Are all the F4 castings I’m seeing on social fake? Figured they are since I haven’t seen them mentioned in here and that would be huge news.
Maria Rambaeu, Monica’s mom who died during the blip. She was Danvers partner in the Air Force, my guess is there will be flash backs with her.
So I watched the first Kamala Khan but haven’t kept going, the young actress was great, more stuff worth keeping watching?
It’s ok. There are a couple plot points that felt super rushed and weird. Kamala is great though, so I’m excited to see her in other stuff
Gosh dang it. I can’t believe I didn’t immediately realize who the Jessica Jones/Anne Hathaway looking chick is Spoiler Obviously Elsa Bloodstone. Good character addition to the Midnight Sons cross section of the MCU (Blade, Moon Knight, Black Knight, WWBN, Agatha, etc)
I'll have to see how Marvel handles some of these characters before I get too excited. I have my doubts they will do DD or Punisher to my satisfaction.