I’d rather they just never prescribe one. Let that e2 go as high as possible without sides (key part): cardio- and neuro- protective, anabolic properties, driver of male libido, etc.
High E2 causes water bloat which turns into HBP. There’s a middle ground that’s healthy that does all those you listed. Some also just aromatize way more than others *raises hand* so those negative sides that come with it suck. Or you can say forget AI and use notable DHTs that binds any aromatization away from those receptors
To give an abridged version, even though the science behind it is pretty cool. E2 is estrogen. When your testosterone levels increase, so does estrogen, some more than others. Increased estrogen is good for you as Capstone 88 pointed out, but you’ll also be susceptible to the negative risks (water bloat, HBP, gyno, overly emotional). When on Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) those who suffer from high aromatization (free testosterone converting to estrogen), Dr’s will Rx aromatize inhibitors (AIs) to lower your estrogen (E2) levels to the reference range. It takes a bit of trial and error to see what dosage works to keep it in range. The last thing that you’ll want to do is crash E2 because you’ll feel like a bag of shit physically and mentally
Yea for sure. I’d rather lean on not utilizing an AI, seeing where your levels are, assessing sides/bloods then go from there. I think people jump straight to it without actually needing it. To your second point, I’d rather just lower T to lower e2 to a manageable level and add in a DHT to fill the total need without any AI. I’m all for use as few tools as possible. And Mast is a fan favorite for sure
I got mine after my first blood test about 5 weeks into my TRT. My levels were elevated so they prescribed them.
From the true TRT perspective i agree. For those in bodybuilding/powerlifting, the T dosages are going to be above the Rx 100-200mg/week. That’s when it becomes more individual based as to E2 levels and how to manage.
aromatase inhibitors. (science nerd is here). they are used to treat breast cancer where you want to lower estrogen because the cancer is driven by estrogen binding to estrogen receptors on the tumor causing it to grow why did you initially get prescribed TRT?
Got labs done and it was “low” enough for insurance to cover it. Not really low but they gave it to me anyway. I’m not doing some gear I get from some dude at the gym. Rather go through my dr and have them monitor it.
Yea that’s what they were medically created for. They are also used during TRT to keep E2 levels in range. SERMs (Nolvadex, Raloxifene) are another cancer designed products that AAS users use to prevent gyno.
I’m on 180 a week so it’s not like it’s a legit full cycle of it. Bodybuilders will take over 1000 a week or stack it with other stuff. I ain’t trying to do all that. It’s just TRT.
I also tanked my levels before the blood teston purpose. Ate a fuck ton of horrible food and got super drunk the night before and then ate a huge breakfast.
Yay Novikov, biggest purse in strongman. Martins was not at his best and MvM is the worst judge ever. Mitchell Hooper and Trey Mitchell were awesome, I enjoyed that.
watching Martins’ video about the events and he agrees it was a bad call. would love to hear other guys talk out the events this way.
Haven’t seen that yet, he wasn’t in best form but wonder if those calls affected him some and may have been a bit ashamed MvM is a mess judging overhead
Watched it, good video but his 2nd press after the yoke was also terrible That purse is huge for them, deserve better judging
Random thought but Thor really seemed to destroy Eddie Hall, just looks like a fat guy with fake abs doing stupid YouTube videos like driving around in a tank.
Was doing Z presses with my brother today, had the most ridiculous grind I’ve ever seen. Got stuck midway through for at least 3-4 seconds, got left side locked out another 3-4 seconds later at least while right was still in midway stuck position, then somehow locked out right. If he was standing, 100% chance he passes out wish I had his heart, bit drunk and may not make sense
Yea so I’ll train this week and next week normally. Waving squat and deadlift intensity a bit to account for fatigue. Week of the meet I’ll train 2 of my standard 4 times. Nothing above 75% other than a heavy-ish bench. so very high level something like: Mon: SQ - 3x3 @75% Bench - 1@7, 3x4 @75% DL - 3x1 @70% Wed: SQ: 3x2 @70% Bench - 1@6, 3x3 @70% Compete Sat.
I get it if you’re peddling supplements to market that you look the way you do because of the stuff you’re selling but people like O’Hearn make no sense. He got called out a little while ago and probably is staying low key because of it
I think he still does claim it. He’s posted pics of him from hs football and whatnot and he’s definitely got good genes for muscle mass but at his age and to be in the shape he’s still in he’s definitely on some stuff.