Not sure if this ever made it in the last thread interactive map where there is 1 dot for every person counted in the 2010 census
Taffy would you please speak to this claim. Interested to know more about the loss of religion in your nation.
Damn, now I understand the east coast bias. Even California is sparsely populated outside major cities.
To no ones surprise, Ohio and Kentucky are remarkably red. But New York and Pennsylvania coming in hot
Apparently. I'm sorry my people search the N word so much. I won't apologize for skyline chili though
Hillperson sits down at kitchen table, where computer is set up Pshhhkkkkkkrrrrkakingkakingkakingtshchchchchchchchcch*ding*ding*ding* (full address) "I hate nigg__s" Guffawing
I search a lot of shit in google and its never crossed my mind to search that. I feel like I'm now letting my state down
I searched google for "who searches racist terms in google" and got this story that typing more stereotypical black names you are 25% more likely to have an advertisement for a criminal records check than searching a more stereotypical white name
As a former Kentuckian, I can tell you the correct answer is "how many five-star n----s will sign with UK?"
Alabama showing once again it's one of the more progressive states in the union. We let women be president of our university, allow gays to marry, don't punish people for a little weed. Great state.