Pulling out of a shopping center yesterday. Person in a EV in front of me rolls down the window and tosses out the window an empty tin of some canned food, plastic fork, and a napkin. You'd think of all people, the person driving an EV would not be throwing their fucking trash on the ground. Shit, I thought we were simply past that kind of behavior period, but I guess not.
Or I'm simply frustrated that a person concious enough to drive an electric vehicle that wasn't a tesla is douche enough to throw their lunch out the window.
My parents used to buy big cases of Faygo or whatever from Sam’s back in the day and we never drank a few of the flavors. We kept it in the garage and my friends and I would cause the flavors we didn’t drink to blow up by throwing them really high in the air. We always picked the can up afterwards. We tossed one out in the street (we lived in a subdivision, basically no traffic) and my neighbor instantly popped up out of nowhere and gave us a bunch of shit for it before we could even take a step forward to go pick it up and basically wouldn’t listen to anything we said. A week later his son pulled out of his driveway and tossed a sunny delight out the window in the middle of the street. He had taken maybe a sip of it. Wish I would’ve rang the doorbell and gave the dad shit but the dad was such a dork it wasn’t worth it.
This guy has popped in to my recs. He's very entertaining for some reason. Big Sardines guy. Calls his patreons the 'dines list. Great stuff
Wen to goodwill to pick up a couple one time use things and I’m floored by the prices. Barely a bargain. Thought I found a hidden gem with a subwoofer (no idea if it works) and it’s $60. Random worn sweatshirts are like $10. Nintendo Wii $100. Am I misremembering goodwill prices or did they go nuts too?
There is an entire industry now of people that find hidden gems at thrift stores and list them at their accurate value on eBay, Etsy, etc. It’s driven up the costs for everything in thrift stores
there's been a resurgence in vintage clothing, lots of people are now thrifting looking for hidden gems to sell online.
From what I've seen, it's not just hidden gems. People will buy books and dvds on eBay no matter how shitty they are
I’ve been targeted with so many of these fake videos on facebook too. “Omg I just found a $100000 painting just sitting on this shelf”. But that said that doesn’t mean goodwill had to try to “compete”. Who care if the items they didn’t pay for in the first place get sold for more. Capitalism is stupid.
I started watching TikTok during Covid and if I had a dollar for every vid I saw of some kid finding fresh Jordans at secondhand clothing stores....
I know a guy who started doing this on weekends and ended up quitting his regular gig and doing it full time
I don’t donate shit (clothes mainly) to goodwill because they’re gonna mark everything way up which defeats the entire purpose of donating. I give it directly to a hospital instead.
I buy all of my secondhand clothing from hospitals. They have no idea how to price vintage Georgia Bulldog apparel
Most “good” stuff I try to give away in our neighborhood Buy Nothing group but some random toys or whatever won’t go in that group I just give to goodwill. Better than just trashing it I guess.
do what you want with your donations but goodwill uses the money from sales to fund its charitable programs. It’s not a clothing charity.
And see here I was getting confused that they were playing games with the whole job training thing. Thanks for the clarification.
I found this out after volunteering there back in the day. I’ve never donated to them since and tell folks not to either. Also they don’t wash the clothes. I found that weird. Maybe it’s just me expecting them to.
does anyone remember a multiplayer web game where you were a fighter pilot trying to kill other teams? i played it in high school and suddenly just remembered it
It's probably because I've never been that poor, but I haven't ever found clothing at goodwill that I thought was too expensive.
If you happen to live in a metro with a Costco Business Center...go to it. It's like a magical Costco with no crowd. No food court either, though. Crazy amount of snack foods.