The Playstation Thread: I was wrong, PS5 Pro sells out in seconds!

Discussion in 'The Mainboard' started by pearl, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    I started the generation with a PS3 then someone broke into my house and stole it. Got a 360 afterwards (because it was cheaper), built a friend group and by the time I decided I was going PS the next generation I’d have gone through 3 Xbox 360s and at least 10 of their garbage controllers. I’ll never buy anything Xbox related again
    Aussie likes this.
  2. Jake Barnes

    Jake Barnes Team Mac OG
    Alabama Crimson TideAtlanta BravesAtlanta Falcons

    Can confirm it runs very well on a base PS4. Also, this game fucks.
    One Knight likes this.
  3. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    I had to send mine in 5 times for repair. When it died the final time I just shelfed it. By that time it was apparent anyway Sony was making better games.
    TrustyPatches likes this.
  4. Daniel Ocean

    Daniel Ocean I only lied about being a thief
    Staff Donor TMB OG
    UCLA BruinsDenver BroncosLos Angeles KingsSneakersBook Club

    I guess I was lucky. Never got the RRoD and absolutely loved all Gears games and to a little lesser extent Halo. Wasn’t there a time Xbox was the superior console (games and specs) could be wrong.
  5. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    Xbox was more powerful than PS2 for sure. I'm pretty sure PS3 was more powerful but very difficult to work on. PS4 and XB1 were pretty comparable I think.

    I never considered a superior console myself though as Sony has just always had better games in my opinion.
    Daniel Ocean likes this.
  6. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also gay
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    360 was the golden era for Xbox, that’s about it.
  7. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    Came to post this, Sony fumbled the early days of PS3 badly, 360 had everything going for it and did really well for themselves, they won that generation but Sony came back strong at the end of the PS3 era and has been winning since.
    Daniel Ocean likes this.
  8. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    Lot of smoke online that Sony has signed some sort of deal with Konami and a PlayStation showcase at the end of the month to announce it and show what they’re working on

    I need a ground up remake of Snake Eater
  9. GrizzliesDrew

    GrizzliesDrew Fuck Freeze
    Donor TMB OG
    Auburn TigersMemphis Grizzlies

    Get in line...the promised Metal Gear Solid remake comes first.
  10. GrizzliesDrew

    GrizzliesDrew Fuck Freeze
    Donor TMB OG
    Auburn TigersMemphis Grizzlies

    Same. Full total: Atari 2600/NES/Genesis/PS/N64/PS2, PS3, Wii, PS4, WiiU, Switch, PS5
  11. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    The rumors are that it is Snake Eater.
  12. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

  13. Sanjuro

    Sanjuro Memorials usually don’t list the cause of death
    Georgia BulldogsSt. Louis CardinalsAtlanta HawksArizona CardinalsSt. Louis BluesWWE

    Pretty close here: 2600/NES/Genesis/3DO/Saturn(for about 3 weeks before returning)/PS/Dreamcast/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5.

    Shame the Dreamcast went so quickly because it was a really good system.
    pearl and One Knight like this.
  14. Dildo Dawgins

    Dildo Dawgins Well-Known Member
    Georgia BulldogsAtlanta BravesWWEGrateful DeadBook Club

    NES>Genesis>Jaguar>PS1>Xbox>PS3>PS4>PS5. Game Gear and PSP for handheld. Alien v Predator was awesome on Jaguar but the rest of the catalogue sucked.
  15. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    Oh gotta do the whole thing now?

    Atari 2600-NES-SNES-N64-PS2-x360-PS4-PS5

    Handheld category:
    Tiger Electronics-GB-GB Color-Game Gear-(gap)-2DS-Switch

    doesn’t count secondsry consoles wii,ps3,virtua boy. Feel like I’m leaving something out
    Illinihockey likes this.
  16. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    Dreamcast was amazing, I worked for EB at the time and worked the midnight launch, went home and played NFL2K until the wee hours of the morning.
    So many great games there, one of the best launch lineups ever. Soul Calibur and Power Stone, Ready 2 Rumble was fun as hell, hell even Hydro Thunder was awesome.
    And still the best versions of Blitz, Tony Hawk 2 and UFC were on that system. Never got a chance to show what it could do.
    pearl, Sanjuro and Daniel Ocean like this.
  17. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    Atari 5200 > NES > Genesis > PS1 > Dreamcast > PS2 > PS3 > PS4 > Vita > PS5
    Sanjuro likes this.
  18. SugarShaun

    SugarShaun A man of many hobbies
    Ohio State BuckeyesCincinnati RedsCleveland BrownsManchester CityColumbus CrewUnited States Men's National Soccer Team

    We had an Atari but not sure which one.

    NES, Gameboy, Genesis/Sega CD (at mom’s), SNES (at dad’s), PS, N64, Gameboy Color, PS2, Nintendo DS, XB360, PS3, Wii, PS4, XB1, XB1 X, Switch, Series X
  19. Illinihockey

    Illinihockey Well-Known Member
    Chicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago BlackhawksIllinois Fightin' IlliniLiverpool

    Intellivision - nes - super nes - nes64 - ps2 - Xbox 360 - ps4 - ps5
  20. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

  21. Goose

    Goose Hi
    Ohio State BuckeyesCincinnati BearcatsCincinnati RedsCincinnati BengalsReal MadridXavier MusketeersDayton FlyersTiger WoodsFC CincinnatiPGA

    Game boy, PS1, PS2, PS3 (broke), PS3 (broke), XBOX 360, PS4, PS5
  22. Detlef Schrempf

    Detlef Schrempf Back to Back to Back AAU National Champs

    Highly recommend Inscryption (multi platform), it’s a deckbuilder with twists and turns in a story that I really enjoyed.
    CUtigers and Jeffrey Lebowski like this.
  23. bigCUM

    bigCUM Have you heard about Pluto?
    Ohio State BuckeyesCleveland BrownsWestern Michigan BroncosCleveland CavaliersCleveland Guardians

  24. Jeffrey Lebowski

    Jeffrey Lebowski Obviously you're not a golfer
    Georgia BulldogsCarolina HurricanesAppalachian State MountaineersFormula 1

    Anything I can play a game on > anything that can’t
    pearl and One Knight like this.
  25. Lucky24Seven

    Lucky24Seven Ain't nothing slick to a can of oil
    Indiana HoosiersNotre Dame Fighting IrishChicago CubsChicago BullsChicago BearsChicago Blackhawks

    NES, SNES, N64, PS2, XBOX, 360, PC, PS4
  26. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    Genesis, N64, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, GameCube, Wii, PS3, 360, PS4, Xbone, PS5, Steam Deck
  27. harvey birdman

    harvey birdman Ha ha! Last laugh.
    ArsenalFlorida Gators

    N64, PS2, PS4, PS5
  28. Seavie

    Seavie Loading tweet...
    Donor TMB OG
    Alabama Crimson Tide

    About time for a new tangent.
    pearl, Aussie and Name P. Redacted like this.
  29. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

  30. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    One Knight and Irush like this.
  31. Name P. Redacted

    Name P. Redacted I have no money and I'm also gay
    Kansas State WildcatsSeattle Kraken

    One Knight likes this.
  32. Detlef Schrempf

    Detlef Schrempf Back to Back to Back AAU National Champs

    One Knight and Aussie like this.
  33. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    That's why I stopped reading.
    One Knight likes this.
  34. Irush

    Irush Well-Known Member
    Donor TMB OG

    Obra Dinn sucks ass
  35. CUtigers

    CUtigers Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersDenver Broncos

    Really good video game
    One Knight likes this.
  36. GrizzliesDrew

    GrizzliesDrew Fuck Freeze
    Donor TMB OG
    Auburn TigersMemphis Grizzlies

    Jeffrey Lebowski likes this.
  37. Boyd Crowder

    Boyd Crowder Stealin' money and blowin' shit up
    Auburn TigersNew England PatriotsBoston Bruins

    No sports games? Tecmo Super Bowl and NBA Jam are easily top 100. And EA Sports did put out a good product up until about 10 years ago. Feel like a Madden or NHL game could be on there as well.
  38. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    The good FIFA years>>>>>>>>>
    Fusiontegra likes this.
  39. Sub-Zero

    Sub-Zero ALL THE TOSTITOS!!!
    UCF KnightsMiami MarlinsOrlando MagicMiami DolphinsFlorida PanthersWWEOrlando CityTennisSneakersBig 12 Conference

    Whichever NHL game introduced the skill stick should be in the top 25 of any of these lists. That influenced how we played other sports games too.
  40. TrustyPatches

    TrustyPatches Demand whatever amount makes u comfortable
    Alabama Crimson TideChicago CubsNew Orleans PelicansWu-tang

    Git gud
  41. Jeffrey Lebowski

    Jeffrey Lebowski Obviously you're not a golfer
    Georgia BulldogsCarolina HurricanesAppalachian State MountaineersFormula 1

    MGS is also one of my all time greats. So many good memories playing that
    GrizzliesDrew likes this.
  42. Arrec Bardwin

    Arrec Bardwin La Araña Discoteca
    Auburn TigersAtlanta BravesAtlanta FalconsChelseaAtlanta United

    Any list that doesn’t have Spider-Man 2 from PS2 on it is total ass cheeks.
  43. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

  44. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    About fucking time Sony
    Aussie likes this.
  45. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    bro likes this.
  46. bro

    bro Your Mother’s Favorite Shitposter
    Tennessee VolunteersLos Angeles DodgersBuffalo BillsBuffalo Sabres

    my friend wants me to get Diablo IV. it is an easy game to play with the wife.

    a bit bummed Starfield isn't coming to the PS5, but I guess I'd get it for the PC if it is a banger. Skeptical of Bethesda these days tho
    One Knight likes this.
  47. CUtigers

    CUtigers Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersDenver Broncos

    Tug and One Knight like this.
  48. CUtigers

    CUtigers Well-Known Member
    Clemson TigersDenver Broncos

    I don't actually believe the KZ2 and MAG 2 reveals, but a man can dream. I've actually convinced myself of BB being there, though.
    One Knight likes this.
  49. Aussie

    Aussie Si Je Puis
    Florida GatorsDallas MavericksDallas Cowboys

    MGS3 remake
    Last of Us MP
    Spider-Man 2 gameplay
    Wolverine trailer
    Whatever Bluepoint is working on
    Maybe a teaser for Ghost 2

    Super long shot is Bungie shows off their new game.
    One Knight likes this.
  50. One Knight

    One Knight
    UCF KnightsTampa Bay LightningBig 12 Conference

    I feel like if they don't at least announce a 60fps patch for BB at this point its never happening... its been 620 days since the last time they had a show, if they cant blow it out here I don't believe its happening
    CUtigers likes this.