Lord Of The Rings

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by zachary, Aug 29, 2015.

  1. Karl Hungus

    Karl Hungus Fan of lingonberry pancakes, autobahn, deine kable
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  2. Sir Phobos

    Sir Phobos be a hitter, babe
    Donor TMB OG

    Nerd of the Rings is really good and so is Tolkien Untangled. worth mentioning that Nerd of the Rings uses maps a lot so you won't absorb as much as you should if it's just background for you unless you've got a really good idea of the map in your head but I wouldn't let that dissuade you from listening either.

    e: I'll toss in this one I came across recently on ig https://www.instagram.com/the_tolkien_vault for the time limit allotted, they get pretty lore dense.

    feel like 50% of my algorithm is just LOTR/Dune/WH40K lore channels so yea lol
    #802 Sir Phobos, Oct 22, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
  3. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    Being the super cool kids we were in HS that was one of our jokes, if there’s the fighting Uruk-Hai that must means there are all types. The cooking Uruks, the cleaning, dancing, etc.
    Biship, saltydawg and Han Solo like this.
  4. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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  5. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
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    Tis the season fellas, be on the lookout

    Hank Scorpio, El_Pato, TC and 7 others like this.
  6. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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  7. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
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    Ignored by a LOTR enthusiast apparently
    Hank Scorpio, NP13 and DirtBall like this.
  8. jrmy

    jrmy For bookings contact Morgan at 702-374-3735
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    I think in the extended editions there’s also a line where Gimli says a dead orc is twitching because his ax is embedded in his central nervous system.

    Which I guess implies dwarves have a robust medical community and basic universal anatomy/biology education
  9. IV

    IV Freedom is the right of all sentient beings
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    Sounds like a good cut
  10. Kevintensity

    Kevintensity Poster/Posting Game Coordinator
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    I thought it was common middle earth knowledge that dwarf doctors were widely renowned, though perhaps a bit quick to solve cases with amputation.
    brolift likes this.
  11. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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  12. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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    Can we fucks it, precious?
    ARCO, Han Solo, Leeds Raider and 6 others like this.
  13. WC

    WC Bad Company, ‘til the day I die.
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    boil it, mash it, stick it in a stew
    skeezy, zachary, ARCO and 9 others like this.
  14. Rock

    Rock Well-Known Member
    Big Ten Conference

    The old animated lotr is on Cartoon Network rn
    snowfx2, DirtBall and Tex like this.
  15. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    Never got into that one but i watched the old animated Hobbit at least 100 times growing up
    RJF-GUMP, lewis and Arrec Bardwin like this.
  16. Rock

    Rock Well-Known Member
    Big Ten Conference

    It’s definitely not the old hobbit movie. It kind of creeped me out just now
    DirtBall likes this.
  17. Carl Brutananadilewski

    Carl Brutananadilewski do what now?

  18. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    My older bro tells me it’s 100% because it wasn’t about Bilbo. No matter what he told me, the second Bilbo left the screen I refused to watch LotR. Remember I would sing the songs from the Hobbit every day at recess.
  19. ~ taylor ~

    ~ taylor ~ not affiliated with Taylor Momsen
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    More like NerdBall, amirite?
    40wwttamgib and DirtBall like this.
  20. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    Without a fucking doubt. When it comes to dorks, you can’t find anyone closer to home than your boy Dirt.
    ~ taylor ~ and 40wwttamgib like this.
  21. Fargin'

    Fargin' 50% soulless
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksBayern Munich

    Anybody seen Rohirrim yet? Thinking about going to see it tomorrow night.
    zachary likes this.
  22. Pac_Lion

    Pac_Lion Mr. Rubber Burner
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    Going this wknd
    zachary likes this.
  23. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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    Think I'm gonna try and take my daughter tomorrow.
    Brandon Chicken likes this.
  24. zachary

    zachary 32/m/colorado

    taking my 5 year old this weekend. time to begin his journey
  25. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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    Wasn't able to make its out. Anyone see it this weekend?
  26. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Thought it was decent, but decent should not be the LOTR standard, but worth watching.
  27. KeepingItRealSince1853

    KeepingItRealSince1853 We're Not Cocky, We're Honestly Just That Good
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  28. Fargin'

    Fargin' 50% soulless
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksBayern Munich

    Makes me wish I wore rings
    Biship and Han Solo like this.
  29. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
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  30. CoastalOrange

    CoastalOrange Well-Known Member
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    I'm on forced PTO next week so I decided to re-start this saga from the Hobbit: Unexpected Journey. Been years since I've seen any of these and am looking forward to it all week. Going the extended cuts when I can. In my watch, I just made it to Laketown.
  31. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    Warner Bros was so stupid with the Hobbit trilogy. Should’ve just been 2 movies (or 3 at like all 30 minutes shorter) and they also forced in a bunch of shitty CGI that wasn’t in the original trilogy because they didn’t want to pay a bunch of dudes in makeup as Orcs. Thankfully they didn’t get cheap for Smaug.

    Casting was on point though.
    ARCO, Han Solo, CoastalOrange and 2 others like this.
  32. Heavy Mental

    Heavy Mental non serviam

    100% agree. They screwed up.

    Adding Legolas was totally unnecessary.

    Adding the elf / dwarf love story was totally unnecessary.

    using CGI for the orcs was so much worse than live action.

    Still some great parts, though. Most of which were straight from the books. Like the dwarves singing the Lonely Mountain song in Bilbo’s hobbit hole - top tier.
    IV, ARCO, DC3 and 9 others like this.
  33. Fargin'

    Fargin' 50% soulless
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksBayern Munich

    The Dwarves at Bag End is my fav part of all the Hobbit movies.
    ARCO, Heavy Mental, DC3 and 4 others like this.
  34. Fargin'

    Fargin' 50% soulless
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksBayern Munich

    Really enjoyed Rohirrim.
    Héra quite the badass.
    xec and TDintheCorner like this.
  35. It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens

    It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens Well-Known Member

    I'm about to rewatch everything.. is starting with the Hobbit the preferred order? Where does rings of power fall in?
  36. Illinihockey

    Illinihockey Well-Known Member
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    rings of power is the earliest, then hobbit, then lord of the rings
  37. It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens

    It'sAlwaysSunnyInAthens Well-Known Member

    Can't decide if I want to do that or just release order.
  38. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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    I wouldn't include Rings of Power in a rewatch tbh.
  39. Illinihockey

    Illinihockey Well-Known Member
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    Lord of the rings is just so much better than rings of power and the hobbit. As said above that should have been a slam dunk couple of movies but they fucked it up
    Biship, Han Solo, DirtBall and 2 others like this.
  40. Heavy Mental

    Heavy Mental non serviam

    there’s apparently a fan edit out there of Hobbit that cuts all the non-book stuff and reworks some of the ordering

    has anyone seen it?
  41. Rock

    Rock Well-Known Member
    Big Ten Conference

    War of the Rohirrim is cool. Not an anime person, but enjoyed the animation

    Helm is a beast and Hera is pretty awesome
    xec and Fargin' like this.
  42. Fargin'

    Fargin' 50% soulless
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksBayern Munich

    Some of the panoramic shots, like with the snow falling, were gorgeous.
    The Blackfish likes this.
  43. admiralawesome1

    admiralawesome1 Well-Known Member
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    Been on a real Tolkien kick lately.

    I actually think rings of power is awesome, it just takes like 7 episodes before it gets there. First few episodes are a little rough

    war of rohirrim was pretty cool. Not a huge anime guy either, but it’s always nice to go to middle earth for a couple hours

    Reading the books for the first time, started with the hobbit and just started two towers. Love them so far, but goddamn does Tolkien like to write songs. I zone out every time
    ARCO, Tex, DirtBall and 6 others like this.
  44. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    Yeah I’d just read the Wikipedia summary of the Silmarillion
    ~ taylor ~ and Han Solo like this.
  45. zeberdee

    zeberdee wheel snipe celly boys
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    thought season 2 of Rings of Power was really strong.
    All_Luck, Tex, Hank Scorpio and 3 others like this.
  46. Fargin'

    Fargin' 50% soulless
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesAtlanta HawksBayern Munich

    RoP is good enough to watch but not Canon IMO. Don't think I could rewatch it though.
  47. bwi2

    bwi2 Not affiliated with BWI
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    there are always differing interpretations and recollections of history, enjoy it instead of putting it under the microscope of an unfinished creation story
  48. Heavy Mental

    Heavy Mental non serviam

    I'm basically this, but probably a touch more negative. The writing was so bad at times it was comical.

    When the wood elf ranger gets run through with a spear by Adar in a dramatic end to one episode, left to die in slow mo and everything, and then shows up in the next episode healthy while they don't even acknowledge it? Bananas.
    Tex likes this.
  49. gritzy

    gritzy I am a hurricane on the golf course

    I like nerd of the rings on YouTube