Marvel Thread: Fantastic 4 Trailer Here

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by snowfx2, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
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    Gonna have to start by removing Blade...
    BudKilmer and IV like this.
  2. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    I wonder how they supe up Doom before Secret Wars. Will they introduce Molecule Man/Beyonder? My guess is he’s introduced in F4 then gets suped up in Doomsday.
  3. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Have we ever discussed that in the MCU Cap is Quill’s grandpa?
  4. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
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  5. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    (Just casted the same actress)
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  6. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    We learn in She-Hulk that Cap fucks. Banner says he lost his virginity during the USO tour to a fan. Quills mom is played by the same actress as the girl that asks for his autograph and he does a double take and drops his mouth open at her. When pointed out to James Gunn he confirmed the autograph seeker was Quill’s grandma. The tour cities shown go from NY->Buffalo->Milwaukee->Chi, then they don’t show the name for the next city. This is when he meets/fucks the autograph seeker. Very likely from the path they are taking it’s StL, the Quill’s are from Missouri. Ego had millions of children and Quill was the only one able to harness the power, because he was the only one that had super soldier sperm in his DNA.
    #40356 DirtBall, Dec 3, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2024
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  7. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    Speaking of Cap, damn you Howard Stark

    FTK, dump and DirtBall like this.
  8. IV

    IV Freedom is the right of all sentient beings
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    Well it's canon now
  9. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    Talked about all the different DP variant movies but before Feige got involved D&W went to hell instead of the void. The scrolling Like a Prayer scene was supposed to be vs a bunch of zombie pools originally.
  10. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    :Lyk dis poast if u cry errytim:

    “the wolverine, he’s a hero in my world”

    “whoever you think I am you’ve got the wrong guy”

    “you were always the wrong guy…..until you weren’t”

    “Wade, you can finally, finally actually matter”

    “Vanessa, I want to see Vanessa…..”

    “for the first time in my life I’m PROUD to wear this suit, it means im an X-man, I’m THE X-MAN!!!”
    #40360 DirtBall, Dec 4, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
    BudKilmer likes this.
  11. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    D1 was the best movie
    D2 most rewatchable
    D&W was a bad movie but the best theater experience outside IW. Right fucking there with EG. so many moments that popped. Brilliant.
    Leeds Raider likes this.
  12. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    Don’t worry, the official DB top ten moments will be posted soon.
    FTK, oldberg and Fusiontegra like this.
  13. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
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    The Avengers invented shawarma
  14. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Worst part is B-15 claiming Wolvie is omega level…that’s just not true B
  15. BudKilmer

    BudKilmer Well-Known Member
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    As nervous as I am about BNW, I’m excited about Thunderbolts

    clemsonvianj, oldberg, dump and 5 others like this.
  16. Tricky Dick

    Tricky Dick Well-Known Member

    I didn't like D&W very much. It was a spotfest that was a caricature of itself. It tried to get too cute just like Thor: Love and thunder which also sucked. I like tongue in cheek humor but it wasn't even clever most of the time. It tried too hard and failed.

    4/10 Will not watch again
    #40366 Tricky Dick, Dec 4, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2024
    FTK and Simon Templar like this.
  17. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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    This D&W hate is perplexing.
  18. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    We’ve already been through it and seem to do this every two weeks.

    It’s a 2/10 superhero movie, a 6/10 comedy movie and a 10/10 callback/fan service movie. It’s ok to feel anywhere in that range about the movie depending on your preferences.
  19. Hank Scorpio

    Hank Scorpio Globex Corporation, Philanthropist, Supervillain
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    D & W was fine. Definitely rewarded the longtime fans a lot more than casuals. I liked the first 2 movies better, but this was good too.
    Han Solo likes this.
  20. admiralawesome1

    admiralawesome1 Well-Known Member
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    This is why we can’t have nice things. No one can just enjoy things anymore. Deadpool and Wolverine was a blast in the theater.
  21. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Nerds have broken this mystery person down.

    There’s also a video of someone under a blanket walking into the studio. Nerds combined the chin with the shoe size/leg length to guess its Ioan Gruffudd from the 05 movie. Looks like there may be a Counsel of Reeds in the film.
    snowfx2, oldberg and dump like this.
  22. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    Guessing that first F4 trailer will be released in January during some NFL/CFB playoff game on ESPN.
    dump and DirtBall like this.
  23. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
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    Watched Civil War tonight, so heavy but so good.

    Lang saying “does anyone have any orange slices?” after shrinking down caught me off guard and killed me :laugh:
    oldberg, pearl, BudKilmer and 6 others like this.
  24. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    BP running like a 3.98 40 in the chase scene

    oldberg, pearl, BudKilmer and 6 others like this.
  25. football501

    football501 I once ate a Twix with the wrapper on it
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    Three dudes just sprinting past traffic
    oldberg, pearl, BudKilmer and 3 others like this.
  26. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    And then Cassie’s throw back line was just next level great in Quantumanium.

    Love in IW when they start the charge and Cap/BP just start smoking everyone else.
    oldberg, pearl, BudKilmer and 3 others like this.
  27. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Friend sent a text and said Marvel Rivals is a lot of fun. Said “it’s overwatch in the marvel universe”. Also, it’s like Fortnite, the game itself is free but littered with microtransactions.
  28. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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  29. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Moon knight better be FTP or we riot.
    IV likes this.
  30. IV

    IV Freedom is the right of all sentient beings
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    What’s marvel rivals
  31. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
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    DirtBall likes this.
  32. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

  33. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Started a ‘What If’ rewatch in prep for S3 tonight. Solid entry out the gate with Captain Carter (calm down Dump). Can’t wait till the Stranger Supreme ep.
    dump and Han Solo like this.
  34. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    S1E2 has Chadwick’s last acting. It gets really dusty really fast.
    oldberg, dump and Han Solo like this.
  35. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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  36. zeberdee

    zeberdee wheel snipe celly boys
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  37. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Minds running, why would it be Doomsday. Was assuming the sentence would end with Secret Wars.
    BudKilmer likes this.
  38. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    So Downey Jr and Evans are both back in some form after how well Endgame finished just doesn’t make sense to me. I get it’s all about the dollar but damn. Feels like it cheapens their goodbyes. They didn’t even have other Avengers movies in between. Maybe down the line would have made more sense. Seems desperate or I don’t know.
  39. portlandspartan

    portlandspartan Well-Known Member

    marvel just treating movie stories like comic stories. No one stays dead/gone forever. Even Bucky.
    oldberg, dump and Tex like this.
  40. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    Could maybe be old man Steve in some advisor role. He still hasn't died in the MCU.
    oldberg, dump and Tex like this.
  41. slhorn

    slhorn Well-Known Member

    Not a chance. They wouldn’t announce this to have him as an advisor. I expect evil cap and evil iron man.
  42. Simon Templar

    Simon Templar Well-Known Member
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    Box office $$$
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  43. dump

    dump The Revolution Will Be Televised

    sure but at the same time these are based on comic books

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  44. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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    I get the no one’s dead forever comic thing but just seems too soon.
    BudKilmer likes this.
  45. snowfx2

    snowfx2 Well-Known Member
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    End of an era

    pearl, oldberg, dump and 1 other person like this.
  46. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
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    It certainly was an era.
  47. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Maybe I’ll go and see Kraven then. I’ve boycotted every one of these hoping for this announcement.
  48. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
    Donor TMB OG
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    Also, the big brain on announcing you're killing the franchise right before a movie releases...

    They've reset the timer on all of the properties with shit movies though, so it's still gonna be another decade before they go back to Disney.
    clemsonvianj, pearl, oldberg and 3 others like this.
  49. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Reynolds and Garfield did an interview with each other. Some cool notes.

    The version where DP goes to hell to free Wolvie would have worked a lot better as a story. Feige said no mephisto and wanted the void instead.

    At the final test screening Iger stepped in and made them drop a line. When he’s ticked Disney was cheap and they couldn’t land Magneto he says “it’s like Disney shoved Pinocchio’s face in my ass and told him to start lying” the line removed was “I’m amazed I can breathe with Mickey Mouse’s cock so far down my throat”.

    He had a cool explanation about his thoughts in the costumes. DP’s is a clown costume. He wears it to turn all the awful things he does into a joke, it’s his way of dealing with his PTSD. Also why he’s so obsessed with Cap and why he wants to be an avenger so bad, he wants to get out of the costume but to do that he needs to be a good guy. For Wolvie he wore his costume as a penance and constant reminder of his failure. That’s why it exploded in the last scene, he finally was a hero, he finally deserved to be an X-Man.

    Some day I’ll go back and watch from the beginning, he said as they made these they learned DP worked entering into scenes. Most movies the camera always finds the hero, he learned DP finding the camera instead always worked better.

    Garfield didn’t really say much about anything. Just that he feels the Amazing Spiderman story was never finished but we’ve heard that 1000 times before.