Its past the Monday after the release weekend so per TMB Marvel thread bylaws it shall be discussed spoiler free.
i watched the eternals tonight, too, for the first time. i went in with very low expectations given what i had seen and heard on social media/reddit/podcasts but i thought it was super cool. it felt way different than the core mcu movies where the quippy lines and action sequences all feel sort of formulaic. it also gave real scope to the world because most everything prior was in NYC and this was in completely different places. loved that. i didn't really know the characters at all so exploring their powers was really neat (engineer guy's powers were remarkable). and i thought the weaving through time story + most of the beginning/middle of the movie was great. the ending was dumb - as most movies are where the "risk" is end of the world-type stakes - but it wasn't bad. i didn't understand either of the post credit scenes but that's sort of part of the fun of this story; the heroes and villains are all pretty foreign. favorite shot of the movie was the very end with arishem visible from earth. super cool.
so I'm just a little confused with how Eternals work and how Thanos fits in. Eternals can procreate I'm guessing? and Thanos is considered a hybrid, right? so how did that happen? also if Thanos was an Eternal how did he break free of his programming from Arishem?
Yeah he did say fellow Eternals. I’m guessing there’s different Eternals created in other galaxies by different Celestials. In the comics, Titan Eternals were not the same as Earth Eternals.
snowfx2 is correct believe. Don’t remember who but I’m sure I read Fiege or someone say they considered the Titans a separate species and not a moon full of Eternals. As you can imagine comic and movie origins differ. The celestials made Eternals by experimenting on human DNA (same as the Kree and inhumans) some of the experiments came out perfect and immortal (Eternals) some the complete opposite (Deviants) and then Kronos (Thanos’ grandpa) who was the leader of the Eternals wanted more power and was f’n around with cosmic celestial energy and set off a cosmic bomb that gave the Eternals their super powers. After that Kronos no longer led the Eternals and half stayed with one of his sons on Earth, the other half followed his other son A’lars (Thanos’ daddy) to Titan. So he had 2 kids Thanos and Eros. Thanos was born with a Deviant gene, basically a rare genetic mutation so he didn’t look beautiful like everyone else. But both his parents were Eternal and his brother Eros is the hero Starfox. That is who showed up with Pip the Troll in the mid credits scene. Just a perfect boy band pretty boy who’s power is emotional manipulation so everyone instantly loves him. They were actually really close growing up because Eros was the only one who would play with Thanos but as the grew up Eros became super popular and Thanos grew to resent him.
Did he say he was Thanos’ brother in that scene? I havent watched since opening weekend. I just figured they wouldn’t talk about that relationship.
I don’t know then. Because when the theme of the trailer was “we can only interfere with deviants” I questioned that they should of attacked Thanos then. I thought that’s when I saw that they considered Titans/Eternals completely different.
I looked it up. Pip says - "the royal Prince of Titan, brother of Thanos, the Knave of Hearts... defeater of Black Roger,"
Hard to imagine the movie finishing in time for its November release. Haven't even finished production and there's alllll that post production and effects work to finish
“My humble personage, bows before your grandiose, no other being has ever had the might, neigh the nobility to wield not one but two infinity stones. The universe lies within your grasps….” I went from midnight to beyond midnight whatever that is at that line. Word for word what Mephisto said to Thanos in Infinity Quest. Then they had Banner reenact Surfer’s “THANOS IS COMING” as he crashed into the Sanctum. I knew I’d never love another more after those opening 10 minutes…
Man, I was just staring at the snow outside my window thinking about how much I need a MoonKnight+Blade+Black Knight trio hunting down Dracula show. I remember getting wayyy too giddy watching this after that first trailer dropped.
Oh shit! I clicked that tweet to text it and they’re debuting a new trailer during the Monday night wild card game!
Just watched Eternals, wasn’t as bad as I thought going in. Did not get Ikarus flying into the sun, outside the fact his name is Ikarus. Hurr hurr. Thena going crazy / being mute half the movie added nothing. I did enjoy the Celestial piece of this, universe has been expanded - we think Arishem is the big bad going forward?
Also the Deviant absorption of Eternal power / becoming sentient added nothing, total side show. Could have dropped that
Was better than I thought but had stretches of boredom. Thought the end fight sequences were pretty compelling.
It felt like the movie was incomplete. I’m sure that may have some kind of further significance because of Thanos’ comic backstory and the intro of Eros but we’ll see.