I skipped through the Star Wars Hotel thing, but watched most of it. I don't like Disney. I'm ok with Star Wars. But man, I do love hubris! I think the last time I watched something that long on YouTube was Red Letter Media's review of The Phantom Menace. (And I thought Jenny did an entertaining enough job of laying out her argument. Welcome, Traveler. I'm glad to know there's still Taco Bell in your world.)
It wasn't totally unnecessary. They used it as a plot device to go "she had a traumatic life event involving fire, which is why she's just frozen starring at it." They could have just achieved the same thing with a fire in an electrical panel inside the ship. The science in science fiction should still mean something.
Totally unnecessary in that they didn’t have to do it in space. Like you said, could have achieved the same plot point in an environment where it would have made sense is all.
Star Wars has never been Science Fiction. It's Fantasy. We could spend the rest of the day listing things in the Galaxy Far Far Away that don't conform to our sciences, and that would be without even talking about The Force.
They showed her doing her job (something only droids do) to show how down bad she is, in addition to the trauma. LOL at wanting any semblance of scientific realism in Star Wars, particular as it pertains to fire in a vacuum. Why start now?
Haven’t watched any of the show but we’re really complaining about fire in space? This seems like it could have been traumatic if anyone survived the giant fiery explosion that followed 10 seconds later
people will find absolutely anything to bitch about . what happened to just relaxing and enjoying a show for what it is? i love star wars and lord of the rings but fans of it ruin it at times.
There have been a plethora of fiery explosions in space in Star Wars. Are we really doing this? The show’s entertaining so far.
I mean yeah, you're right, it's only two episodes but I didn't think the two episodes were good. Repeating what I said in the thread on the TV board, I came in with low expectations, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, I still didn't think it was good, but I will finish it out and hope it gets better.
I didn’t think it was dumb, the fire clearly started inside the ship and oxygen was spewing outside of the ship and keeping the flame going
I went googling to determine if Vader was really outside of the chain of command and I got 37 different answers. From "imperial executor" to "Supreme Commander of the Imperial Military" to none of the above, it really is unclear. Probably some Legends confusion happening. Someone please me to clear this up.
It’s not an all or nothing situation. You’re allowed to like a show and still think something about it was ridiculous. I don’t know anyone that only rates shows, books, or franchises 0/10 or 10/10.
Obligatory "but the Soviets" Back in Soviet times the Bolsheviks instituted a system of military oversight called the Military Political Administration, a shadow organization that operated outside of the regular military chain of command. It was designed to make sure that the military did what the Party wanted, especially at a time right after the Revolution when the Party needed to rely largely on former Tsarist officers to make up the Red Army officer corps (Trotsky started it with the War Commissars). MPA officers were not bound to take orders from regular military, and could countermand their orders with impunity if they felt the orders were insufficiently Marxist. (Hunt for Red October had Ramius killing the MPA officer at the beginning of the ship's voyage). You could also argue that Vader and his inquisitors were the Emperor's secret police, like the Cheka/NKVD/OGPU/KGB were for Soviet leaders. Seems like authoritarian systems have chain of command problems with different organizations not beholden to each other but to the leadership, fighting for their turf and reliant on the leadership for favor
Temporarily, sure. This is a message board and a thread for discussion of the show. So this is the perfect place to say it’s silly to have a crackling fire (fire only crackles due to oxygen) in the vacuum of space. Because other Star Wars and sci-fi fans are the people that would best understand that and could have a brief discussion about it. Pointing out a little thing like that doesn’t have to mean someone hates the show. But that seems to be the assumption.
i mean my original post states that people will find anything to bitch about and i think complaining about fire in space is one of those things
It’s Star Wars. I’m not sure what you expect. The most popular franchises are naturally going to be the most scrutinized. But that’s part of the fun of the discussions. It’s strange to only expect positive thoughts from people in any situation. Even more so in message board thread about a popular topic.
Watched the 3rd episode of The Acolyte over lunch and really liked it. Best of the 3 episodes so far.
You know Chris Evans would make a good Kyle Katarn if they wanted to bring that character in the man wears a nice beard