Hit between the harp and G three times in a row on Thursday. Lost my fastball yesterday when trying to split the G.
I would also like to get paid millions to go to Ireland and act like a man child. I'd do it for free tbh
Apparently McAfee and Rodgers were spreading FEMA conspiracies this past Tuesday and including government spending on Ukraine’s defense.
would be nice if Disney forced him to apologize for the Tony comedian instead they lean further right wing
McAfee pledged a million dollars to our football team NIL before the PSU game. Still hasn't given it I mean, I don't blame him because we suck, but if you're gonna say that on national TV you have to do it He sucks, and even our homer fans don't really like him
She made it very clear that nothing will stop her from supporting Aaron Rodgers in his role at the Jets
Oh come on, Sooz. It’s very obvious what he likes, he’s not shy with displaying his batshit crazy beliefs. Are there bats in Australia?
Like he literally goes on ESPN every week and proves himself to be a huge piece of shit over and over. I’d love to not know what he’s like but it’s like he has made it his mission to broadcast his shitty views as often as possible.
Why do you even care? You don't follow the sport. What is it about him that even interests you? His personality?
I take a little bit of solace that Aaron Rodgers’ family will enjoy their Christmas without him there.
Being a fly on his and Danica’s wall must’ve been like reading the YouTube comments on a conspiracy theory video.
I like how Rogers wants people to “properly disclose their vaccination status” as a means to determine whether or not they're qualified to have opinions about anything. Mr. purposely lie about it and say they’re immunized. The only thing Rogers is immunized against is self reflection.
He may genuinely be one of the worst people on earth. This dude is starting to make the views of some of the worst people in government look moderate. Dude is a plague, which is fitting cause he may also catch that one day
Rodgers just playing the long game and thinking about life after football. These are all just auditions for his co-anchor spot on Infowars
You’re not thinking big enough. He’s going to run for POTUS (and probably win because we all live in hell) and Sooz will be vindicated once and for all.