get the judge to assign us the defendants claim against Loya.

    we had a signed mediated settlement agreement and had to basically start the litigation process over when accc went out of business.
  2. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    I think you just begin efforts to collect against the insured, send him a letter cc’ed to his counsel and the adjuster informing him that you are executing the judgment on him personally because his insurance company has not satisfied the judgment.

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    OC in a pre lit case asked if I'd let my client be examined by an IME pre lit for purposes of, I guess, vetting causation and damages. Don't think I've ever seen this request before. Has anyone ever done this, the IME agreed with your side of the case, and it helped get things settled? I'm assuming they'll get some whore who will dispute causation and damages and it won't help get the case settled. I'm inclined to decline.

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    It would be funny if you used this to get a bad faith case against the carrier , got a verdict, the carrier didn't pay that either, and you got to execute against the carrier and garnish their bank account. If it was big enough they might file for bankruptcy. But you'd be famous.
    ARCO and wes tegg like this.
  5. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    The turnover motion is basically getting her cause of action against Loya assigned to us. I think I would rather do that than threaten to execute a judgment.

    I think what will happen is loya will offer to pay us the $68k or whatever after this motion gets ruled on but I’m going to say we aren’t agreed until you pay us fees on this. Between researching what to do, letters to OC asking wtf is going on, drafting the motion and an oral hearing that will be 6-8k of my time at $800/hr.
    CoastalOrange and wes tegg like this.
  6. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    We don’t have any equivalent to a turnover motion. That’s much easier.
  7. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    We get requests for pre-suit IMEs all the time, mainly for first-party and PIP. I'm inclined to allow anything they'd get in routine discovery, just draft a strong stipulation that says they don't get a second IME in litigation.

    Of course the IME is going to dispute your damages, but find another doctor to rebut that report.
  8. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    given how many plaintiff's counsel plead in their complaint that "the insurance company didn't even request an IME," I'd be pissed if that same office or attorney then pitched a fit about a pre-suit request for an IME.
  9. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    I have never seen that in 12 years of practice. Must be a CO thing
    (Z), RJF-GUMP, ARCO and 2 others like this.
  10. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    super common in bad faith litigation, which is very plaintiff friendly out here.
  11. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    Ive never had a client do one
  12. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    Good idea to video it. :twocents: Most of the time they don’t really do shit, and you can have your expert explain what additional stuff he did.
    colonel_forbin, RJF-GUMP, Nug and 2 others like this.
  13. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    Have a down-on-his-luck client that is on like his 4th or 5th litigation funding company, they've all denied him because his claim isn't large enough/they probably won't get their 25% interest back with his recovery. He has maybe a $20,000 - $25,000 case. We'll have to cut our fee so he can maybe put $10K in his pocket.

    I have filled out like 4 questionnaires about his case, and now he just asked me if I could tell them his case is worth more than it really is. Made the fatal error of giving him my personal cell phone number and he is not afraid to use it.
    RJF-GUMP and Lip like this.
  14. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    Can tell you haven’t been doing PI very long
    Nug, bro and Sammy Meatballs like this.
  15. Sammy Meatballs

    Sammy Meatballs DeBoer on the Floor
    Alabama Crimson TideArsenal

    gotta have a minimum value for the cell phone number

    might i suggest 7 figures
    colonel_forbin, RJF-GUMP and Nug like this.
  16. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    So this case is set for trial in a few weeks. At our pre-trial conference yesterday he closed pleadings. This morning Defendant files a motion to strike our experts saying they weren't timely disclosed. They were. We filed amended witness lists post deadline to add detail to testimony to be given and changed our damages expert from one contractor to another from the same company because they sent the wrong person to the house. All of this happened 3+ months ago and everyone has been deposed.

    Without a hearing or even giving me time to file a response he grants their motion. Striking both of my experts. My afternoon just got insanely complicated.
  17. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    same. weirdos.
  18. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    I ain't giving out my cell for a seven figure case. My sanity is worth more than that. I'm going to need 8 figures. And maybe a burner phone .
  19. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    My law partner is insane. He put his cell on his business card and on his email signature I think. Clients call him on his cell all day every day.
  20. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    sounds like loya is not paying a ton of people. called a lawyer who posted on ttla listserv and he was like yeah dude a ton of people have called me. they're not appealing, they're not posting bonds, they wear verdicts and disappear
    Bricktop the white likes this.
  21. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    Report them to the insurance commissioner for the state of Texas. They shouldn't be allowed to write insurance if they aren't going to provide insurance coverage. Sue the fuck out of them. Absolutely absurd.
  22. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    I do this. It’s not that bad, and clients appreciate it even if I just send them a text that I’m tied up but will call at X time or they can call my paralegal.
  23. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    you're a crazy person though that's been established
  24. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    i called them. it's similar to a grievance for a lawyer. they have 30 days to respond and then the tdi makes some determination. the remedy is a ding on fred loyas record like nothing will actually happen to my client and me
    wes tegg likes this.
  25. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    I really wish I had come up with The Outlawyer persona (injury lawyer in Birmingham) and his picture of him in a cowboy hat in his email signature. It would make it way more fun to fuck with people.
  26. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    He’s a great dude.
    RJF-GUMP and SenatorClayDavis like this.
  27. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    wes tegg Sammy Meatballs do you have a link/story/anything to the psycho PI lawyer that was sending outrageous demands at like 1:00 AM. "Demand is now $8,000,000, fuckface"
    Lip and Bricktop the white like this.
  28. Nug

    Nug MexicanNug
    Alabama Crimson TideSeattle MarinersAtlanta BravesNew Orleans Saints

    There's still time. Saban was the Goat because he never stopped evolving.
    RJF-GUMP likes this.
  29. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    i told them to delete my emails
    ARCO, wes tegg and Nug like this.
  30. Bricktop the white

    Bricktop the white Well-Known Member

    That sucks. Surprised he wouldn’t even give you a chance to be heard.
  31. Sammy Meatballs

    Sammy Meatballs DeBoer on the Floor
    Alabama Crimson TideArsenal

    gump injury lawyers

    demand more
    RJF-GUMP likes this.
  32. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    yea, already drafting the motion to re-consider and setting up the appeal. What a joke.
  33. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    Nug likes this.
  34. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    (Z) and Gallant Knight like this.
  35. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    Someone needs to tell this judge to stop digging

    Lip and Bricktop the white like this.
  36. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    That judge is going to end up back in private practice in however long it takes for this to matriculate through the judicial performance committees. What a joke.
  37. Prospector

    Prospector I am not a new member
    Utah UtesArkansas Razorbacks

    r/mildlyinfuriating•4 hr. ago
    I've been walking around for 4 hours like this. I'm a lawyer.
    Lip and RJF-GUMP like this.
  38. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    Those feels when you read back all the depos in preparing your opposition to MSJ and you convince yourself that your case isn't that bad after all right before getting the hammer dropped on you and getting kicked out of court.
    CF3234 and Gallant Knight like this.
  39. Oranjello

    Oranjello Well-Known Member
    Green Bay PackersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadMississippi Rebels

    How many opportunities do y’all give potential referral sources who are friends but work in the same general area?

    I’m asking because I have a friend who is a tax CPA and reaches out to see if I can work things that either (a) involve crazy facts or are of questionable lawfulness (pushing the tax envelope), (b) needed within an unrealistic timeframe, or (c) plain vanilla. Each time it’s (c), I’ve put a team in place but never hear back from him. For (b), I run him off. And for (a) I give him my initial thoughts (that are usually negative at first), do some additional research to conclude whether it’s feasible based on what I know, and then never hear back.

    I can’t decide if I’m doing the right thing by being honest up front and avoiding further wasting both of our time, or if I should refrain from sharing my initial thoughts. The fact he’s my friend does cause me to let my guard down and share more than I would with a normal client or referral source.
  40. Oranjello

    Oranjello Well-Known Member
    Green Bay PackersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadMississippi Rebels

    As an example: Today he called because a client of his needs helping forming a tax exempt church to use as a conduit to fund a charity/foundation his client is starting in Central America. His client doesn’t agree with American policy but can’t quite yet expatriate so they’re looking to pay as little US tax as possible (via the charitable deduction) while moving things off shore. His client is dead set on using a church to do this and “done their research.”
  41. herb.burdette

    herb.burdette Meet me at the corner of 8th and Worthington
    Ohio State Buckeyes

    I always answer the phone and always provide initial thoughts. It’s only time.

    I wouldn’t put a team in place or research anything unless it’s a real opportunity.
  42. RJF-GUMP

    RJF-GUMP Daubert Qualified in Cooler Thermodynamics
    Donor TMB OG

    got to love a good 7am in person dr depo. bonus points if they don’t fuck me
  43. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    Has he ever sent you anything that paid? I’d probably ask a friend if he was working for free in that scenario. I’d still do exactly what Herb said, though.
    Oranjello likes this.
  44. Oranjello

    Oranjello Well-Known Member
    Green Bay PackersNew Orleans SaintsGrateful DeadMississippi Rebels

    No, never gotten anything out of it.
  45. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    I’d definitely rag on him about that.
  46. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    how in line or out of step is this with your jurisdictions? Colorado, always so Plaintiff friendly, just upped the noneconomic damages cap for claims filed after January 1, 2025 to 1.5 million. For claims accruing after or on January 1, 2024, it was $729,790, which could be increased up to 1.459 million if clear and convincing evidence was shown.

    They changed it from when the claim accrues to when you file the lawsuit, so I imagine everyone who can will be filing their lawsuit in 2025 instead of late 2024.

    edit: I see only 9 states have noneconomic damages caps :laugh:
    #22396 bro, Jun 12, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2024
  47. Gallant Knight

    Arkansas RazorbacksHouston AstrosRice OwlsAston Villa

    Having a cap is not v plaintiffs friendly!
    (Z), ARCO, RJF-GUMP and 2 others like this.
  48. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    look, I edited my post. Not sure what to tell ya. learn something new every day.
    Gallant Knight likes this.
  49. wes tegg

    wes tegg I'm a Guy's guy, guys.
    Staff Donor
    Atlanta BravesDenver BroncosChicago BlackhawksBirmingham LegionMississippi Rebels

    Noneconomic damages caps are absolutely insane and unjustifiable. No wonder Colorado has such robust bad faith law.
    colonel_forbin, (Z), RJF-GUMP and 2 others like this.
  50. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    I recently learned that Tennessee law allows UM/UIM limits to be reduced by the underlying liability limits if the policy includes such language. Able to get out of a case with 100k um/uim limits because the underlying tortfeasor had similar limits. Found that be quite wild.