i'm not disagreeing with that, im just saying purity tests for coaches or boosters would show that we don't agree with most of them
Idk what to think about Sark. Turned mac jones into college aaron rodgers, did good work with other dudes, now this i tend to think ewers is just mid. the stuff Sark unleashed on michigan was A+ playcalling he can still script a game with the best of em
the outrage was more absurd than anything. most colored folks go to UT not worrying nor thinking that song is racist. and even if the song changed, so what? There would be no actual change. Liberals so hell bent about that song are annoying as fuck.
You can personally not care but saying all or most the folks who that song targets at the school don't care is wild. You can say it's one in a long line of indignities people have to take on the chin to mingle in elite spaces though and that doesn't make it ok!
The difference between minority enrollment at UT Austin and the demographics of the state are insane and about to get worse due to legislation intending to add to the problem. Acting like everyone should just shrug at systemic signals to racism and slavery in particular isn’t great in my opinion.
https://www.liveabout.com/ive-been-working-on-the-railroad-traditional-1322525 Amazing footnote at the end here: https://eyesoftexas.utexas.edu/origins-and-debut/ The minstrel show was perhaps the most popular form of entertainment in 1900 and was the forerunner to virtually all popular entertainment in the coming century — vaudeville, radio and TV. That “The Eyes of Texas” was almost certainly debuted in blackface is a regrettable reflection of the centrality of this form of entertainment in 1903, but the song’s intent appears to affectionately parody President Prather’s famous signatory line. The fact it was not written in dialect is evidence that the song was not created for minstrelsy.
From a school that has near worst diversity I feel like I can state this from a position of authority, but UT Austin has better diversity than Texas Tech
Not sure what your point is but we have more whites and Hispanics, they have more black and Asians. Tech also honors Hispanic heritage in our culture as opposed to slavery.
during that summer 4.5 years ago where for a short wonderful time people seemed to care about racial equality, the players on the team clashed with the boosters / AD over the ministrel orgins of the song with tom herman caught in the middle Sark came in and quickly established himself on the side of the boosters. The song would play and players would stand and sing That disappointed me. UT even established two marching bands - one that would play the song, the other for students who refused to play it. Dunno what happened to that
White - UT wins Texas 40% UT Austin 33% TT 53%Hispanic - Both lose, but if you have this amazing honors college and you're barely outdrawing UT Austin then that's probably a loss Texas 40% UT 25% TT 28%Black - Both lose Texas 12% UT 4.5% TT 5%Asian - Clearly another loss for TT Texas 5% UT 22% TT 3% TT - Bad Diversity
Yeah the fact that they refuse to stop singing a meaningless racist song says a lot. They aren't willing to give an inch on even the most unimportant tradition
“Colored” is a racial slur. It’s not the same thing as “people of color,” and there’s a lot of historical basis for why.
Kind of what I thought You just think people should shut up because it makes you feel things you don't want to
nah they can talk all they want that’s fine - but let’s not pretend it actually helps our lives if it was changed.
People should aggressively combat casual social racism as it's basically step 1 in making spaces segregated. Which despite current politics, is very bad
More white people telling me how this particular change for this particular song is needed. Fuck outta here. Virtue ass signaling bs.
To be clear you're using a black guy avatar while throwing around a phrase that has nothing to do with you as an identity politics shield to defend your preferred sports team. Just to keep things on the level.