To me, the legal threat that is muzzling Magnus is defamation saying he specifically cheated during Sinquefield. If he had proof of wrongdoing, it can’t be defamation cause then it’s just true. So that formula isn’t computing for me. Hans is a little shit for ever having cheated, and he’s barely removed from 16, let alone any other non-confessed times. It’s a stain on the game and event organizers probably ought not to have considered him as the late add-in in the first place. This definitely seems like one of those acts that you either get that evidence right away or it never materializes in an investigation. I’m just waking up, my word flow feels weird but I’m gonna just hit post.
It’s not ideal. Really though it’s just that the player playing the white pieces moves first, so they get to pick the opening that gets played, and have likely prepped for it beforehand. They could just as easily make black move first, but then when looking back at a game it’d be tough to decipher who was playing from which position, so it probably won’t ever happen.
Yeah but then you gotta unpack all that shit just to get one pair of socks. Works great if you're one of those psychopaths that completely unpacks and puts all your shit in the drawers of places you're staying.
Packing cubes are much more convenient. Plus that's gonna look like lena dunham's belly with any normal person folding it
I am not that impressed. You'd have to unpack it all. Plus, she did the infomercial thing where she tries to do it all wrong to show how dumb it is to try to just pack your clothes.
Holy shit This was not directed at you shaolin. Saw that video all over Twitter and I’m just not impressed, as others have pointed out. I think my favorite part of the video is at the ends when she’s stuffing everything in but can’t close it. She could clearly close the suitcase just throwing all of those clothes in loose like that.
Lame AF life "hacks" would be a good thread. Spent toilet paper tube? No! How bout a toothbrush holder!
The only life hack that we’ve found halfway useable is to take a spent toilet paper roll and use it to make an outdoor fire pit starter. You stuff it full of dryer lint, since you’re throwing that shit out anyways, and then close it up and wrap it with a piece of one of those coupon bulk mail pages you get all the time. Nice steady burn to start a fire and all things you’d trash or recycle anyways.
GF was watching a lesbian porn video where they put a suction cup dildo on the refrigerator door and go to town. First conversation we have this morning: "Why wouldn't they just use another door? You have all of those items on the inside of the refrigerator door you would have to deal with and you're just wasting any chance of maintaining temperature." Babe, please write a thorough email to Brazzers about your concerns and let me know how they respond.
Don't they film a lot of that stuff in rental houses? It was probably a mostly empty refrigerator. Maybe had some partially used condiments.
Most of the stuff I watch, they don’t use condiments much any more, especially not partially used ones. STD checks and stuff, ya know?