I saw recent local news coverage where the management were all touting their winter weather preparations, offering assurances of normal operation etc
Get youtube premium so you can watch battery jumping videos offline and then buy a family pack of condoms.
had to go into town today and it’s a fairly hilly area and there were 7 cars in the ditch on a two mile stretch until I got to the interstate from idiots that couldn’t climb the hill or slid off the road going down it this morning.
My friend is a moron and drank a little too much watching the game last night. He left his kitchen sink running with a “slight stream” but had the strainer pushed too far in to where it became a stopper and flooded his cabinets and floor.
Constant and I tried to drive down to the Cotton Bowl but we got stuck in Arkansas. Thank god he was prepared.
Should get close to 40 the next couple days. Hope we get a solid melt down. There were days where Omaha was 10-15 degrees warmer because of this damn snow pack around here.
That’s about 15 minutes from my house. The truck is headed east and going up a decent incline that with any kind of icy patches would be brutal, especially if you’re starting from a dead stop at that light in front of the Krystal. https://maps.app.goo.gl/zwvrFM2MxuNgzhWs6?g_st=ic
you’re in the mts too right? damn. we got about an inch near greensboro but they’re expecting more hopefully
yeah everyone always was surprised when i told them it didn’t snow constantly in asheville. the mts kill a lot of it
Alabama snowplow sounds like a favorite move of a lot of our posters at the frat house before hitting the bars
Refreeze scares me more than the initial event by a wide margin. We have 2 warm (relatively, above freezing) days with cold nights, then 48+ hours below freezing in the forecast before next weekend. And then precip Saturday. La Nina my ass.