The rework stuff they did to fix it caused some heavy delays, otherwise could've had it done and easier to work the character into avengers 2. Also could've slipped him in the avengers cartoon, or the hulk cartoon, or the Spider-Man cartoon...I think he was in one or two episodes actually
Looks a hell of a lot better than the first effort with that franchise. Still bummed that they're with a different studio. :(
That never makes sense to me. It's an advertisement, shouldn't they want as many people seeing it as possible.
So the Avengers Assemble animated series starting with episode 214 is going with a Civil War storyline, presumably to acquaint people with it for the MCU.
agreed, the guy playing Murdock is really good, and I like the interaction between him and Foggy. Fight choreography is solid as well.
I still have two episodes left, but as much as I love the show, episode ten just left me with a really bad taste in my mouth. I hope they resolve it. related: I hate how we really can't discuss netflix shows anywhere until we're finished the whole season. I would love to talk about this show as I watch but I can't go in the thread on the tv board without expecting to be spoiled for the episodes I haven't seen. I know they did episode threads at one point for House of Cards but that really didn't work either. not sure what the solution could be. maybe just spoiler everything and say what episode it is from?
The first few episodes were rough but it has really picked up towards the end of season 1 and into season 2.
It's not TMB, but
At first they weren't sure if it was a continuation of EMH (with new artists and some continuity issues with Iron Fist and Luke Cage) or an extension of Ultimate Spiderman (which it now shares a universe with). It tried being both at first and it was just a mess. Once it settled in to being in the Ultimate Spiderman universe it improved rapidly. Season 2 is on part with EMH.
For the book threads, we used to include in the spoiler header which episode it was from: Spoiler: Episode 3 That was the best fight scene I've seen in a while, when he was rescuing the kidnapped boy from the Russians in the basement. I really like that they show him taking punches and getting winded/staggering/etc and that it's all stunt actors without flying ropes to make it seem "comical". I also appreciate that they don't oversell his powers during the fight sequences like they radar bullshit from the movie. Spoiler: Episode 4 Wilson Fisk's fight scenes are incredible as well, but I can see them turning 90% of the people off from watching the show.
It's in the trades now. Spinoff focused on Mockingbird and Hunter.
The setup of the spinoff would allow it to air concurrently with S.H.I.E.L.D. The question is whether, following the decision to put Once Upon A Time and Once Upon A Time In Wonderland on the schedule at the same time, something ABC brass later officially regretted as likely damaging the spinoff’s chances — the network would do that again with S.H.I.E.L.D. Using the spinoff as a bridge between the fall and spring portions of S.H.I.E.L.D., which was the original plan for the two Once series, would make more sense. RIP Agent Carter?
I think it's dumb to take 2 of the better characters off AoS for this spinoff. AoS struggles enough to begin with. I guess it means more screen time for Palicki though so it's not all bad.
What is the model for Netflix? They don't sell commercials, so how does a show make money? Entirely from their .1% share of $8.99 per viewer per month?
They bank on continued growth of about 3 million new subscribers a year (3 million x $9 x 12 months = $324,000,000) and a big budget season for them (such as House of Cards) runs them about $50,000,000 to produce. So just from growth, they're breaking even on 6 huge budget shows. I'm sure they grow at a more rapid pace than my low-ball estimate.