The Playstation Thread: I was wrong, PS5 Pro sells out in seconds!

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by pearl, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. BlazingRebel

    BlazingRebel Dog Crew Founder Migraine Connoisseur
    Alabama Crimson TideUSA RugbyAtlanta BravesWashington CapitalsBaltimore Ravens

    Still can't get over the difference especially for games that rely heavily on the L1R1 buttons and analog sticks how much better they feel.
    Aussie likes this.
  2. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    Bruh you getting paid to sell these new colors?
    Jeffrey Lebowski and Tug like this.
  3. BlazingRebel

    BlazingRebel Dog Crew Founder Migraine Connoisseur
    Alabama Crimson TideUSA RugbyAtlanta BravesWashington CapitalsBaltimore Ravens

    Nah just really impressed by it Sony did something right.
    I wish
  4. The Goat

    The Goat Well-Known Member
    Arizona CardinalsPhoenix SunsArizona WildcatsArizona DiamondbacksLeeds United

    Is purple the only color with the updated controller?
  5. BlazingRebel

    BlazingRebel Dog Crew Founder Migraine Connoisseur
    Alabama Crimson TideUSA RugbyAtlanta BravesWashington CapitalsBaltimore Ravens

    Purple, pink , and light blue from what I've read.
  6. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also gay
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    I have to say I’m quite jealous of the customized controllers that Microsoft makes for the Xbox.
    You and TrustyPatches like this.
  7. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    I’d would’ve agreed 2 years ago but it doesn’t bother me as much now that I move further away from multiplayer shooters. I might feel different when overwatch 2 drops but then again, I might not. I really feel like the PS5 controller as it sits is easily the best controller I’ve ever used
    Tug and BlazingRebel like this.
  8. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also gay
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    I’m talking just the level of color customization available, not all the extra doodads they can do.
    You and TrustyPatches like this.
  9. Odin

    Odin fuck your cult
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesChelseaMetal

    sorry but 18 buttons with only 6 accessible with both thumbs on the joysticks is bad design that doesnt fit in modern gaming.
    nofatchildren likes this.
  10. nofatchildren - cissp

    nofatchildren - cissp Free Da Guys
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    I posted the same thing over on the Video game board. I put back paddles and hair trigger mods on my PS5 controllers because of it. The third party mod kits are actually pretty good.

    It’s so lame that Sony hasn’t released a “pro” version of the PS5 controller yet.
  11. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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  12. -Asshole-

    -Asshole- TMB OG Reject
    LSU TigersNew Orleans Saints

    Any one played Elden Ring? Any reviews/opinions on it?
  13. Odin

    Odin fuck your cult
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesChelseaMetal

    theres a whole ass thread
  14. -Asshole-

    -Asshole- TMB OG Reject
    LSU TigersNew Orleans Saints

    Thanks for the link.
    Fusiontegra and Tug like this.
  15. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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  16. Odin

    Odin fuck your cult
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesChelseaMetal

    -Asshole- likes this.
  17. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    the most expensive tier is for the oldest games. Is Xbox the same? Also looks like they decreased the current PS+ to 2 games instead of 3. And unless they start releasing NEW games on the service at launch then this thing is way closer to Nintendo Switch Online than Xbox Game Pass.

    They did this really quietly though as far as the reveal.
    prerecordedlive likes this.
  18. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    i think the “extra” will have quite a few ps5 games plus the 2 monthly
  19. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    right but the premium adds the oldest games. just funny to me. one thing "missing" for now is EA Play
    One Knight and fucktx like this.
  20. PaulKemp

    PaulKemp Well-Known Member
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    Is this just combining their existing streaming service with the existing PS Plus sub as slightly more expensive “options”? Seems like it’d be a smart decision from a marketing perspective. It’s a lot easier for people to say “fuck it I’ll take the better package for a few extra bucks” than to seek out a completely isolated service
  21. DeToxRox

    DeToxRox Retired College Football Fan
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    Playing old games via the Cloud will probably be bad. This doesn’t seem worth it in the slightest.
    Fusiontegra and One Knight like this.
  22. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
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    marketing PS Now and PS+ as two different services id imagine is a total pain in the ass. At the very least, merging the two together was smart. But this is not a Game Pass killer. Maybe thats why it was revealed quietly more as a "service merger" and not a whole big thing.
  23. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
    Ohio State BuckeyesColumbus CrewUnited States Men's National Soccer TeamSneakers

    It's a nice addition, but not as good as gamepass. Exclusives won't be available upon release, but you'll still have access to a bunch of games.

    I personally don't really care about re-playing PS/PS2/PS3 games.
    IowaHuskerFan3 likes this.
  24. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    They know that the hardcore fans are the ones that want the oldest games the most, so they are maximizing their money because they are the most likely ones to pay for the upper tier.
    Most of the people who go lower tier probably don't care about the older games.
    Once I see the list I'll decide if I will go Premium or not. if I can play Bushido Blade, Colony Wars, Syphon Filter, Driver, and some others again, fuck yeah I'm in.
  25. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    maybe but the value I still think is inverted. You'd have a higher chance of maximizing the service by having the most-demanded games available at the higher tier. It is not hard to market New 1st party games at a higher price point. Throwing a big number (ie. hundreds!) and putting a big price on it doesn't mean the value proposition matches the offering.
    One Knight likes this.
  26. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    Also going on record as being pissed off at all the people who will immediately call this a failure because it doesn't have Day 1 exclusives for "free" like Game Pass.
    The quickest way to make PlayStation go away is to force Sony to do that, so if you want to see the company implode, bitch away.
    They literally could not survive doing that. Microsoft can. End of story
    CUtigers likes this.
  27. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    not saying it does, what I'm saying is that the people who want to play the old games the most don't care about the value proposition, they are going to pay it whatever the cost.
    So in that way, with all the bitching about backward compatibility that Sony has been listening to for years, I think they believe the "most-demanded" games are the old ones, thus they put them at the higher tier.
    I agree with them, I may be in the minority though.
    And they are never, ever going to do the Game Pass thing.
  28. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
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    I don't think it'll be a failure. Sony has the exclusives that people want, so they don't need to give them away for free. Microsoft has like 2. There's also no way MS is making money off Gamepass.
    One Knight likes this.
  29. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    Yeah merging the two services was way overdue, but definitely not designed to compete with Game Pass in the large.
    Sony sees this as making their lives easier with just one service, helping put off some of the bitching about back-compat, and still having their cake.
    They don't need a Game Pass killer because, at least for now, they still have games that people will pay $70 for.
  30. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    yeah but people like you are getting the higher tier blind. Basically as long as theres a top tier theres a hardcore market for it, even if I shuffled things around.

    The main argument for the new games at a lower tier, in reality, is live services. Get more people into the ecosystem to buy add-ons which only newer games offer. The notion that Game Pass doesn't make money is nuts considering how much more revenue opportunity there is on top of the subscription itself. Imagine the revenue Halo is generating from people who got Infinite through Game Pass, just one (and the biggest) example.
    One Knight likes this.
  31. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    correct. What will get dicey is when MS does have those exclusives, and those days are coming.
    They are losing their ass every month on Game Pass, but they don't care and they never will because they have so many other income streams.
    Xbox might as well be a dog toy for them, they like having it and it brings them prestige and press and all that stuff, but if they throw it out and buy a new one tomorrow, who cares?

    What will really be interesting to me is that they have never shown the ability to be able to manage and get premium work out of their studios, so the trajectory of all the studios they bought will be fascinating to watch.
    They have had some good games for sure, but what games have they nurtured from the ground up? What has Rare done since they bought them? What has The Initiative done?
    Maybe I give them not enough credit for Halo but the series has been mostly a mess since Bungie left.

    I just wonder how MS can manage all their 1st party studios now, will be very interesting to see. Sony has a proven track record, MS does not, and that is what it really comes down to in my mind.
    #14432 One Knight, Mar 29, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2022
  32. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    Yeah they need to have the live service games at the lowest tier so people will play them, because even though they are likely F2P, Sony having coupled PS Plus to their online play means they need the lowest barrier to entry.

    I think you are way in the minority thinking Game Pass is profitable, and I don't really think they care. I haven't the slightest clue how many games in Game Pass have microtransactions but I don't think they are close to matching the expenditure of getting all those games on the service. The development costs on these major games are going to be 100+ million each, some way higher, and they have 20 of 30 of those a year at least. Recouping that $15 per month at a time is not easy task
  33. Seavie

    Seavie Loading tweet...
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    There any trick lately to getting a PS5? I'm ready to start trying. I updated all my accounts with accurate payment info. Walmart, Target, PlayStation, Best Buy, Amazon, etc.
    Is it basically still luck of the draw whenever there's a drop?
  34. fuckthestateoftx

    fuckthestateoftx ruthkanda forever
    Texas RangersDallas Stars

    follow this acct and turn tweet notifications on
    Fusiontegra and Seavie like this.
  35. Fusiontegra

    Fusiontegra My life is dope and I do dope shit.#SparedByThanos
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    Found out there would be a Walmart+ drop, was online when it happened, got it on first attempt. I think it’s gotten quite a bit easier.
  36. IowaHuskerFan3

    IowaHuskerFan3 I hardly husk.
    Nebraska CornhuskersAtlanta Braves

    Not sure if this has been discussed, but Returnal co-op with a friend is a top 10 game for me.
    CUtigers and Fusiontegra like this.
  37. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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  38. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    Saying the new tiers won’t add 1st party titles…ok not ideal but fine whatever. But then having mlb the show 22 being added to game pass in April?

    a little help Sony?
  39. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    I'm not sure Sony even considers the Show a big first party title anymore so it might come to their service on launch.

    They are talking about games like GoW or Horizon that cost them 100 million or more to make. No way they can give them away on a $15 a month service right away.
  40. bigCUM

    bigCUM Have you heard about Pluto?
    Ohio State BuckeyesCleveland BrownsWestern Michigan BroncosCleveland CavaliersCleveland Guardians

    From what I've heard thats more of an MLB decision. Its the same reason the show is on other platforms and not just an exclusive anymore
  41. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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    PaulKemp and chuckles like this.
  42. GrizzliesDrew

    GrizzliesDrew Fuck Freeze
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  43. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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  44. GrizzliesDrew

    GrizzliesDrew Fuck Freeze
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    Kids got Lego Skywalker saga. They went all out for this game. Awesome
  45. ButchCassidy

    ButchCassidy Well-Known Member
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    There’s so much to do and unlock in the levels. Way too many characters lol.

    i wanted it in part for me, and in part for my niece to play. I don’t think there’s much she could really do besides run around and break stuff. She’s 7.
  46. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    I know this will excite a lot of people and I absolutely adored these games back when.. it needs to be a really hard remake here. Keeping that original formula isn’t going to anyone to play those games currently
    BlazingRebel, Boyd Crowder and Aussie like this.
  47. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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    Loved Max Payne 3. Admittedly, it was the only I played though.
    One Knight and DUCKMOUTH like this.
  48. Boyd Crowder

    Boyd Crowder Stealin' money and blowin' shit up
    Auburn TigersNew England PatriotsBoston Bruins

    “The pills would ease the pain” is one video game line that will never escape my memory.
    BlazingRebel likes this.
  49. pearl

    pearl Fan of: White wimmens feet
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