Let me tell you another story that came true. It's about a virgin who gave birth to a man who had some funny ideas. That virgin was my sister, and her son Lyle has a learning disability.
Better get on yo job, tell em, haters get on yo job, nougats... at least I think he's saying nougats?
somehow I never watched this show. started watching recently on Netflix though and I'm midway through season 3 and I absolutely love it. I don't know how I missed this when it was airing. it's definitely in the upper echelon of network comedies for me with AD, Seinfeld, P&R...
Gonna be a whole day of team sports and beer. Gonna get the ole hear rate up. Pound a cheeseburger in the sun, throw some butter on it. I'M GONNA MAKE YOUR HEART EXPLODE
Finally getting around to watching again...can't remember where I left off so I'm starting at S2 again...I have a tough time deciding whether this or AD is funnier
At dinner the other night my daughter blurted out that she'd just spent $150 on hotdogs. I was the only one that laughed.
It's a fire drill. You coming downstairs? And stand outside in some line like an Italian? I don't think so.
My character seems too passive. What if I was like, "I need to have sex with both of you one more time to decide." I'm no writer but do that.
The Page-Off is pretty solid too. When Pete comes down and starts yelling "We're a billion dollar company - what are you idiots doing?" while the pages scamper is pretty amazing.
That reminds me of Pete's line later which is something to the effect of, "Kenneth, this is the National Broadcasting Company, nothing you can do will embarrass it."
Sometimes I'll wake up my bff by shaking her and saying "babe, there's someone in the apartment...who looves you."
Save it, Liz. I already booked the 911 bird. Winston, here, saved his owner by dialing 911 and yelling fire...but only because he didn't know the word for rape.
Oh, yeah, there's a garbage bag in the hall with a reef shark in it. Just throw him in the tub with a reef.
Some guy with dreads electrocuted my fish! Our basketball hoop was a rib cage! A pack of wild dogs took over and successfully ran a Wendy's! Our projects were never after Zachary Taylor, generally considered to be the worst president ever!
Oh I get it. Romeo and Juliet. Capulets and Romulans. I been there. I'm black, she's white. I'm black, she's light skinned black. I'm black, she's 17.
Oh my god, are you trying to ballon boy him? Liz, what's the one mistake those people in Colorado made? One mistake?! There was no kid in the balloon. When Jose jumps out of there or whatever, people are gonna go nuts
30 Rock is right at the top for me. It's my, put on every night before I go to bed show. No clue how many times I've watched it all the way through.
Maybe I'll buy NBC and turn it into the biggest Lane Bryant in Midtown! Oh yeah, Jerry, like you've got $4 million just lying around
Kenneth, you know how you told Tracy not to go into your room? Well, naturally, we thought you were a serial killer and, as you can imagine, your bird is dead
I am perpetually in a state of watching this show It is ideal to put on while cleaning or showering or doing anything around the apartment
This devastating wildfire... This horrible flood... This wonderful flood that put out that devastating wildfire.