It was great once, so what do we do? Remaster it and let everyone pay for it again! Odin Sub-Zero Jax Teller You BlazingRebel CUtigers Keef lazy bum Clutch Boyd Crowder Baby Herschel Jean-Ralphio AU3kGT lazytweaker Hoss Bonaventure
Sony is knocking these Re-mastered editions out of the park. Oddworld, Grim Fandango, The Last of Us, Metro 2033 collection, Dark Souls 2 with all the DLC, and much more my hat is off to them.
does bad ass mean extremely gay as shit? Hey man im just gonna mash these buttons for 20 hours and pretend im doing anything.
I never played any of the God of War games. Seemed like too much of a button masher game. I guess I should give it a try before passing judgement though.
I mean, it is a button masher. However, I'll be damned if it isn't a beautiful, wonderful story, button mashing masterpiece
Also if you want a simple platformer that is absolutely gorgeous pick up Never Alone it is free for PS Plus users.
New Assassin's Creed game, I'll still buy it. Takes place in London
Destiny will likely be the top fps franchise for the next several years. Embrace it or keep playing cod or battlefield.
I mean I'll take that too buy Skyrim is by far my favorite game of the last few years. Hell I'd still be playing the PC version if I had a better laptop or desktop to play it on.