Just fill your helmet with gloves, socks, shirts, other soft shit and pack it all in then shove it in the suitcase. I've never rented a helmet but I'd figure out a way to bring my own (and integrated speakers, etc.) before fucking around with renting one.
After buying one, probably one that's a little too cheap but has saved my head still multiple times, it seems so gross to rent a helmet even if they clean them. I'm sweating my fucking ass off half the time as I'm learning and frequently having to burn calories walking out of soft snow or unstrapping, skating, then strapping up again.
Got a new helmet this year after 3 or so years of jumps and diggers. It looked okay but not worth the risk of getting in a bad crash with an imperfect helmet. Some guy decked me at Tahoe last year and my helmet probably took a beating during that fall.
my snowboard travel bag actually busted last year so I need to buy a new one for Tahoe. want one slightly bigger so there is a better fit for my helmet, which was always bulging thru the material.
Was planning on going to Copper this weekend but it’s going to be cold af so thinking not. Heard it was incredible last weekend.
I’m also skipping this weekend and going up Wednesday since I’m working the mlk holiday. Then a trip to crusty next weekend. fuck skiing in negative temps.
I’m gonna be freezing my dick off in Breck this weekend. Already paid to ski so guess I’m gonna be in hell Sunday.
Snowboarding at Bachelor. He didn't carry enough speed from the first kicker to the second and hit the knuckle on the landing. The impact compressed so hard it ripped the bone up. That section of the park is built for inversions and the take off was steep, he probably missed the landing by about a foot before he would have hit the downslope. He got screws put in last night and needs a second surgery this morning on some of the additional fractures you can't see in that pic. Goodish news is the ligaments didn't look torn on the initial scan. Pray to the snow gods for our fallen brother.
So in order to get any payback for the strike you only have to pay Vail $750 next year instead of a grand
I don’t know if it would have helped in that instance but I wear knee protection I bought from a small snowboard shop that has saved me several times. It gives great support and I forget it’s on once I’m out there.
Back on the helmet discussion, I’ve clipped mine to my carry-on backpack in the past. It’s a little annoying to have it at your feet during the flight, but makes sure it doesn’t take a beating from luggage handlers. Even better if you can slide it into the above head storage.
My last flight two weeks ago the women at the gate were psycho about everything fitting into your bag
That’s a good point - airlines are cracking down on this and I haven’t flown with a helmet in a couple years.
I stopped snowboarding b/c of this. It's stupid unless you can get a season pass and make it worth it.
lol at thinking it'll be the same price you'll get a 25% discount after they increase the price from 1,000 to 1300.
Anyone have any opinion on magnetraction snowboards? I've read a bit and given that I'm still somewhat of a beginner and the Jones snowboards sound like they're better suited. It's been very sunny and dry up here, no real rain in over a week therefore so no snow at Mt. Hood. The snowpack yesterday was very very hard and there's a short but very steep green run (something like a 31 degree angle) that I couldn't turn heel side on without my board slipping out underneath me. It was steep and hard enough that I basically slid down the entire hill. I know a lot of this is just getting better at carving, I did practice a whole bunch yesterday and can see myself leaving a line rather than a big spray of snow. I'm wondering how much a Jones board would have helped yesterday. I probably should wait until next season since it looks like I can't find any used board that's my size and a new one is going to run me close to $500.
Went ahead and bought a Lib Tech Cold Brew for beginner/intermediate carving progression of these after asking several more people. Kind of surprised no one here had any thoughts. I've got to hold myself to not buying another board for at least another year but this will be the first new one I've purchased since I started.
Guessing you're a lot better than I am and probably carve a lot better, I only found out about it researching boards that carve better in hard pack snow. It sounds kind of gimmicky but basically the board has a series of contact points on the edge to help it grip better. The board I currently have is nice but not as good for carving and more for powder.
Lived in Colorado for almost 3 years, heading up for my first ski trip in a couple weeks. Since my kids will be growing up here, I want them to get into it and they are the right age to start learning, so now I get to learn alongside them. Going to Keystone with some friends. I’m pretty athletic but I’m also convinced I will come out of the weekend with a torn ACL.
I just started skiing this year. If you’re athletic you’ll be fine. A lesson isn’t a bad idea just learning how to get on and off of lifts that sort of thing. How to lean when turning and where to put your weight. Don’t get too ahead of yourself. Also if you feel out of control just sit down on your butt instead of eating it. I’ve been 3 times this year and I’m about ready to start on blues. I’ve been to Eldora, Winter Park and Copper so far. Copper is my favorite at this point.