White shirt should have either let his fists fly the first two times he dodged everything or bounced after he dodged everything. He’d be a HOF stadium fighter if he had. It looked like black shirt was ready to let things go after the second round of missing every punch
These guys getting arrested at pre season games. Are they just practicing for the regular season. Or are they going 100% like a regular season game. For instance I can understand the rookies who cant afford regular season tix trying to make a name for themselves. Ill hang up and listen.
part of me is like, examining the video to make sure the cops are acting properly, not being overly physical or anything and then the other part of me is going "well, he's a Cowboys fan so..."
Didn’t know where to put this and apologies for barstool, saw the espn alert and this was the first vid that came up
Well the thing about those 2 fan bases it’s not about the teams it’s usually a Norteño vs Sureño thing…….if you from the hood in Nor Cal like me you know the politics, the Niners dudes were throwing Norte gang signs and are flamed up and you can see that one Raider fan with the bandanna definitely looks like a Southsider………the fights have more to do with Mexican gang politics than the sports team themselves
lol I almost typed out the story about my fights with sc fans: I have gotten into fights with sc fans when I was a student. Both times they called me “college boy” and thought I was someone I wasn’t. So no about 20 years ago I would have fought but probably not over a pro team
I’d beat the hell out of any Brentford fan that crossed my path but none actually exist Quick runs his mouth a good bit but he doesn’t really claim them either
Wearing sweats and a beater to a preseason game and punching a dude in the face on your way out of the stadium
that guy was not prepared to actually get punched in the face. stop engaging people ready to fight with your hands at your sides.
More evidence that the MLB is irrelevant. This thread sits most vacant for several months and once the NFL starts revving up we start getting some good fights.
Bro remember that time we beat the shit out of the drunk suburban dad at the Broncos preseason game? Hell yeah brother those were the days!
For some reason I wrote it in my best Hulk Hogan voice despite those guys being quite far from the hulkster in appearance
I think you’re looking at the 2nd guy and not the 1st, who jumps in again at the end. He clearly has on something that resembles a shower cap
Yeah at the end it looked dude with the black bandana threw up BK as he was backing up the stairs, which clearly pissed them off, and then dude in the beater came back throwing up the 14.
Nortenos aren’t bloods no reason they’d get mad at that. They do wear red and sur do wear blue but it has nothing to do with bloods and crips. That many surenoes still rocking raider gear would be weird. I think it’s as simple as two fan bases or two northern cali neighborhoods fighting.
Ain’t no Norteño Raiders fans rocking a dark blue bandana fighting with other Nortes over the actually football game, that game is in Vegas where 1/2 the fans are Latinos who come up from southern Cali and another 1/3 coming from Nor Cal…….that was some drunk trash talk that got personal and I guarantee as the Niners fans were throwing the 14 at the end it wasnt thrown at a fellow XIV Norte……..these are the kind of dudes I literally grew up with I seen it a million times
if it’s a blue flag than yeah you’re right I thought it was black. A funny side note there is a neighborhood in the valley down here that wears a lot of SF gear. They definitely wouldn’t be wearing red flags. But, like I said I doesn’t have anything to do with bloods and crips.
It’s not “blood killer” in that context. The Surenos refer to the Nortenos as “busters”, and it means “buster killer” when they throw it up.