Getting hopes up is so novel no chance edit: clearly think he did crimes, just don’t think he will find criminal consequences.
After Jon Stewart spoke out about sick veterans needing healthcare Tucker talked for 20 seconds about how short he looks. It was fucking weird.
I suppose it is possible Trump world leaked that it was nuclear related to amp up hype, only for to be Trump selling out the identity of our CIA assets abroad. But they have never been that clever before.
Wow she's really plugged in. He's discussing the seismic news of the day and deciding between the only two possible options
Did they not change the passwords when biden took office? What the hell are we even paying barron for?
I watch Tennessee football for pleasure. So I'm an optimist by nature and believe this time will be different. But I think the DOJ is too deep in this for Trump to just walk without catching a few charges. We can laugh about how wrong I was breaking rocks together in the reeducation camp in Idaho in a few years.
Does he have any posts about the lying DOJ and how they are hiding it or something?? Hopefully in court they can use those
“i kind of have it” is the answer I gave in 4th grade when I didn’t do my homework but felt I understood the material
Trump just keeping documents about China's nuclear weapons and their strategic deployment/vulnerabilities, because he is a Patriot, and a deeply curious man who loves America.
My brother in Christ, there is a better chance of Nebraska winning the natty this year than Donnie doing a day in prison. The warrant won't be unsealed and this will go away.
"The lawyer, Drew Findling, has represented an array of rap stars including Cardi B, Gucci Mane and Migos, and is known by the hashtag #BillionDollarLawyer. But he is also well regarded for a range of criminal defense work that he has done in Georgia, and his hiring underscores the seriousness of the investigation — as well as the potential legal jeopardy for Trump."
How fucking magnanimous of him. Trump's lawyers have told him they can't stop it. I'm just pleased that Trump is experiencing sever anxiety right now.
The Real UT it turns out you were yet again for the millionth time in a row unbelievably wrong do you ever have a moment of clarity and think “hmmm my brain is broken maybe i should listen to adults with functioning brains”?
Damnit. Well, I remember with the bad Tennessee fan* said he had shaken the hand of then General Michael Flynn, and seen honor in his eyes, so the accusations that Michael Flynn was corrupt or trying to rendition some Turkish cleric legally living in Pennsylvania, were way out of line.
It’s a burden being correct all the time. Fortunate for Saul he doesn’t have to ever carry that load.
Nice "hang trump" posts everyone but I'm missing all the "hang every one of his numerous GOP accomplices" posts. Very disappointing.