It’s entirely possible a good chunk of those people are southerners trying to get back to ft riley. This is the highway out of town
I got house shoes for Christmas for the 35th year in a row. Which I never open to use. I’ll mail them to you.
Can’t keep your foot on the brakes, you’re losing all control that way and letting Jesus take the wheel
Just drove from Michigan to AZ and went through KC. Super happy we started our drive on December 31st and avoided going through this with a trailer full of shit
Gov. Beshear Declares State of Emergency Ahead of Winter Storm System Uhm, it's actually a Commonwealth of Emergency
I ran a quick errand around 3 yesterday and walked out onto the driveway and immediately ate shit, head over heels. I hope my neighbors had a good laugh.
Looks like we’re dropping below freezing here tonight for the first time in about 11 months. No precipitation from what it seems though.
Had to put a sweatshirt on this morning to start mowing the grass but it’s up to 70 now so I took it off
One of my daughters classmates dad's is a physician, during our ice storm last year he said he's never seen so many broken bones in his life. I don't know why you would even walk outside unless you're completely scooting around on your butt if there's even a half inch of ice.
Measured a couple of hours ago. Got 26” snow drifts and 14” base. Supposed to stop snowing this evening.
My son is a freshman in high school and he’s going on a 10 day hiking/camping trip in the mountains outside Taos, New Mexico this Summer. Everyone who is going has to do a series of qualifying hikes to prove that they are physically ready. They hiked 7.5 miles today in 3+ inches, still coming down hard. He ran 3-5 miles a day in the Summer/Fall for cross country and this might be as tired as I have seen him.