Official Canon Star Wars Thread: UNLIMITED POWER!

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by Wu, May 31, 2016.

  1. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    Well shit...they only showed the trailer for the crowd but Vader is at the end of it.
  2. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Ugh gotta wait til tonight
  3. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    of course...
  4. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    gonna be funny when they show the sizzle reel again tonight instead of the trailer.
  5. Tex

    Tex Week 0 Enthusiast
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  6. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    we got the sizzle reel 3 times. I assume the audience got the sizzle reel once and 2 other things. I am curious what the middle thing was
  7. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    also, feel kinda bad for the Chinese actor with the big oops he revealed.
  8. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    sounds like the audience didn't see the sizzle reel the first time due to a technical issue, so they showed it again (2nd time for us), then they got the real trailer while we go the sizzle reel the 3rd time.
  9. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    but, this dude stole the show, IMO.

    Iron Mickey, oldberg and DelapThrows like this.
  10. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    yea, seems like he revealed someone died.
  11. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    yeah, he definitely said Donnie Yen's character dies, then his character changes or something. Of course, there's a good chance all these characters are dying in the course of this movie, so it's not some huge spoiler.

    With his language barriers, though, they should have prepped him better. Christie like immediately cuts him off and Yen cringed when he said it.
  12. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    yea, she shut him up quick.
  13. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    "May the force be with us"

    Iron Mickey likes this.
  14. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    Sounds like this is what's happening. The trailer was exclusive for Celebration.
  15. ~ taylor ~

    ~ taylor ~ not affiliated with Taylor Momsen
    Donor TMB OG

  16. Voodoo

    Voodoo Fan of: Notre Dame
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishTottenham HotspurSan Francisco Giants

    what is the fucking point of this thread if there's no trailer
  17. oldberg

    oldberg Thinkin bout thos beans
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  18. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    Jimmy Smits is in the BTS reel
  19. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Sounds like it was SWCE exclusive

  20. Voodoo

    Voodoo Fan of: Notre Dame
    Notre Dame Fighting IrishTottenham HotspurSan Francisco Giants

  21. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    Terrible quality / angle of the trailer.

  22. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Garbage quality not even worth watching
    Artoo likes this.
  23. Nostradumass

    Nostradumass Well-Known Member
    Arkansas RazorbacksNew York JetsAEW

    How small is that planet if the "small moon"-looking Death Star dwarfs it like that?
  24. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    such a dumb marketing thing.

    "Let's reward these fans who showed up for the convention with an exclusive trailer!" when those people were going to be there no matter what. Meanwhile, the real promotion has started with everyone else watching an inevitable butt quality cam video showcasing their movie instead of pristine quality HD streaming.

  25. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    I mean, I get it. Reward the people who waited 10+ hours in line with being the first to see the trailer. if you don't give them a carrot, they will eventually stay home and watch a stream. but the trailer should be online within an hour of the event. this is dumb
    Artoo likes this.
  26. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    It wasn't really a new trailer either according to people there. Most of the images have already been seen. They just added Jyn running at the beginning, a new voiceover and the Vader tease at the end.
  27. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    at this point I don't think they're going to stay home. Being there is why they're there. They all know they can watch any of this a thousand times at home.

    Also, it's in London. London. We supposed to travel to London to see a trailer?
  28. ~ taylor ~

    ~ taylor ~ not affiliated with Taylor Momsen
    Donor TMB OG

    I'm probably not going to question marketing decisions of Disney.
  29. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    FB says the new trailer will drop next week
  30. Artoo

    Artoo 1312

    Hey guys, I was golfing all day yesterday. Did I miss anu thing cool in this thread?
  31. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Just now saw this post.

    Consider this a warning.
    Artoo likes this.
  32. Artoo

    Artoo 1312

    But seriously, I don't even need a trailer. I got enough out of that Celebration Reel that will fuel my erection for months.
  33. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    bigjrock likes this.
  34. Artoo

    Artoo 1312

    Weird, unfinished clip. First part shows them handing the stuff to the actual actor, then the second part shows the CGI droid.
  35. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    I guess imgur is being dumb, lets try again...

  36. CF3234

    CF3234 Fan of: Bandwagons
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    You aren't seeing what Artoo is saying. The movie clip itself isn't finished. They messed up by showing the actor in the fist part instead of the CGI droid
    Artoo likes this.
  37. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    No I think they did that on purpose to show the mo-cap effect

    Or just that the effects aren't fully finished

    I strongly doubt they accidentally goofed that badly.
    oldberg, lazy bum, ~ taylor ~ and 2 others like this.
  38. lazy bum

    lazy bum active consumer
    Donor TMB OG

    they commented on it during the panel. Tudyk said "there you can see me with the suit and backpack they made me wear".
    Artoo likes this.
  39. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    Yep that was done on purpose. They showed that portion when they were taking to Tudyk.
  40. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Guys it was a funny clip that's the point

    Stop ruining good things
    goose, Artoo and Iron Mickey like this.
  41. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    ugafish, DuckD, lazy bum and 5 others like this.
  42. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

    I love that they brought Zahn on board to make Thrawn canon.
  43. Truman

    Truman Well-Known Member
    Missouri TigersSt. Louis CardinalsChicago BullsSt. Louis BluesEvertonBook Club

    Oh man, So much going on there. Hopefully it doesnt all happen in the last two episodes like last season.

    Wedge is an imperial defector, Sabine with the darksaber.
    Artoo likes this.
  44. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    I just blue myself.
    ugafish, fsugrad99, Artoo and 3 others like this.
  45. WhiskeyDelta

    WhiskeyDelta Well-Known Member

    May have joygasm shrieked when Wedge showed up.

    Makin him an imperial defector makes it looks like they're combining him with Tycho though.
    Artoo likes this.
  46. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Thrawn is voiced by Mads Mikkelsen's brother who played the Russian leader in House of Cards.
  47. RoyalShocker

    RoyalShocker But I don't wanna be a Nazi
    Donor TMB OG

    Is there a more popular minor character in movie history then Wedge Antilles?
    BIGASSTITTIES and ~ taylor ~ like this.
  48. Codename Duchess

    Codename Duchess Well-Known Member

  49. Wu

    Wu Nope.
    TMB OG

    Which makes it an even bigger shame that the actor has been rather condescending about SW since then.