Mass shooting thread

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by dtx, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. Prospector

    Prospector I am not a new member
    Utah UtesArkansas Razorbacks

  2. Prospector

    Prospector I am not a new member
    Utah UtesArkansas Razorbacks

    Eco terrorist! next on fox
  3. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

  4. Can I Spliff it

    Can I Spliff it Is Butterbean okay?

  5. Nole0515

    Nole0515 Well-Known Member
    Chicago Bears

    howd they not find him sooner? that's literally next to where he parked his car
  6. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    I’ve always said, “when looking for dead bodies cops always forget the check the dumpster.” Take as old as time.
  7. El Tiburon

    El Tiburon Well-Known Member
    Florida Gators

    Dead in a recycling bin? Fuck! Guess that means he'll do it again soon.
  8. drewru

    drewru Well-Known Member
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsCalifornia Golden Bears

    That’s a southern thing. Mainers are generally pretty cool. A little salty, but largely good folks who tend to lean liberal.
  9. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    I’ve seen confederate flags in western Maine
    Name P. Redacted likes this.
  10. Shinzon

    Shinzon °°°°°
    Florida GatorsChelsea

    His form..
    NineteenNine, 40wwttamgib, TC and 5 others like this.
  11. drewru

    drewru Well-Known Member
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsCalifornia Golden Bears

    Yea, that shit is wild. I remember the first time I saw one in Vermont- just so fucking weird. But I stand by my statement- largely good people who tend to lean liberal, as the voting results would support.
  12. drewru

    drewru Well-Known Member
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsCalifornia Golden Bears

    Fat kid swinging wildly style.
  13. ~ taylor ~

    ~ taylor ~ not affiliated with Taylor Momsen
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    He swings like my buddy and his brothers when they'd fight in like middle school.
    DirtBall and Nole0515 like this.
  14. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    I don’t think this is the case. Most violent crimes are committed by “normal” people. I look for the study but people with serious mental illness aren’t violent.
  15. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    yes you’re gonna stay that color
    Prospector likes this.
  16. NoNatty

    NoNatty Keyboard Cowboy
    Oregon DucksPortland Trail BlazersSan Francisco 49'ersManchester UnitedPortland Timbers

    the MacArthur study and several others since say that’s incorrect.
  17. The Banks

    The Banks TMB's Alaskan
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    Maine's is generally accepted as #4, behind Alaska, Florida, and Louisiana. The fun fact that you often hear is that Maine's coastline is longer than California's but is also dependent upon what method you use to measure a coastline, there's no perfect science for a number of reasons which is why there's a thing called the coastline paradox.

    Buns, PSU12, ~ taylor ~ and 4 others like this.
  18. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    That’s interesting. Thanks for posting.
    The Banks likes this.
  19. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    My guess is that it killed itself like a coward and it won’t be found
  20. What? They found him
  21. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    no idea, it sickens me so much that I am not following. But that would be how I guess it will end
    ~ taylor ~ likes this.
  22. Handcuffed

    Handcuffed I live inside my own heart, Matt Damon
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  23. fattus

    fattus Well-Known Member
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  24. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    Well, I missed a good opportunity to not post a little earlier.

    thanks. Terrible stuff
  25. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    he was found already
    IHHH likes this.
  26. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    What if they never find him?
    Craig Pettis, CUtigers, THF and 5 others like this.
  27. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    idk if you’re drunk or fucking with me
    CaneKnight, letan, IHHH and 3 others like this.
  28. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    It the trash ran on Fridays, he might’ve been in the clear.
    TC likes this.
  29. AbeFroman

    AbeFroman You touch me, I yell RAT!

    The former US rep from my hometown's district had one on his desk in DC. I'm from Iowa. I bet someone on here can guess his name.
    ~ taylor ~ likes this.
  30. drewru

    drewru Well-Known Member
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsCalifornia Golden Bears

  31. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    i was fucking with you by that point but I had no idea at first.
  32. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    He passed away
    IHHH likes this.
  33. Cornfed Buffalo

    Cornfed Buffalo Peace Be The Journey

  34. Prospector

    Prospector I am not a new member
    Utah UtesArkansas Razorbacks

  35. DirtBall

    DirtBall Who Cares?
    Kansas City RoyalsChicago BearsSporting Kansas CityPortland Trail Blazers altNebraska Cornhuskers alt

    Fuck that
    CaneKnight, 40wwttamgib and IHHH like this.
  36. IHHH

    IHHH Well-Known Member
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishMontreal Canadiens

    CaneKnight and 40wwttamgib like this.
  37. gilstein21

    gilstein21 Tight Rip 26 Seal Right
    Auburn TigersSt. Louis CardinalsGreen Bay PackersWyoming Cowboys

    Ya I might not make it to retirement in 8 years.
  38. AbeFroman

    AbeFroman You touch me, I yell RAT!

  39. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
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    do you detach your self as a human when you argue this?
  40. VaxRule

    VaxRule Mmm ... Coconuts
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    These aren’t human beings. They’re lawyers.
  41. drewru

    drewru Well-Known Member
    Rutgers Scarlet KnightsCalifornia Golden Bears

    Almost forgot about this piece of shit…I feel like the bar has been lowered enough that he could be re-elected and possibly not the worst rep in America.
    AbeFroman likes this.
  42. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
    Staff Donor TMB OG
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    I kinda wish life was like liar liar were you had to tell the truth. How do you argue a kindergarten teacher should accept the fact she might get shot
  43. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
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  44. Where Eagles Dare

    Where Eagles Dare The Specialist Show On Earth
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesWashington CommandersAtlanta United

    Ctlr+H: Vermont/Maine

  45. CaneKnight

    CaneKnight FSU Private Board's Fav Poster

  46. dblplay1212

    dblplay1212 Well-Known Member
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    CaneKnight likes this.
  47. beerleagueman

    beerleagueman Well-Known Member

    #5098 beerleagueman, Oct 29, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2023
  48. JGator1

    JGator1 I'm the Michael Jordan of the industry
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    I’m out in Tampa few miles from Ybor, talking to bartenders just wild how this it’s kinda waved off as not that bad.
    CaneKnight and dblplay1212 like this.
  49. arsenal

    arsenal Well, ain’t this place a geographical oddity.
    West Virginia MountaineersAtlanta BravesCharlotte HornetsMiami DolphinsArsenalCharlotte FC

    Geez. That video reminds me of the Marathon bombing