It is way past time we have a thread dedicated to the best time of year, soup season! Cold front blowing through, lows in the 30’s. Multiple places getting snow this weekend. Let’s have a thread where we post our delicious soups and also share recipes. Lets face it, we all getting old af and soup is basically porn.
French onion soup time. Jazzed it up with some clamshell mushrooms because they are delicious and nutritious. Just dropped the bouquet and broth and it is simmer-time! Dinner is gonna be lit yo! Also picked up some rustic sourdough and roast beef so I can make some french dips tomorrow. I love soup season!
Made my first crock pot stew of the season yesterday. Just a chuck roast in a shit ton of spices with some root veggies and peppers simple but made me feel good
Made lasagna soup a week ago. Turned out pretty well
My friend's BIL is a meat cutter for Costco Chili from brisket trimmings is pretty hard to beat but I still like a chowder more
This is simmering in the kitchen upstairs.
Looking forward to making lamb and butternut squash stew soon
Does your kid eat soup or are you working with dual dinners? Haven't been able to get this done with mine yet
nah, he doesn’t. He ate everything we ate up until about 2.5 then became a chicken nugget, hot dog, pizza roll, and pb&j expert.
Living in Florida sucks but I love soup anytime of the year and for any meal. Made beef bourguignon last week and will make my wife’s favorite Zuppa Toscana this week.
Pozole is great. I’ve seen some weird white chefs versions of it but the Mexican version in a hangover Sunday is great. Also being married to a Mexican woman “soup season” is literally year round. She’ll make soup when it’s 100 degrees and we will pretend it’s not hot AF.
Not sure how I got lumped into being anti-soup, but I won’t stand for it. I’ve been drooling over Tramp’s French onion all thread.