They seem to hold onto general knowledge. For example they knew what goats were in season 1 when they found the goat raising department.
Mark’s sister got a pretty in depth download and had left her baby in the care of a woman who was obviously not who she presented as. Unless they did some crazy work to convince her that mark was having some kind of unwell episode, it would be hard to ignore that and also keep a lid on Helly’s outburst on stage. I know these pieces will come together in time. They do such a good job at gaslighting us in a nice way.
Yes? If she knows she needs to act like she likes Mark, seems silly to write something off with how batshit insane Kier, Lumon and the Egans are.
Dan Erickson explained on the 1st episode of the official podcast that Innies have general knowledge (hence Helly knowing what Delaware is) and even some of the skills their Outie has.
In the very first episode when Mark was welcoming & explaining things to Helly she was able to correct name a random state but couldn’t recall the color of her mother’s eyes. They’d def. know what the Save the Gorillas campaign was.
One thing that gives credence to it being Innie Hally. They had 5 months and their best alibi involved a “night gardener”, don’t think they’d be that sloppy.
Hey for those of you who started watching, how important was a rewatch, or can I get away with a 40 minute summary video?
I’d commit the 8 - 9 hours to a rewatch. So much shit happens it’s easy to forget, and I imagine that much of it will come back into play this season.
I’m sure a recap can set you up perfectly fine. With the end knowledge it is like watching a completely different show though. Worth the time imo.
I don’t buy the 5 month timeline at all. I think that was made up. Why would Milcheck just now be taking over that office after 5 months?
Just about to watch the first ep of season 2. To prepare I watched last handful of season 1 and holy shit I forgot it how intense that s1 finale is
Spoiler I don’t think so. I think she understood that’s she’s part of the reason they’re all down there and decided not to tell them for fear of them resenting/abandoning her down there all by herself
Spoiler also think Miss Huang is purposefully super young to try and make them dig into that mystery and distract from the main goal. I think she’s a clone or cyborg or some type. Also think it’s possible Gemma was turned into one as an experiment on Mark. It’s obvious Marks role is much bigger than him wanting to sever from his real life, he just doesn’t know it cause Lumon is clearly a massive organization with their hands in all kinds of cookie jars. I’m just glad it’s back and can’t wait to see what happens next
Yes. No need to spoiler anything that’s been shown on TV. Are all the spoilers in here legit spoilers porn just discussing the episode?
Spoiler in there a chance that the little kid is mark and Gemma daughter? also the 5 month timeline is all bullshit. In think I’m team this is all sort of punishment for what they did and it’s basically been 1-2 days since season 1.
Newspaper has to be fake, timeline definitely untrue. Outies have no idea what their innies did and just keep going to work. Now where the three were for a few days I don't know.
His sister knowing and him knowing aren't the same. We don't know if Mark knows or doesn't yet. He probably does and wants to find his wife so that would be why he would if he does.
I mean there is definitely a reason they didn’t show any outie scenes so something is amiss, but I don’t think there’s any way it’s just business as usual on the outside, at the very least they will know they blacked out and woke up in a different place.
Lumen is a way bigger company than I realized before this. Their power seems near unlimited. Be very fun to see how they show what happened in between, if they even do that.
I’m like 6 episodes into Severance I have not read a single post in this thread I have no idea what the fuck I’ve been watching Is the payoff worth continuing?
They legit all love hoops. Britt mentioned on the pod that her, Zach, and Turturo go to Liberty games together also.
ooooor she knows how to put on a tiny bit of acting in order to spy for the future of her corporation? I’m sorry but if they had 5 months to gameplan for all this her being able to fake a little jealousy is literally something every female has done in her life
I’m taking a stab that the little kid is some shareholders daughter that got her to volunteer for one of their experiments. Putting a little girl in the “enforcer” role to see if it’s more effective to have someone like that giving them the orders than someone like Milchick that’s easier to demonize or even get physical with if need be. seems too obvious Helena came in the elevator. Those comments that sounded like jealousy also sound like what an outie would say to an innie from and outie perspective IMO. Y’all really think the face of severance would really send her innie back in there after all the shit she pulled last year? That’d be ridiculous but I guess it’s possible. The override program during arguably the biggest night in that programs future would be the last straw for any somewhat intelligent human…
Ok so it’s been days. It doesn’t take 5 months to prep to pretend to be flirty or jealous with someone. 5 minutes. Tops
Yes a bs 30 second story about a boring life would take a pretty long time for a 1000+ employee, worldwide company, with 200+ offices…. To come up with and tell Helena.
Will happily be wrong about Helena vs Helly if they give us an incredible reason why Helena would give some psychotic rebellious version of herself another chance to ruin her life, irreversibly injure herself or even try suicide again and succeed this time.